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sniper pilot

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Everything posted by sniper pilot

  1. sniper pilot


    The main reason I'm interested in this game is because they claim they've made a story where you play just a normal person who is thrown into this situation and this is how he deals with it- Which is what made the campaigns of OFP:CWC/R so cool! So if they succeed at giving us something other than the mainstream "Cocky, reckless-ass SF" game, I'll be happy.
  2. Exactly, and Enad, you probably have FADE still activated thanks to your earlier pirate-sponsored vacation. :rolleyes: if that's not the case, just post in the troubleshooting forum, because it's obviously just a problem with only a select few.
  3. Post of the year! I couldn't of described OFP:CWC/R's campaign any better than that! With every release BIS learns more and more. They gradually improved upon their mistakes, all the while inserting new features and the new opportunities for faults that follow. And you can see the effort that was put into OA, It shows.
  4. LOL WUT? Call of Duty Modern Warfare had the exact same characters ArmA2 and OA has just with better acting and were probably better written. What i think most of us want is to GET AWAY from the unrealistic Cockiness and the "OMGz im so elitez becuaz im SF" attitude and more towards a realistic approach to the characters. These are supposed to be regular people with advanced training put into a situation that sucks, and throughout the game it should show how they cope with it realistically. Sure you can have one cocky guy on the team but when everyone at every other second is like "Give me a sec miles, my shorts are cutting me in two!" or "Hah! Its Like a laser show at a raid man" thats when all believability flies out the window. Though let me say this, from what ive seen of OA so far, is that it is 100 miles better than A2's acting. As can be heard on this youtube video: MQxoPPtb1nA Still for a game-development company this small, in this economy, with their budget and with the amount of support they give us, you cant possibly expect a product that is perfect and have Blackhawk Down quality acting (lol). This is one helluva series, and like with all BIS products they just keep getting better and better over time.
  5. Thanks Maruk! Only with BIS can you have the CEO provide such a constant flow of replies, feedback, and updates! Thanks again!
  6. I agree, I know tons of people that would have flown at no charge for BIS to the Czech Republic to have a chance at being a part of this great series! Hopefully next release BIS will reconsider! Though I have to admit, the acting produces some of the best laughs, and its pretty cool that its mostly all the developers voices :)
  7. Which version are you using Enad? Or are you still on vacation ;)
  8. Fully functional 3-D Real Time Editor Like A2's 3D editor probably. 64bit .exe for more RAM Support Not a different .exe, but ArmA2's new patch(1.7), and possibly OA's new one(.52) supports more RAM now. Ability to modify your Weapon à la MW2 Nope Ability to shoot from the passenger seat Nope
  9. sniper pilot

    Easter-eggs in Arrowhead

    Total Class. Absolutely no other developer would ever care. Great Job BIS! :)
  10. I remember once playing OFP for 9 hours straight, closing it, and finding out i was in the middle of another OFP game in the background! lol.
  11. Regarding the penetration videos, try putting people inside the empty vehicles and then see what happens to them. You might get the opposite effect.
  12. Great shots T.S.C.Plage! I love how BW mod looks in Arrowhead! EDIT: Another great shot T.S.C.Plage! Keep them coming please :)
  13. I absolutely LOVE it! Please do more, that was awesome! Though be sure to post it in this Thread!
  14. I remember one of the new sound features is that when you give orders you risk giving off your position. Have fun giving off your position when in stealth and your men are shouting :) (Correct me if I'm wrong) ------- Also, I'm curious, is it ATI cards or something else? Because there seems to be a serious split in player reviews here. It's either crazy bad preformance or crazy good prefomance when compared to A2... It also makes me wonder if there's a connection between this rift and what version (i.e. Sprocket) you may hav. And I can't help but play devil's advocate and wonder whether some of you are using a valid-legal copy or not. (NOT accusing anyone, just saying it would be pretty stupid to be complaining about preformance when your sailing the seven seas) So please post your specs and version and maybe we can find a pattern. Or not...
  15. sniper pilot

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Haha that's awesome! :) thanks!
  16. Now THAT is the coolest thing ive heard about OA yet! Thanks Armored Sheep!
  17. What's the big deal? It's easily moddable, hell I bet there's a mod out there RIGHT NOW that fixes that problem. Now to the bigger point- OFP/ARMA etc have always been a mod/addon/community based game, and always will be- BIS knows that, we know that, and the second it stops being that way is the moment that this series dies.
  18. sniper pilot

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Wow this is the first time i've heard of it! Pretty cool seeing where we got the ambient wildlife from among others. Though it would have been nice to get melée weapons. (Not sure how well it would have worked though.) As not to spam, how do you select moderators and what are the prerequisites?
  19. sniper pilot

    ON AIR: Official Soundtrack Operation Arrowhead

    Awesome! Sahrani Radio brings back good memories. LOL that armaholic commercial is priceless!
  20. Bad Intel? Maybe he's trying to show off to his girlfirend? :p You could always put in the intial line: "removeallweapons this" (or was it "this removeallweapons"?) *without the quotes of course.* Btw are those tall mountains real? Or are they the fake painted skybox types?
  21. Ouch :( Though, whatever the reason, it must have been a good reason.
  22. sniper pilot

    South Park using ArmA sounds? XD
