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Everything posted by Spliff

  1. Hi, I am allso having difficulty using this sort of command, so I will be watching this thread closely. Please keep us informed of any progress. Thanks
  2. Can anyone confirm that the ACE_version is meant NOT! to be a .pbo
  3. Spliff

    RealTimeEditor 5

    just can't find the words.... thanx
  4. this project has my upmost attention at the moment ....very interesting and very usefull....keep up the good work Cpt.Murph
  5. Spliff

    Server recognising owner as admin

    @Deady... I very much doubt that
  6. Spliff

    Server recognising owner as admin

    works on Kiljoys go to jail principle....but is a little more harsh  the player who takes the slot,which clearly says   (*Admin* Only)   gets sent to position in middle of nowhere,removeallweapons,disableuserinput then blacked out with titletext                 * A D M I N *           R E S E R V E D  S L O T  ! !             press Alt + F4 to exit whilst the music played in loop is MCHammer "cant touch this" works atreat...crude but efficient  Depending on which mission it goes in depends how to use it, which mission u want it for.... ?
  7. Spliff

    Server recognising owner as admin

    Kremator; I once had a Domination map with Reserved Slots for admin.... if anyone took that place,other than admin they would be kicked....but once inside you have to login manually.Came in very usefull, if like me you are paying for a server,then the server is full and you cant get in your own....gets very frustrating..
  8. Spliff

    co30 Domination! One Team

    @wld427 <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">onMapSingleClick " if ((local player) and player == leader player and _shift) then { deleteWaypoint [group player, 1]; _wp1 = group player addWaypoint [[0,0,0], 0]; [group player, 1] showWaypoint ""NEVER""; [group player, 1] setWaypointStatements [""never"",""never""]; [group player, 1] setWaypointDescription ""MOVE""; _base = ""HeliHEmpty"" createVehicleLocal _pos; [group player, 1] setWaypointPosition [position _base, 0]; deleteVehicle _base; group player setCurrentWaypoint [group player, 1]; hint ""Waypoint Set""; } "; use this instead....works perfect for me credz to KilJoy <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> onMapSingleClick " if ((local player) and player == leader player and _shift) then { deleteWaypoint [group player, 1]; deleteVehicle wbase; _wp1 = group player addWaypoint [[0,0,0], 0]; [group player, 1] showWaypoint ""NEVER""; [group player, 1] setWaypointStatements [""never"",""never""]; [group player, 1] setWaypointDescription ""MOVE""; wbase = ""HeliHEmpty"" createVehicleLocal _pos; [group player, 1] setWaypointPosition [position wbase, 0]; group player setCurrentWaypoint [group player, 1]; hint ""Waypoint Set""; }; if ((local player) and player == leader player and _alt) then { deleteWaypoint [group player, 1]; hint ""Squad waypoint cleared""; }";
  9. @nuxil had this long time ago....check this if it helps scroll down to my post http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....;st=165
  10. Hi...great mod but several times i tried to join a server and i just enter as a seagull in spectate mode.....can anyone else confirm same,or have a solution...
  11. Spliff

    Mando Missile ArmA

    not got a PM yet so i sent you one.If that fails i can post it somewhere else or here....
  12. Spliff

    Mando Missile ArmA

    Kremator...send me ur description.ext and i'll put it in for you then send it back
  13. Spliff

    CSM Betav2 Released!!

    @Matt I understood this was a beta release and the above quote ask us to make points to note.....must have read it wrong
  14. Spliff

    CSM Betav2 Released!!

    When Realism Matters.... it does thnx.
  15. Spliff

    CSM Betav2 Released!!

    No,sound system checked out only week ago only the weapons meaning the Rifles and pistols,just a bit more punch thats all but as i said allready,its not a complaint
  16. Spliff

    CSM Betav2 Released!!

    weapons sound a little muffled but its not a complaint, just an opinion
  17. Spliff

    Item STR_03s01 listed twice

    ah....thnx Planck.... at least the mystery is solved.... i now know where it comes from, at least it is no rogue addon ... thnx for the info
  18. Spliff

    Item STR_03s01 listed twice

    I would also like to know how to find and cure it....it shows quite a bit in server.rpt
  19. First when trying to diagnose problems it would be better to stick with one script instead of keep changing things i.e.- You have now two entries for Message of the Day
  20. Spliff

    Symphony Of War

    ok np....rest of the sounds i find exellent....suits me fine
  21. ok, gunterlund probably made a better way of bringing it forward than i did....what i tend to find,if a pair of helo's are called...the first wave of attack seems all good from a distance, then as they get closer to the point of the call, they seem to spend more time trying to avoid a collision with each other,than "SEEK and DESTROY"....
  22. Mandoble, would it be possible to call a single gunship instead of a pair
  23. Spliff

    Evolution (Red+Blue)

    Never tried it yet lol.... saw your request and thought hmm..