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Everything posted by Rav_Raven

  1. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @JamesSaga There is a way to initialize the corresponding scripts on the server and each player equipment without having to place a module in the editor (though not more efficient than the current method). In addition, we will need the addon is enabled as extender ArmA 3 and in its correct location. Really Need It? would go back in time, but if you want, I can list the segments of code that must be put in the init.sqf its mission to work.
  2. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @Rages123 That would be the holy grail of modders. unfortunately they are still good wishes. I alternate versions (slings) with some limited capabilities, but still in a primitive state. Even a chord with progressive physical sectioned for each subsequent current link, but even with problems and everything is top secret. If I tell you more, then I'll have to kill you (lol).
  3. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @Oktyabr It's like TheSystem says, the mod contains objects "slings" and LCD screen for the camera control (none is native in ArmA 3). It is impossible to distribute to the community without an addon. @Harzach Soon I'll update the mod with a section of physics. Among the added capacity will drop dynamic loading, the reduction rate of the helicopter to be charged and, if possible, the reduction in the handling thereof. For now, just added the pseudogravity those objects that do not have-as the "static" or "thing" class - that remain suspended in the air when released. @kgino1045 I do not use ACRE, but if you give me a link to download it (for ArmA 3) I'll check. I remember that version for ArmA 2 LIFTER had no problems with ACRE. We'll see ...
  4. Rav_Raven

    Speed Of Sound

    In speedofsound_core.pbo (Init.sqf first line): SpeedOfSound_core_logRPT = flase; (Must be FALSE)
  5. Module AF (All Fuel) Hi all. (I return to release material after almost 2 years ... I hope the community will serve) This post will be updated as it evolves module that deals with the distribution and use of fuel in simulated games. (SP and MP) In short, it amplifies the fuel consumption by type of vehicle and other factors as the weight of weapons and personnel transported the flight altitude aerial vehicles, the weight of the fuel, the flight profile of aircraft and helicopters (but not limited to aircraft only) and many other things ... The installation, use and how to leverage the module is explained in the accompanying manuals in English and Spanish. Support for ACE will be ready in a few days, but can start testing and generating feedback. Download from: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=17017 Download from: http://www.gamefront.com/files/21862103/%40RAV_AF.rar Little demo mission: http://www.gamefront.com/files/21866621/A_tanker_too_far_demo_Chernarus_rar Greetings.
  6. @terellef We're good. No problem. @Kylania Always a faithful companion, comrade attending. Thank you.
  7. Is this? forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?136035-Module-AF-(All-Fuel)-released The problem are the quotes (The example was done with a text editor that used a different style of quotes). The copy-paste the readme passed the problem and the community (copy-paste fanatic transferred the problem) The last example you show, it works because the types of quotes are correct. This is incorrect: This is correct: I remember that in an earlier post clarified the issue ... An updated, more advanced, with many models of airplanes and helicopters are allowed to leave shortly (including refueling probes for the Russian side and Sukhois IL-78, etc.) I just need to get some time ... Greetings.
  8. Rav_Raven

    F-14D Super Tomcat

    Hello VectorX96. One suggestion ... Adding some sections of radio communication between the KC-130J and F14 to refuel, I noticed that the inner sound is very high. Most planes have a coefficient less than 1 (insideSoundCoef = 0.4) and the F14 is of 3 (insideSoundCoef = 3), which masks much sounds in the environment. Greetings.
  9. Rav_Raven

