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spooky lynx

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Everything posted by spooky lynx

  1. spooky lynx

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    No wai for visas with Russia! I want to travel to my aunt easily without any border control mess:)
  2. spooky lynx

    Mi24-A, Krokodil

    If it will be some sci-fi mod - then yes. May be done but won't have anything common with real life operating of this warbird.
  3. spooky lynx

    Mi24-A, Krokodil

    Thermal scope and flares for the helo that was phased out in mid 80's?:) The only passive countermeasure that may be installed there is exhaust screening devices on the engines.
  4. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    Well, I don't know any significant reason not to have both ACM and SFM together, switchable. Or at least having all the planes in SFM and some switchable to ACM.
  5. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    Real planes, real locations where I've been, ability to change difficulty and recreate some real wars, some modding available - it's worth paying its price (I speak about FC). BTW, one aircraft playable - you mean DCS world with the modules like A-10 and Black shark?
  6. Very nice bird, there's many missions it can be used in. One rather strange thing for me is a loadmaster constantly lying on the floor:) Not game-braking at all, just funny look.
  7. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    Me was one of them:) And my friends too.
  8. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    If the DCS has easy mode it means there is no low amount of customers. Seems that ED doesn't have shortage of finances, especially if you talk about military contracts. So the reason, I'd say, is not in low income that is taken from their civil games. But just devil-may-care attitude to their fans. Why care about them if there are state customers?
  9. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    I can name at least one more option - to have both hardcore and arcade regimes in all their sims. Those who don't want to study 200+ pages manual and print key list on 5-6 pages (that was the only way to remember at least part of them:D) may fly easy way, those who are hardcore gamers turn all the options on and enjoy real-like flying. I don't know exactly but do A-10C and BS2 have ability to play at ease? I know that since FC1 Su-25s are made as "advanced model" without immortality and with overdrive always on. If the same goes to BS2 and Warthog - this means ED lost many customers by their own will.
  10. spooky lynx

    Multiple MG's on Heli's?

    OWP Mi-8 have working multiple MGs on their choppers, they are simulated via rockets too.
  11. spooky lynx

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Moreover I may drink this beauty and try to perform a flight on one of them.
  12. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    Is ED the only gamedev in the world? Whatever stops other companies that have already some money-bringing products to develop a sim that surely will also give them money? Well, let's not go far and look at BIS. Their main game was also rather niche product that does not have many customers and fans. I think everybody agrees that OFP series equalled BI studio and vice versa for a long time, isn't it? But do they starve from lack of money? No. They could get money without any payware patches and both ArmA and ArmA2 really look as other titles. So what hinders ED to act the same way? Nothing except the will to gain easy money, idea of them being unique in the whole world and curve hands of themselves.:)
  13. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    I have no hardcore simulations for some period of time. Again, they are not unique, and sim development won't be prohibited by law since ED is gone:) There will be another company which find a solution of making good sim and having enough money without cheating its fans. There were sims before ED, there will be sims after ED, period.
  14. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    At first I don't complain on the price tag of BS or FC:) I complain about weird behavior of talking about one and doing quite another. And naming thing that is patch in fact another game title (and selling it with full price). At second, Joseph Stalin said "There's no unreplaceable persons". I can't say there would not be any company that can't replace ED after its fail. "Good place can't be empty for long", and such sim niche is a good place. If now there's no rivals, it doesn't mean there won't be any after some time. Well if they don't have enough profit - they should do some other business, eh?
  15. spooky lynx

    Israel - Gaza - What should we do if anything.

    From the talk with my aunt and his husband (he's Arab) who live at West bank the main problem is the shortage of water and Israeli full control of it (and priority of water exploring is for Jewish settlements and towns). It's almost impossible to dig your own well on your own private territory if you are Arab.
  16. spooky lynx

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Infiltrate the prison and evacuate them home.
  17. spooky lynx

    ARMA3 banned in Iran

    You can shoot IDF since OFP:butbut:
  18. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    IMO it's better to have small but stable profit than try to make a bigger one and then lose already existing customers. Promise to make patch and then selling it as new title does not increase the number of game fans, isn't it?
  19. spooky lynx

    DCS World an LockOn FC3 Released

    Trying to sell slightly upgraded old stuff as new one wouldn't give them much profit too. Moreover it will make the number of customers even lower. Sad that they don't remember the proverb "Greed destroys" and "miserly person pays twice".
  20. Better? They even had very good air transport capability (Mi-8 and L-410). So do you mean adding L-410?
  21. In old good OFP times your mod contained both OT-62 and BTR-50. Do you have plans for adding the latter?
  22. spooky lynx

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Excuse me for the noob question, but is it possible to use Steam version of ACR with non-Steam A2:CO?
  23. I don't think it works:) Like the whole MS security software.
  24. spooky lynx

    Official DDAM Wip Thread

    Is it still ACE-dependable?