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Everything posted by shataan

  1. shataan

    % of game time decrease

    The game runs awesome for me. But I tend to restart the campaign after each patch update. I basicly to take my time, plodding thru this 1 really. Tbh, I am not really attracted to missions like " go find this guy for info adinfinitum". That`s rpg-like stuff, and frankly bores the crap outta me. Go find this info, maps, nefarious peeps??? Comon now. lol I like "here is a fire mission, go do it" stuff. Like we had in Flashpoint 1. If the missions don`t more interesting soon, I dunno if I will ever finish the sp game at all.
  2. shataan

    Where are the flares at?

    They creat a nice gound effect with the glow, but the flare itself in the sky as coming down is just pitifully done imho. Para-flares`d been better.
  3. shataan

    What's your music volume in game?

    No music. Max immersion. More cpu/memory cycles for teh game.
  4. shataan

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    Doh! Thx. addendum: Nope, a Campaigns folder in the Steam ARMA 2 folder doesn`t show up ingame as a playable campaign.
  5. shataan

    [CAMP] Chesty Puller

    Question, I have Steam, and the game is in the Steamapps folder. I put a Campaignes folder in the ARMA 2 folder, it doesn`t show up as a campaigne tho when I go to play. Any ideas? Thx.
  6. shataan

    This game is amazing

    The game doesn`t NEED to be totally real world realistic. It just needs to suspend disbelief to a degree. And it does do this. imho
  7. shataan

    Delta force game series

    It is too bad Novalogic doesn`t remake Delta Force 2, same game, next gen engine.
  8. shataan

    Nvidia 3D vision and ArmA II support?

    "The drivers screw up brightness and gamma settings on your display so most of the time you`ll have to uncheck the 3D mode toggle from the Nvidia control panel." I too have the 2233RZ. But opted NOT to buy the nVidia Glasses. Cause they DO screw up the brightness of the monitor. The Samsung 2233RZ is a brilliant monitor allowing 120 hz. But turn on the nVidia glasses and gone is the brightness replaced with a pretty dark screen view, and gone is your hi rez textures as well cause the glasses mask all the goodness. But, you do get a great 3D view, but my Gods at the expense of the brightness and hi rez visuals. I`ll stick with the 2233RZs 120 hz goodness. ;p
  9. shataan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    After watching a few more gameplay vids, it is looking like FP DR is a no sale for me. It does look like it will be really popular with the XBox 360 crowd. But feelwise it is not doing it for me. I`ll stick with ARMA 2..... and the impending Xpacks.
  10. shataan

    New patch 1.04

    "Only the "Default" setting uses autodetection - the other Low/Normal/High/Very High settings used fixed amounts - the trouble being we don't actually know what those amounts are..." surely this should have been a priority fix by now????
  11. shataan

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    I am not sure if I`ll get FP 2 or not. I love ARMA 2. A few of my buds are lacking the patience to wait for update performance/patch fixes. But imho the best is yet to come for ARMA 2. FP 1 was nowheere near as cool as it was 6 months after release and beyond. FP 2 LOOKS good in screens. A few of the animations look copmplete azz to me. Like how when you see crouching soldiers moving forward, they look like they gotta take a crap. Or how the weap swings unnaturally gamelike when you are running in the 1st person view. Now too bad FP 2 doesn`t sport ARMA 2s awesome motion captured movements. I use ALL the movements available in ARMA 2, and most games. Not liking how there is no lean feature in FP 2, and I heard there is no sprint?? Not to mention, from what I have seen so far, for me it lacks the FEEL of FP. ARMA 2 has the FP feel. When I watch vids of FP 2, I am reminded more so of COD/BF for some odd reason. But I will try the demo. I can see tons of ARMA 2 players jumping ship to FP 2, cause ARMA 2 wasn`t perfect right outta the gates. For players these days, even tho they prolly got lacking and unoptimized rigs(even the highend uber rig owners), they expect a fast gameplay experience and to be able to turn up=Max all the bells and whistles. They just wanna play, and have no patience for waiting, for optimizations... mods etc. ARMA 2 (accept for the still much needed bug/performance fixes) does it all right for me. I will try FP 2s demo, but it has to MOVE right. FEEL right, LOOK right, and SOUND right. And by golly it had better FEEL like Flashpoint once it boots up. I don`t want COD, don`t want anything resembling BF. Flashpoint is more than the just name on the box. Anyone remember Novalogics DF 1 and DF 2? Well, Nova slaps DF on everything they released ever since, but NOT 1 game after DF 2 deserved to have the DF logo on the box. It`d be sad if FP DR turned out to be FlashCOD. Or BattlePoint. ARMA 2 however is a win/win for me. ;p
  12. shataan

