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spooky lynx

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Everything posted by spooky lynx

  1. spooky lynx

    Boris Nemtsov - Anti-Putinist - Shot and Killed

    And you surely can bring some official conclusions made by law enforcement organisations (not only Russian), do you? The same murderings sparked the protesters on maidan, in Syria, Libya. So... So-called 'color revolutions' are famous for strange murderings of people which are exploited as inflaming of protests and making people more enraged. So I'm not surprised in this case at all.
  2. spooky lynx

    Boris Nemtsov - Anti-Putinist - Shot and Killed

    Nemtsov totally failed in politics and now has almost zero influence. That's why he was one of the best persons in the role of an opposition leader, both for Kremlin and mentioned by you nationalists. Both could point at him and say "Look what a dope leads an opposition! Do you really want them to get in power?" and get predictable answer "Hell no!".
  3. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    Ehm... Would you be so kind and prove that Novorossia is somehow connected with nationalism? Especially when forces fighting for it include many nationalities and no proclamations made by Novorossian (both DPR and LPR) authorities recently contain any nationalistic idea.
  4. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    Unfortunately humans aren't all as Bhuddist monks. So I admit might is right. Just like British Empire hadn't got its prosperity due to peace and hadn't become the state where sun does not set due to other land's referendums.
  5. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    I suppose any Romanian/Hungarian/Slovak folk who say that their armies hadn't done anything bad on our soil during WW2 would get some lesson too. And if any Czech woud moan, I'd remind him about all that huge amount of weapons produced by polite workers of Czech industry and used by Wehrmacht. The main lesson I've learnt here is that some nations see nothing disturbing when it comes to agression against us. And if they lose - they start moaning about occupations and other stuff. Forgetting their own past. For example forgetting Polish agression against Czechoslovakia when the latter was attacked by Germany. And the only thing preventing them for becoming agressors themselves is only current weakness of their states. When Poland was mighty enough it happily drove its army against Russia to get some fancy things while Russian state was weak. Some time after the history was repeated. But just the opposite way.
  6. spooky lynx

    Boris Nemtsov - Anti-Putinist - Shot and Killed

    Well have you had read anything about recent massive suicides of Ukrainian deputies and officials belonged to "Party of regions"? I suppose you did not. I'm not so naive to believe that it is coincidence when at once many large news outlets make similar stories published just after story happened. Especially if there was no western journalist nearby. When the witnesses were only average Moscow citizens it must take more time to get the exact info (not something like "a male person was killed at the center of Moscow, no others were wounded"). Not 4 minutes. Maybe Sub-Human was there at that moment but then he has just steel balls if just after someone was shot nearby he was able to post at this forums about it.
  7. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    Well, since USSR English, German and French are mandatory school subjects. In most schools only two of them are learned, in some even all three. So, according to your logic, was USSR germanised? Despite you had some foreign language in school (BTW did it harm to you in any way?) you hadn't have to use it mandatory in any way of your life. And the fact you had Russian language studied does not surprise - you've learnt it just for the same reasons western Europeans often study English. Many of economical and political blocs has one main language for use. Often it's language of largest members. I also know that Polish-Lithuanian commonwealth was divided not only by Russian Empire but also by Germany (at that time Prussia) and Austria. Why don't I see any anger adressed to Germans or Austrians? Speaking about religion tensions, officially Orthodox church was main. Officially. De-facto, either during Empire or during USSR times people who were really religious had an abilities to follow their way of life. Despite leading atheist ideology I was turned to Orthodox after birth. So as my parents and grandparents. And none of them were prosecuted for it. Maybe particularly Poles were punished for being Catholics but here situation wasn't so strict. As one Russian proverb says, "severity of laws is compensated by non-execution of them". When you become a part of other state, you have to use its official language. Simple. Just like parts of Poland taken by Austria and Germany had to use their language in official affairs. BTW if you look at the times happened earlier you'll see that during Polish intervention Orthodox culture had faced serious troubles caused by Catholics. So that's common practice - establishing own culture in dominated regions. When Poland had enough might to do it - it did. When had not... well, sorry, folks:D
  8. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    Forced Russification? Where? Care to prove with reliable source? So bilingual school studying, road signs, official papers, quotas for nations in main univercities (yes, there was a mandatory number of non-Russian students there so sometimes they became students no matter of their real knowledge), lots of cultural national events, giant amount of money spent on building every kind of infrastructure in national republics (that's why average small city somewhere in Georgia or Uzbekistan looked much better than the same in RSFSR) - is it occupation and forced Russification? Vilas, I don't know what did you read or see but I lived in that country and seen by myself what were national relations.
  9. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    So you are trying to tell me, whose relatives had to flee from Baku due to crazy Azeri nationalism spark in one case and suffered all the sides of war in Abhasia on other case, that there was no nationalist propaganda there? And speaking about commie regimes in Eastern Europe... Well, don't you remember their predecessors being quite happy in role of occupants on pair with Wehrmacht or being good and reliable source of weapons to Reich?
  10. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    A small part of what GDR predecessor did in Soviet Union. Not even eye for an eye. Oh and you seriously overestimate the amount of machinery shipped to USSR. Much more were later bought in GDR, that's true. Even today many industry (and even medical) facilities use the hardware of GDR origin. I shoudn't say it's good but that hardware is still damn good.
  11. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    -blatant nationalist propaganda; the result is that all the countries infected with it failed to develop well functioning economy and society and all the formers fighters for freedom that shouted 'bag-trainstation-Russia' rush to former occupants and ask for any work possible. -it's always easier to blame some other outside for all the troubles. Sure thing, it is the Russia who sold and destroyed almost all industry, steals all the money from the budget etc. It's very hard to admit that nationalism and populistic slogans alone are not enough to build the prosperous country. That's why many people who weak enough to admit own faults blame damned Russia for all the bad happening in their life. Just like German officials blamed Jews and earlier Europeans blamed witches and Satan.
  12. spooky lynx

