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Everything posted by Shins

  1. Shins

    ArmA Effects

    Outstanding I'm using this with DMSmokeEffects so i dunno if there are conflicts going on but even if they are the results are amazing The rain especially is SUCH an improvement over the defaut BIS stuff. Top job dude.
  2. Shins


    I recommend Taksi for recording game footage. It's free (open source) and personally I prefer it to fraps anyway. There are much more recent versions but for my money version 5 was the best (i think the latest is 7.1 or something.) Check it out http://taksi.sourceforge.net
  3. Shins

    Durg's Vegetation Fix

    Can we get some clarification on how this could be used on dedi servers? If one ran this on thier server, would that then effect all clients or would each client need the addon to avoid conflicts?
  4. Shins

    DMSmokeEffects Beta3

    Any way this can be made to be server side only? I'm thinking sonething like VF's AI addon that lets server admins just have this in their server's addons folder without having to worry that everyone connect will need the smoke adon too. I'd like to have Viewblock smoke grenades on my server but i want it to be open to the public and have your sweet efects work for everyone. Also! Will this create conflicts with Madmatt's Arma Effects addon? They look like they're using the same smoke effects! armedassault.info even uses the same screenshots to show the two mods off look: http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=news&id=162 http://www.armedassault.info/index.php?cat=news&id=78 Are the mods related?
  5. Shins

    Anyone else using TrackIR in Arma

    If you use the TrueView mod Track IR works with stuff like Hummer turrets, turned out, everything.
  6. Shins

    KG Marek interview

    There's a grand interview of Marek on the constantly fabulous 'Rock, Paper, Shotgun' blog (www.rockpapershotgun.com). It's partly a post mortem of OFP, partly on life under communism. I'm posting here not the OFP forum because I figured it would be appreciated by ArmA fans as much as OFP vets. Marek Interview Enjoy!
  7. Shins

    Normal Mapping

    This is cool. I've generated a normal map using this cravybump tool but i'm stuck in texview now. How do i apply the normal layer i've generated to the texture? Can this be done within texview or do i need to define the normals in a config (as explained in linkersplits tutorial)? any ideas?
  8. Shins

    The uniqueness of ArmA

    5 years after OFP came out I stll hit http://ofp.info more or less every day and there was almost ALWAYS something on there, or in the editing forums that was new and exciting. 5 YEARS of newness. There's no other game or community like what you get from BIS. Like you say, unique.
  9. Not obvious. Does it work in MP or not?
  10. Shins

    Fastroping Addons Thread

    Top update Sakura-Chan! Ingenious way of editing the model too! Any rough idea when we'll be able to try this out? Months? Weeks?
  11. Shins

    ArmA like you've never seen it before

    Dammit Dsl!! That makes my touchscreen setup look completely sane and reasonable. http://www.syn-ack.com/touchbuddy/screenshots/zomgtehawsomes2.jpg
  12. Shins

    Mopar Madness!

    Sexeh! You MUST add a Yellow Camaro with black racing stripes (tranforming into a giant robot optional...) Top stuff Sir Sigma.
  13. Shins

    Need grenade footage

  14. So the wolf is out for OFP ftp://www.ofpr.info/ofpd/unofaddons2/ITWEAS_WOLF.zip Any takers for porting this over??
  15. Shins

    Fastroping Addons Thread

    This is what the BAS UH60's had in OFP and it worked really well. Sakura, do you still have OFP installed? If you haven't already seen them I'd strongly recommend looking at the BAs blackhawks and their rope/ladder functionality. ftp://www.ofpr.info/ofpd....AM1.zip
  16. Or, like, you know, you could just use paintshop/photoshop and save it off as a jpg...
  17. Shins

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    So it's a flag attached to the chopper with setflagowner? How did you define the extra-long, extra-skinny dimensions of the flags though?
  18. Shins

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    'Man' in the hippy sense, obviously...
  19. Shins

    ArmA photography - Questions&Comments

    WoW Sakura-Chan! The fast-rope look fantastic. Good work man, can't wait to see that baby flying in the wind *Crosses fingers for MP compatibility*
  20. Holy cow! (or wolf! That wolf video is AMAZING. Did that ever get released for OFP??? I loved the Doberman dog addon for OFP but i never say that wolf mod. Looks great, anyone got a link?
  21. Shins

    online .paa generation via website

    Cunning Stunt. Hey it works too http://arma.valuenet.nl/squadlo....rl=http
  22. Shins

    TrueView v1.0

    Vids look great, will try this tonight. Top work dude.
  23. Shins

    NIM Dynamic Weather

    I hope so, this is one of my favorite addons.
  24. Shins

    New truck by Sigma-6

    First up I know zero about this but is seems to me this might be possible using turrets? If the trailer portion was defined as a turret could some articulation be gained from that? Turrets currently don't rotate with the body of the vehicle IF MANNED so maybe some kind of script in the addon that adds/removes a 'gunner' in the trailer when a turn left/turn right input is given... Like i say I know nothing about how this stuff works. Just an idea
  25. At the risk of sounding stupid: What kind of ill-effects might i encounter if trying to run the Evolution mission on a 6thsense server? I'm thinking of making the PCF server run 6thsense (mainly because i love a lot of the scripts it uses and NIM Weather ) but i realise there are probably a load of scripting conflicts, correct?