    STEAM troubleshooting

    Does Steam give us our updates in small doses? Cause I am getting 1 atm and I was sure I have 1.04 already. Oddness.
  13. I usually use the 190.38s for my GTX 295. I tried these 191.03s. They are nice, but I notice that the redraw for low ground plants for example with the 191.03s, they redraw closer to me (about a 10 foot radius it seems) and it drives me crazy. lol So I reinstalled the 190.38s. They perform well for me, and the redraw is at a better distance that I find way less distracting, hardly noticeable. I might upgrade to the 191.03s when they are the final release candidate tho. They do seem nice.
  14. "Do we get immersed and feel like we were there? Or do we feel like we just took part in a cheaply made, and thrown out the door game? Imo.. In many ways.. Graphics come LAST." I DO feel like I am there in the ARMA 2 gameworld. Content doesn`t immerse. The visuals and sounds do that. FP was cool no doubt. But the content didn`t blind peeps to the fact that the visuals were fugly. lol And FP was pretty buggy for the longest time after release. I played the FP sp campaigne 3 times. And tho there were some of the missions that were cool, not all of them were. It was the fanbase sp/co op missions and addons that made FP for me. ARMA 2 is so immense, I think it`ll be awhile yet till we see what it can really do. BIS did an amazing job of the visuals/sounds/motion capture/models etc etc etc.... for ARMA 2. I`d say ARMA 2 is more like FP than the new FP coming. But the real proof will be in the pudding I guess. Is ARMA 2 perfect? No, but they got at alot more right for me, than wrong.
  15. I know peeps won`t believe me when I say I get awesome performance with my BFG GTX295. Here is my specs: Crosshair III, Phenom 955 BE o/d to 3400 atm, 8 gigs 1600 Corsair, WD VelociRaptors x 2, M$ Habu, Belkin n52te Speedpad, BFG GTX295, Samsung 2233rz @ 120 hz Running in RAID 0 as well. Using the 190.38 drivers. Get hardly any noticable redraw. No problems with textures or flashing. The latest 1.04 patch was really nice for me. I use this for a commandline addon -nosplash -winxp -cpucount=4 And lastly I use WinLauncher with the same command line and have it set for 4 cpu cores... to launch ARMA 2. I use Steam ver. also. I have absolutely no clue as to why the game`s rocking for me. *shrugs* Just happy that it is. Hope the peeps the game isn`t being kind to atm, get it all sorted eventually. Btw I run all settings on Highest, no AA/AF, 1680x1050x32. 3600 view dist.
  16. shataan

    New patch 1.04

    This patch is amazing for me. Awesome performance increase, visuals quality, sound quality, A.I. quality, the list goes on and on. 1.04 for me is just awesome. I do feel bad for peeps that are not yet feelin` the ARMA 2 love tho.
  17. "I realize you are all pretty hung up on the modern or recent (as far back as 1985) era setting of the game series, and I love it too. But a Vietnam game using this technology would be incredible and to me possibly the ultimate conclusion to this game. Let's face it, the whole series is filled with imagery and military culture which is pretty heavily influenced by the Vietnam conflict. I can't help but be reminded of Vietnam during all kinds of moments playing this game. The naysayers are just being stuck up assholes. ARMA series is not strictly about being all neat and tactical. I can only imagine how awesome it would be to experience the game in a historic Vietnam setting, experiencing the chaos of battle and adrenaline-filled gunfights which this game does so well." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well said! Anyone who has played Vietcong will tell you, there is absolutely nothing that can compare to jungle onfoot warfare.... in a Nam scenario. A Nam game with ARMA 2s engine and A.I., it`d be a truly amazing experience.
  18. shataan

    New patch 1.04

    Everything seems to look better. Infact, I have hardly any redraw of distant vegetation, building etc etc etc. Almost not noticable to the eye. As well, no more rifle round sounds getting distorted.. I gotta say this is a pretty sweet patch update. Steam version here btw.
  19. shataan

    New patch 1.04

    I am on Steam, love the patch. REALLY like the head turning view now. You can see the weap you are holding very nicely. The only issue so far is that the sound effects for vehicles and rounds going off seems alot quieter. Gonna try to turn up the sound FX in the .cfg. They are at 5 right now in the .cfg. Ingame in the audio options I have both sliders maxed but still quiet soundswise ingame. Otherwise, love the patch so far. addendum: Finally! I issued an order for the heli to pick me up and drop me off in War Welcome sp scenario. It actually worked. Sweet. Was able to turn up soundFX in the .cfg. Love the way you move now when parachuting. You swing a bit now. Very cool.
  20. shataan

    next patch? performance?

    Well, bug fixes don`t = performance. What we need is a good dose of both bug AND performance fixes. I think peeps on the whole will feel better if they SEE that both are getting = attention. And I am sure BIS IS giving equal attention, but it is not reflected in the patches so far.
  21. What I have been doing was hitting spacebar, and scrolling to call support. Transport, then the heli would com with me saying they were on the way. Once inside, the pilot would say, where do ya wanna go. I`d left click on the map where I wanna go, and that worked. The spot would be marked automaticly as the LZ. And the pilot would say ok. Done. But this doesn`t always work. So I`ll try the posted idea tonight sometime..
  22. shataan

    Lack of documentation a major problem

    Ya know, I`d just be happy if.... IF the freaking tutorial missions just worked. I have never been able to get my squad buddy to pick up the gunner when I send him over there in the HV. Here we got a game with no docs for how to play it, and a small tutorial system, that sometimes if you are lucky.... it works. This of course bleeds over into the sp campaigne.
  23. shataan

    flares effect

    A good buddy of mine is using flares in 1 of his night maps. Cool effect. If you are only looking around you. The actual flare it self where you see it in the sky looks like a star basicly. No halo around the center. No vapour trails trailing as the flare comes down. Pity. I hope they change this. Para-flares`d be nice.
  24. shataan

    Choppers crashing into trees

    What bothers me about ARMA 2 A.I. flying choppers, is they fly way too high man. WE need to see more NOE= nap of the earth flying.
  25. How long will it be till we have the user mission reviews like we had back in Flashpoint? This would allow way quicker mission selections. I miss that. Same with mods for that matter.