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sir fragalot

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Everything posted by sir fragalot

  1. sir fragalot

    Steam workshop policing is meant to work how?

    This guy is highly suspicious in my opinion: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=445690789 filesize 390MB It should be mandatory to have proper descriptions about the content and information about author. This is why we can't have nice things
  2. sir fragalot

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Just a little question regarding the streetlamps on Zargabad. Do I have do "switch" them on in the init? Or how do I have to switch them on at night? Any help is appreciated.
  3. sir fragalot

    Tree Monster Mod

    when you set an ambush to that tree (like a booby-trap or something) and nobody is arround... will it make a sound when it fell over (disregarding the sound of the trap ofcourse)?
  4. does sickboy know about that? or did he allready throw it on the server?
  5. sir fragalot

    Namalsk island, v1.10

    sweeeeet! love the updated underground lair :cool:
  6. my guess is that almost all ace2-feature will be somehow found in OA because ace-devs are in cahoots with bis-devs. so i'm off to renew the aluminum-foil on my walls :nuts:
  7. it's one step closer to sharks with lasers attached to their head :biggrin_o:
  8. sir fragalot

    Namalsk island, v1.10

    that sounds totaly wicked hehe, looking forward to it. liked that sign you put down there
  9. ups sorry.... won't happen again
  10. sir fragalot

    Namalsk island, v1.10

    it seems this is an overall problem of some buildings. i love the underground complex, but when i place ai's (with rte) down there some tend to wander off through the walls where they fall down to the ground. they don't recognize the wall unfortunately...
  11. sir fragalot

    Identify the addon used in the video

    the appearance of the dark dust clouds also be caused by the environment lighting. look at the colors of the rest of the scenery just my 2 cents
  12. see it wasn't that hard and i also want to remind that there are always some language-barriers/-missunderstandings. before heating up..... cool down my mother taught me to say "thank you" if you get something for free ;) p.s. don't dare to say something about my mother:D
  13. sir fragalot

    Arma II & OA User Video Thread

    Some videos from our gaming sessions: Town Assault Part 1 Town Assault Part 2 Town Assault Part 3 Town Assault Part 4 thx to Briggs for recording
  14. sir fragalot

    Watkin Mountains, Island

    Nothing... just pure Island without trees, buildings and objects but still fun to play on.
  15. sir fragalot

    Watkin Mountains, Island

    You should definetly try that island. I had the honour to test it a bit and imho it has a great athmosphere. It's definetly something new (mapwise). Please keep in mind it's a pretty early stage. Great work Spirit!
  16. sir fragalot

    F/A-18E/F Super Hornet

    Frankly your comment is rude and unpolite. You even hadn't the decency to read the whole thread. Your comment is way too trollish. on topic: love to see that bird flying one day
  17. sir fragalot

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    Cool graphic and effects... who needs good story or inovative gameplay....
  18. sir fragalot

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Aren´t those rifles in 6th sense? At least HK416 I thought 6thSense.eu WeaponPack was about the M-14 / M-21 ? I am using the 6thsense-mod because of playing on their server and yes, the HK's (416+417) are in and much more.
  19. Hey Juan, DBE1 is the Queens Gambit addon which you have to buy if you wan't to use the maps. The new islands are using some objects from it.
  20. sir fragalot

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Hello Guys! If i had the slightest idea how, i would do it by myself. I am talking about Binos with a built in compass. Something like this: Would be great if someone would be able to make something like that And to all Addon- Mod- Map- and Scriptmaker: You are my heroes!!
  21. sir fragalot

    ArmA Photography I - No images over 100kb.

    Just a little impression from Evolution 4.0
  22. sir fragalot

    Laser Stamp

    Hey Bravo, haven't played your mission yet, but i have a little idea concerning that reviving issue. Is it possible to equip a soldier with a medi-pack or Defibrilator just as an item for gaining the "revive"-ability? So if your medic dies, one of your teammates has to retrieve that item. just my 2 cents
  23. sir fragalot

    DC3 Whats it like?

    The plane itself looks good, but yesterday as i played on the SES-QG Server the Evolution map, the DC3 sounds like a car imho. I always checked for incoming cars before i realized that it was just that plane. Don't know if it was a bug, but as the unmanned plane stood on the runway, it kinda bounced the hole time...
  24. sir fragalot

    1.07 - Content, not when

    Got a short qustion: Can someone please translate that?
  25. sir fragalot

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    As Kiljoy allready said (again) this "death-loop" was a bug in the very early state of 1.4e. So you have to download the 1.4e again and replace it.