    Boris Nemtsov - Anti-Putinist - Shot and Killed

    I'm really surprised how quickly main 'free' media and opposition members spread this news across the world... Guys were you at standby regime? Had you any timer working and showing how much seconds left to this event? Even the family of murdered is not seen and did not give any comments but all the western crew is already mourning about their beloved friend.FPDR This event really shows to me that western elites don't give a crap about anything when it comes to reach their goals. Start civil war? Easily. Shoot the plane? Easily. Kill the opposition politician in another country and start media hysteria just after it? Easily. Just the same thing happened a year earlier when a number of persons was killed at maidan for sake of enraging the crowd and speeding up the coup.
  13. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Please don't overestimate Kontakt-5 ERA from late 80's that is fitted on few T-72Bs. T-64/-72 with Kontakt-1 ERA form the largest part of seps tank inventory. Just like those in UA army. And amount of late models of T-72B with K-5 is even smaller than that of modernised T-64BMs in UA army (I don't even say about T-72B with K-5 and some new optics). So in most cases UA T-64s meet their twins in the battle. The same goes to other armored vehicles. I watch news reports from battle zone daily and everything I see is regular BMPs, BTRs and other stuff that is used by UA army. Maybe some groups use more advanced vehicles but from what I see - in all latest and largest battles only old vehicles are used. And again I'd say. The hardware does not mean much when it's manned by poorly motivated and trained crews. Arabs had latest Soviet hardware since early 60's but that didn't help them much in Six day war (when Israelis still widely used WW2 hardware like modified Shermans and M3 APCs). South-Vietnamese air force was one of the largest in the world at that time and was equipped good. That didn't help the regime. And current US hardware is not the magic stick also that make all that Ukrainians who are escaping the draft to army now willing to go to front and fight. Also it won't magically bring skilled commanders to UA army. From 1991 until current days main thing they did is not training but selling the weapons and ammo across the world. Please don't read Ukrainian newspapers:) Seps had serious difficulties, yes. But they were never on the brink of defeat.
  14. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Have you heard about recently granted counter-mortar US radars? Two damaged, one captured by separatists. Also see what happens with M1 tanks sold to Iraq. Some of them are in IS hands, some are already seen in... Hisballah hands. Like other US hardware. So when fourth mobilisation is screwed and hundreds of Ukrainian males run away to nearby countries to escape it no US hardware will help. Current UA hardware (T-64s with ERA, BMP-2s, BTRs, arty systems etc.) are quite potent to deal with rebels. But the main reason of all UA losses and defeats is not lack of hardware abilities but incompetence of commanders and lack of morale. So... I'm not against sending any modern US or EU military stuff. Kubinka museum will appreciate new pieces in its collection and other military institutes will find interesting to study it.;) And for those who said about Crimean referendum happened at gunpoint and does not represent real will of Crimeans. Here's fresh GFK report made for Berta Communications with the help of Canada Fund for Local Initiatives. It states that 82% of Crimeans support the reunion with Russia, 11% rather support and 4% are against it. So it doesn't look like people were forced to giv their votes for reunion. Sure you may say that all the interviewed were FSB agents but still...
  15. spooky lynx

