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Everything posted by shifty-afc

  1. Try Reforger ppl, its OFP all over again with better gfx
  2. shifty-afc

    Loving what's going on so far!

    Same here, except for the minor bugs like the black scope. We need more updates and bugfixes.
  3. shifty-afc

    Whats your favorite gamemode?

    We played CTI way before Arma II in OFP. I talk 10 years back. Happy days. :D Shame its not there anymore.
  4. Anyone know the music that comes with this video.
  5. Got Arma 3 now, I think its the closest to good oll OFP. But still a lot of annoying stuff. OFP with Arma III graphics, thats what it should be. ;)
  6. shifty-afc

    "Receiving" screen then nothing

    Updated to 1.05 and guess what. Receiving problem is still there. Thanks BIS
  7. shifty-afc

    Patch 1.04 Satisfaction Survey

    Bad patch, receiving screen comin after 1 min MP. Looks like BIS has some work to do here.
  8. Its a long way to Arma 1.96 :)
  9. shifty-afc

    "Receiving" screen then nothing

    Does anyone use the -nomem in commandline? Edit: Ok that was to easy, after 1min play I got stuck on receiving again. Where to get the beta, coz this is doin my friggin head in. What a bummer. Edit II: Beta didnt help either.
  10. shifty-afc

    "Receiving" screen then nothing

    Ahum, I use the name Shifty since OFP1 so thats about 8 years now. I registred here as AFC coz someone stole my name. :butbut: Btw whats the lastest patch then. 1.04?? If so, Ive got that one and still have this problem. If theres a newer one please redirect me to a link. Cheers
  11. shifty-afc

    "Receiving" screen then nothing

    Same problem here, using version 1.04.
  12. shifty-afc

    Cant connect to MP games.

    I thought I install OFP incl latest patches on my laptop. To kill some time after work. But When I try to connect to a MP game (Internet via Gamespy) I click "Join" and I get "Creating Client" on the screen which always dumps me back to the MP screen with "Connecting Failed". OS: Windows XP Connection: Vodafone USB stick UMTS I even tried taking down my firewall and that didn't help. Single player runs beautifully. Anyone have any ideas? Shift
  13. shifty-afc

    Cant connect to MP games.

    Thanks Zulu, but i got the firewall set to allow flashpointresistance.exe and my internet connection is active.
  14. Still on the HD and will never get off.
  15. shifty-afc


    A demo is to make ppl buy the game and is often not as heavy as the game itself. You fell for it, now you have to upgrade ur pc. :)
  16. I was planning to buy the game so i tryed the demo first. Guess what, recieving message on MP all the time. GFX card is Asus ATI. Im a BIS-game player since 2001 (ofp-arma1) but i doubt if i will buy Arma2. I think i will wait a few months and go for OFP2.
  17. shifty-afc

    Game Crashing?!?!

    Same here, plays like a dream then after 20 minuter major lag and CTD. Had to restart my rig. Asus ATI card though.
  18. shifty-afc

    Obvoisly we want some gore

    Go play Left 4 dead. :bounce3:
  19. shifty-afc

    anyone still play ofp1?

    Still play it. Thats about 9 years now.
  20. shifty-afc

    ArmA 2 Demo feedback

    I had the same after playing for 20 minutes, heavy lag and crashed to desktop. Windows gfwx were messed up and had to restart the pc. First 20 minutes it played like a dream, I did run the benchmark and had 35 fps. I wanted to buy the full but im a bit uncertain now
  21. shifty-afc

    Patch 1.03 suggestions

    Plz make the voices the same as in OFP. Voices of arma and arma 2 are so stupid with those different pitches in one line. Its like an answering machine. It was oke in OFP, why did they screw that up. I really cant understand it.
  22. shifty-afc

    Can't host non-dedicate server on 1.96. Help!

    Do you mind sharing with us what the problem was. Might help other players with the same problem. Like me lol
  23. shifty-afc

    Helicopters in AA

    I still dont have a clue why in the world they changed the helo characteristics. And its the same with a lot of other stuff in AA they have changed for the worse. If it aint broke dont fix it I should say. But BIS has prolly a good reason to do so.