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Everything posted by sgt_savage

  1. Yeah Yeah thanks Pookie , I changed it :wacko: I been shooting the sks ingame lately so.. :P
  2. Our Pre Release Promo Video for 3.0b is out !!! Made by our good friend Nate, aka IN8II. Unsung 3.0b is now in the internal testing stage as the team weed out and fix any pop up errors. How much longer you ask ? Your Platoon leader is being briefed so, start packing your ruck your going back in grunt!! Just Make sure your m16 is properly cleaned and ammo mags are full ;) You can see more IN8II's amazing work here on his channel : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRXDwOQu3VHMm9d-Leg4tUQ?spfreload=5 Enjoy
  3. Unsung 3.0 - ALPHA Released 13/12/15 Finally its here ... A new engine, a new set of possibilities & enhancements as we progress to beta and eventually final release.The team has yet again stepped up and released something very special. With the merged talents of the old & new members the unsung has evolved into the Arma 3 universe. Its finally time to move away from the futuristic theme and rewind to the late 1960's in the sweat drenched forests of Vietnam.With a host of newly made units fully compatible with the Arma 3 engine and a superbly made map by razorback.... So lock and load grunts its gonna get hot in there...hot as hell Good luck .... You gonna need it. ****NOTE THIS IS AN ALPHA***** And not the final product !!! - Please no bug reports thank you Links here on our website: http://www.armanam.eu/
  4. Moderators can we lock this thread pls ? Thank You :)
  5. Ok its best to let you all know now , we MAY run over a few days maybe a week. We have all been head down adding new content we really haven't fully tested it. We have had a few errors pop up which will be fixed. We also waiting on our improved Uh1-B gunship with new model smoothing by DevilSlayerBain and a brand new paintjob by Shockley .. I hope you guys don't mind waiting just a little longer to have it all in game and working properly :)
  6. sgt_savage1975
  7. @ Wiki mate hit me up on skype we'll chat mate ;)
  8. @ Teddy i don't know if there is a language barrier or you just don't understand. Its not that simple just to pull a model out of there air. Even if its donated it takes a lot of work to get it in game.We probably have the most amount of aircraft ever released in a mod and there's still more that need work to get into charlie release. Adding more aircraft to our fleet at this this time is at the end of a long list of things to be completed. I suggest you head over to Air Cav Vietnam they might have what your looking for there maybe a mohawk....
  9. Thanks for kind words and support, we are glad you fellas are liking it. Me personally am not a fan of the Mediterranean or desert style combat where you pop an enemy unobstructed at 300m .. its like hmm yeah .. But having your visual sense decreased to 5 -10 meters really gets the blood flowing. Every step is in anticipation and at anytime charlie can pop right in front of you well that's far more exciting IMO. Loads more to come as we progress.....
  10. It is called the starlight Scope, 1st Gen NV ... Yes its in arma 3 and will be back ;)
  11. For those whom haven't subscribed to our Youtube channel here's the latest test video if the DSAI correctly configured and working .... No more Fasi and annoying radio banter that you cant understand .. unless you speak those languages that is :P
  12. Was thinking about this last week , I had some custom step sounds I made way back in OFP ... I will have to have a look on my external drive to see if they still there. Had some when you walk you can hear the dogtags rattle etc.. But these sound enhancements will be further down the line ;) BTW New video posted on our youtube page ;) ... https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU4hICEkIDLSKqnB-7DLgtQ
  13. But wait there's more!! :D F4 phantom, f100 super saber, A6 intruder, E2 hawkeye, A4 skyhawk, f105 thud, Mig 21 just to name a few :P the others I can't remember now .. :wacko:. Only a few will make it into the next release the others as we progress
  14. New WIP Video of Duong Island with new gun sounds ;)
  15. See we do research and read material , it helps us make the mod more authentic and real to world ;) On a side note our hueys are getting a much needed makeover and re-texture by Shockley (Formally from ACE) ... man they starting to look nice and its just the first pass !!
  16. Nice vid , However, LLRPS rarely got into fire fights or even done seek n destroy missions. Their main task was Recon Patrol and intel gathering .. thought i'd just throw that in ;) They excelled at getting in and out without firing a shot .. I liked the video seemed like you guys were having fun ;)
  17. DSAI Module in and working .. check out the new test video on our youtube channel here : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU4hICEkIDLSKqnB-7DLgtQ Remember to subscribe keep up to date with all the new WIP reports, Dev progress videos and interviews ... And if you guys like the video give it a thumbs up :) Sav
  18. Hey alex mate yes we have some scripting stuff Colum done back in 2.6 which needs to be bought into A3 ... Hit me up on skype chat :) username : sgt_savage75
  19. Ok seems people are still having a hard time finding the tunnel network so here you go ... Tunnel Entrance Tunnel Location on map
  20. *IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT* Ever since the Alpha has been released , its found its way on to steam at least 4 times. It has also been broken apart and some partial content has been redistributed by members of the steam community. So lets clear it up once and for all. We will NOT EVER upload the mod to Steam. The reason is their (Steam) license contradicts and undermines ours. Plain and simple. We have been asked by past team members to ensure that their material stays wholly and completely within the unsung, not tampered or altered in anyway except by a current member of the team as an official update or version release. So that being said we have taken a firm stance on this. The Unsung Vietnam mod must NEVER be uploaded to steam in part or whole. Any person found uploading , deliberately tampering or redistributing the "Altered" files will be targeted and action be taken against them. No permissions will be given to any clan or individual to distribute altered unsung content publicly which also means released inside these clans or groups. Its a shame we have to go to such great lengths to protect our work when some members of the community take it upon themselves to undo years of hard work and effort by the team. Remember we do NOT get paid for this. Its a free mod so please respect that .... We need the community's help, if you come across someone whom has stated they have permission by us (The Unsung) to re-release altered files or have tampered with our mod in any way please let one of the Unsung team members know immediately. If you have indeed came across a pack that has unsung content in it , please take a screenshot or picture and send it to us, try and obtain the name of the person responsible so that we can follow it up. Please help us combat this ever growing problem.... Regards, Sav
  21. I was referring to Da Krong back then when i posted that over a year ago... :P
  22. Well I finished the sound upmix of the weapon shot , reload and dry sounds in ohhh about 10 man hours :huh: I'm gonna go lay down and cry :cry2:
  23. And people wonder why sometimes we crack when demands are made and when repeatedly asked how much longer, are we there yet ? My kids act like that on a long trip. Any parent knows how frustrating it can be :P Anyway :) Like always we focus on quality over quantity... Our mod is simply not just compiling bits n pieces from pre-released sources then slapped together and stuck with sticky tape like others done in the past and continue to do ... This is why it takes a lot longer for our releases.