    Russia General

    Doubt it will happen. Although personally I am against that moratorium.
  16. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    At the video you can clearly see Azov emblem on black t-shirt. So it's not pro-Russian manipulation but another dumb attempt of pro-UA propagandists to cover stupidity of nazi batallions servicemen. Another example - this guy from Right sector tried to remove his tattoo with a piece of brick before being captured. How brave... https://pp.vk.me/c625528/v625528582/1d893/WNgaA1ix3bs.jpg
  17. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    From what I've seen by myself - they are good at riding in MRAPs after Russian peacekeepers' APCs (to minimize risk of hitting landmine) from time to time and sitting at their HQ.
  18. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Okay. At first videos there are constant threats to shoot POWs in nearest pit and shots near them (they are heard perfectly). Second video - first guy shows burned word "Separ" (shortened from "separatist" - often used by pro-UA folks) on his chest. Isn't it not enough for you? Or maybe you suppose burning some words on the chest is okay? Or maybe you feel okay with abusing teenager by the mob (second video, from 5:00) of mature males for his anti-maidan posts in social networks and forcing him to regret? Oh and I hadn't brought other videos showing interviews with separatists released from UA prisons and their stories - you'll definitely not believe it.
  19. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdRNoCmIE-M
  20. spooky lynx

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Although it's not about politics but about US: Ray Bradbury's house, sold for $1.76 million, is being torn down. Is it really so?
  21. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Well... Someone joked that "America will fight with Russia until the last Ukrainian". De-facto Ukraine is ruled from Mr. Payett's office. So if he provides an order to stop - Ukrainian officials will obey. But he won't.
  22. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    I'd say other way: every time UA armed forces being defeated by separatists and get massive casualties official Ukrainian spokesmen cry about Russian invasion. I've seen some videos with UA soldiers taken POWs today near airport. They say the same: they were told that airport is in hands of UA troops and their task is just to help with casualties evacuation. Instead of it they got into prepared separatist positions and got either killed or captured. Even brigade commander. So whose ass must be saved?
  23. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    Ehm... I'd remind that former Ukrainian defence minister said that tactical nuclear weapon had been used against Ukrainian troops near Lugansk. Various Ukrainian sources claimed UA army and other military formations fought with Russian VDV, Vympel, GRU spetsnaz, air defence detachments, EW detachments and Kantemirovskaya division (I hadn't mentioned other less large Russian formations).
  24. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    They look like T-80U/UD. And then goes a number of airborne vehicles - BTR-Ds, Nonas. Strange group. ---------- Post added at 00:44 ---------- Previous post was at 00:41 ---------- Read UA media and you won't able to count billions of attacks from Russian troops happened since last summer, and how many Russian divisions, brigades and spetsnaz detachments were vaporised by glorious Ukrainian soldiers.
  25. spooky lynx

    Ukraine General

    I've been quite happy seeing BTR-82 in the hands of DPR troops. Not so sure about T-72s with K-5 ERA, but at least we gave some fancy toys to Donbass guys. BTW some sources say that today a commander of Ukraine's 93th mechanised brigade (and member of Pravy sector party) Oleg Mikats was captured during failed attempt of UA army to attack seized airport. http://112.ua/politika/kto-idet-na-vybory-v-radu-polnyy-spisok-pravogo-sektora-121911.html From 0:40 you can see him.