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Everything posted by Raphier

  1. Raphier

    what happens when a team-member dies

    they don't die, you revive them? And translator is maybe sixth member of the team, the informant Alain "The Rat" Blyezki, former KGB agent, retired from service due major unsuccess in russia. Has fleed to chernarus, occupying it for 20 years now. Befriend with USMC Commander. Currently works with CPF, Team Razor informant. _ _ _ _ _ See BIS? I just make you a new character for free Â
  2. Raphier

    ARMA 2 High Command?

    Special Forces are a type of military unit. Not a rank! And its the later the one that prevails when commanding. Team Razor will spend alot of time on Chernarussia, they have the best knowladge of the place, know the enemy unit positions, etc... they will be well suited for unit commanding on the later stages of the campaign. Also at the end of "Harvest Red", instead of a 1st Sargeant Miles you could have a Captain Miles. Remember Armstrong from OFP? Started as private ended as an Officer... WELL, I don't think you'll get promoted from sergeant to captain this fast. That's few ranks up in one WEEK!
  3. Raphier

    ArmA2 - The Xbox 360 thread

    lol, nice way to make them feel sad about you (speaking of 'good night' and 'leaning to OFDR'
  4. No sir, I didn't say that I know how it turns out. Pay attention. From what has been revealed by BIS, the premise of this game is very similar to the real life situation in Georgia. Many people expected a Georgian-Russian armed conflict for some years, since there already was one in Georgia in the mid-nineties (the Ghost Recon story centers around a renewed war in 2008, even though that game was made in 2000 or so). I'm not privy to inside information, so I never claimed to know the details of the Armed Assault II campaign. So it is possible that the Armed Assault II developers wrote this story before the actual war took place, a point that someone above was disputing. Well, I kinda agree, it was highly expected. but about Arma 2 storyline, thats something well see....
  5. Raphier

    Vegetation sounds

    guys watch the USMC video again, the night scene, two of main heroes walking in the woods. If I'm correct, you hear vegetation noise in there.
  6. I see what you did there  Well, that's a relief
  7. Raphier

    Do things catch fire this time?

    Simulated fire can actually be very fun, but again, as long as it's done correctly (attempts to at least act and burn like a real fire, even if it isn't entirely accurate). People often get the idea of massive wildfires when thinking of fire in games. That doesn't always have to be the case, and unless the environment is expected to be severely dry, shouldn't be the case at all. It could be more contained fires like burning buildings and other structures. However again, proper implementation has always been an issue. fire fetish that way ->
  8. What?? Male genitals, maybe? I don't know the reference. I thought Rockstar just had the R and the star? Dwarden, anyone who paid attention to that region already saw the war as one of the likely next steps. Maybe BI Studios started this game not anticipating a real-life war, but still playing out on that tense scenario. you haven't even played the scenario, yet you know how the story turns out? just looking at the factions? boy, it's time to learn not to judge the book by the cover.
  9. Raphier

    Arma 2 coded in?

    my suggestion would be, stick to one language, it'll be much easier experience and more proficient. Â let's not play supeheroes, won't ye?
  10. Raphier

    New ArmA II Pictures!

    Hi walker I am sure this is. Kind Regards raphier
  11. I get a picture that they dislike all of factions that act violently towards the citizens of chernarus. Like if USMC does something negative, then NAPA ought to revenge, same goes to Russia. your idea sounds racist imho, like Anti-russian movement.
  12. Gametrailers video comments spark chatters... http://www.gametrailers.com/player/46722.html latest and all of Arma 2's videos.
  13. Raphier

    Trains after all?!

    Have equipment carry and train sabotages imagine, your train was sabotaged, your equipments fell sleek to the enemy, you will cover these things.
  14. Imagine you're running, and you get shot in real life- that will be same no it wouldn't be same, I can see normally while running :P I don't feel blur nor shake during running, never. In game another layer of blur is like two layers of concentrations - your eyes plus artificial shake blur. Shakycam might sound sexy, or look sexy for few good seconds, maybe minutes, but after a while you just want to get rid out of it.
  15. Imo it's Citizens -> NAPA -> ChDKZ -> CDF -> USMC -> Russia As in: Terror has striken the chernarus, It is believed the nationalists are behind it, meanwhile, ChDKZ decides to start a rebellion against CDF, which leads USMC to land on chernarussian soil, while forcing Russian Forces to engage in battle.
  16. Raphier

    Enter/Exit Vehicles animations.

    well, it's not bigger than animating the gun in soldiers hands :P scale is not the problem. you can change that. and let's not have animated gun reload, that's just eye candy too :P huge explosion smoke too. those little things are what makes the game, not actually graphics, but the details in animation side. They are what get you into the game alongside the sound effects great gameplay.
  17. yeah, rather show what's the game is about and keep it 'harcore', so it would only attract those who really want to play it, not just those who doesn't get this type of game and demand big changes (ubisoft)
  18. So turn it off then, problem solved But, what about multiplayer :O It's still optional?
  19. I find shakycam distracting from the actual game. Imagine you're running, and you get shot, just because you couldn't distinquishe a guy far away, because shakycam affected your concentration. (Crysis). I am all for small shake, but shakycam known from Arma 2 vids is way over-the-top, distracting from the scenery.
  20. Exactly. Just like in Battlefield 2! ...Ups But on this game you don't just fly over the carrier to rearm. How'dy you know INSIDER, GET HIM!
  21. Well, recording a HD resolution video at steady framerate takes some resources I doubt BIS will follow Rockstar's "example" with not including AA That's sounds so irrogant towards the fact, maybe they're using deferred lighting. Or if you're right, then, the game is either badly optimized or just simply they have shitty Pentium IV. (I doubt the latter two) Also, the blur effect is bad :O, I coulda tell you, in screens the blur was smooth as silk...oh wait, shops  (I dislike photoshops since GRAW, made me buy the game and now I have post-trauma)
  22. To add to the to Cons. -The lighting looks (as in all faction videos so far) looks imho, bad compared to screens (and gameplay vids before factions). -No AA? Seems like sceneries are missing Anti-aliasing -Graphics degraded? They seem overally less impressive than GDC08/screens (Church and Old grandma or that dog screen? Shopped screens ) -No shaders visible, Character models are lacking "detail depth", something Military vehicles have. ---------- Yes blame me for expecting more
  23. Raphier

    Enter/Exit Vehicles animations.

    Well, they have animation for openable hatch of UH rotor aircraft
  24. Explosion? no, but massive fuel flame, yes.
  25. For good few seconds I actually thought this vid was taken in Arma1 Â . NAPA street Alpha Assault asphalt