    F-14D Super Tomcat

    Hi guys. VextorX96 fantastic model. I have added the new names of the variants of your v1.4 My aerial refueling module includes all variants of the F14 in the trial version (beta1) and this Friday goes a version with major upgrades. Greetings.
  10. In the pre-release video module shows a typical approach. Video showing the shortest time of coupling. Meanwhile, mission-tested the demo that is in the first post?. In this mission can be viewed as a tanker be placed in the editor. If you performed your tests with the F14 SuperTomcat of VextorX96 were not in the original version of AF, but you can download the beta1 that uses them. http://www.gamefront.com/files/21867038/%40RAV_AF.rar
  11. I am not addonmaker. I defend myself with scripting (I'm a programmer for 25 years. jeje). About the KC-135, I expect that someone in the community create one. My module does not modify the aircraft, only uses it. Obviously if the aircraft refueling system already has, not apply my system on it. Download (beta1) http://www.gamefront.com/files/21867038/%40RAV_AF.rar UPDATED: Including all variants of F14 Vector. UPDATED: Included Caracal (Mod OFrP) Enjoy.
  12. It's going to sound funny, but the error are the quotes from "refuelPoint" and "heightRefuel".The manual was made in Word and converted to. Pdf format (there is the problem). Sorry. My error. It should be: As for the F14D, I set the anchor points on the version last week. Perhaps Vector has a model. P3D for each model and not a basic model for all ... Be downloading the new version and will adjust accordingly. Thanks for the feedback. NOTE: Demo mission in first post.
  13. @Miller Mod OFrP necessary if you use the C-160 Transall and the JSDF mod is only necessary if you use the KC-767. For the C-130J or KC-130J only needs to CBA.
  14. Every vehicle is affected (land, air and marine) although most colorful is the air section.
  15. Hey. the EC-725 Caracal added to next version. (for now gather feedback) this setvariable ["heightRefuel", 800] (Must be in the init tanker aircraft, not in mod)
  16. Download link in the first post. Greetings.
  17. Sorry for delay... CreateSoundSource works perfectly in MP. This script works always in my missions on dedicated servers. The script generates a detection area for a specific side. When a unit enters that side, it triggers the alarm and stops the sound only when the unit is folded or left the area. // ******************************************************************************* // ** Funcion: SetAlarm.sqf // ** Description: Activate/Deactivate Alarm in zone // ******************************************************************************* // ** Autor: RAVEN // ** Example: nul = [side, object/center of the zone, Radius of zone] execVM "SetAlarm.sqf"; // ** Side is: "WEST", "EAST", etc. (with quotes) // ** nul = ["WEST", HQ1, 250] execVM "SetAlarm.sqf"; // ******************************************************************************* private ["_obj","_radar","_espera","_lista","_SoundOn","_activa","_esAir","_alarmOn"]; _side = _this select 0; _obj = _this select 1; _dist = _this select 2; _espera = false; _activa = false; _radar = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", position _obj]; _radar setTriggerActivation [_side, "present", true]; _radar setTriggerArea [_dist, _dist, 0, true]; _radar setTriggerStatements ["this", "", ""]; _radar setTriggerText "zone of detection"; _radar setTriggerTimeout [0, 0, 0, false]; _radar setTriggerType "SWITCH"; while {true} do { _espera = true; while {_espera} do { _lista = list _radar; sleep 5.00; _alarmOn = false; if (count _lista > 0) then {_alarmOn = true}; if (_alarmOn) then { if (not _activa) then { _soundOn = createSoundSource ["Sound_Alarm", getpos _obj, [], 0]; _activa = true; }; } else { if (_activa) then { deletevehicle _soundOn; _activa = false; _espera = false; }; }; }; };
  18. You can create a source of sound when the trigger is executed: _soundOn = createSoundSource ["Sound_Alarm", position Loudspeaker, [], 0]; ... and remove when no longer required: deletevehicle _soundOn; Greetings.
  19. Just add these 2 lines (color red) of code after creating the sound and link it to the dog. _soundOn = createSoundSource ["Sound_Dog", position _perro, [], 0]; _soundOn attachto [_perro, [0,1,0.5]]; [color="#FF0000"]_perro setvariable ["soundDog", _soundOn]; _EHkilledIdx = _perro addEventHandler ["killed", {deletevehicle ((_this select 0) getvariable "soundDog")}];[/color] The variable that refers to the sound of the dog is stored (SetVariable) in the memory space corresponding to the unit (dog) and when the dog dies activates the eventhandler that read this variable (GetVariable) and uses it to eliminate the sound (deletevehicle). Greetings.
  20. @CaptainBravo Check your mail. :cool:
  21. @CaptainBravo Locate this line of code in your script: _perro = call compile format ["%1", _NombrePerro]; And add these 2 lines below: _soundOn = createSoundSource ["Sound_Dog", position _perro, [], 0]; _soundOn attachto [_perro, [0,1,0.5]]; That's enough to link the sound to the dog. Something not mentioned is that if the dog dies, the sound must be removed (deletevehicle _soundOn). Try and tell me if there is a problem. Greetings.
  22. @CaptainBravo To use a sound source dog just change this line of code that looks like this: _soundOn = createSoundSource ["Sound_Dog", position _ani, [], 0]; Just keep in mind that the herds script creates a sound source each 7 cows. (Not one for each) Sound Class Sound_Owl Sound_Stream Sound_Frog Sound_Frogs Sound_Chicken Sound_Cock Sound_Cow Sound_Crow Sound_Wolf Sound_Dog Sound_BadDog Sound_SorrowDog Sound_LittleDog Sound_Flies Regards.
  23. Hello and first of all I must clarify that it is good to be back after a sabbatical of almost 2 years (I hope not to have lost touch :cool:) 1 - Create an AI center for the civil side (for example) _center = createcenter civilian; 2 - Create a group belonging to that side _grp = creategroup civilian; 3 - Create an animal (in this example is a cow) in the location of a logical unit (UL_location) and a random distance of 10 meters of it. _animal = _grp createUnit ["COW01_EP1", getpos UL_location, [], 10, "FORM"]; 4 - We put the animal in the "safe" to ignore any type of training group it belonged to a group with more than one unit. _animal setbehaviour "safe"; 5 - Create a sound source such as "sound_cow" (see the list of cfgvehicles for other sounds: dogs, sheep, crows, etc) _soundOn = createSoundSource ["Sound_Cow", position _animal, [], 0]; 6 - We attach the source of sound to the animal to move along it. _soundOn attachto [_animal, [0,2,1]]; I use it a lot in a script that generated their own groups of animals in dynamic form according to presence / absence of any side. Herds Generator: // ******************************************************************************* // ** Funcion: Herds.sqf // ** Descripcion: Generation dynamics of groups of animals by the presence of side // ******************************************************************************* // ** Autor: RAVEN // ** Parameters: 1- Array of sides to detect // ** Parameters: 2- Logic unit that serves the flock location // ** Parameters: 3- array of values ​​to calculate minimum and maximum number of animals // ** Parameters: 4- radius of the area of generation // ** Parameters: 5- class name to generate animal // ** // ** Example: nul = [[west,resistance], UL_location, [5,15], 30, "cow01_ep1"] execVM "Herds.sqf"; // ******************************************************************************* private ["_animal","_canMin","_canMax","_px","_py","_tope","_ani","_radares","_sonidos","_genera","_pos"]; _sides = _this select 0; _donde = _this select 1; _can = _this select 2; _range = _this select 3; _animal = _this select 4; _centro = createcenter civilian; _grp = creategroup civilian; _canMin = _can select 0; _canMax = _can select 1; if (_canMin == _canMax) then {_tope = _canMax} else {_tope = (random(_canMax - _canMin) + _canMin)}; _pos = position _donde; _px = _pos select 0; _py = _pos select 1; _radares = []; { _target = format ["%1", _x]; _radar = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", _pos]; _radar setTriggerActivation [_Target, "present", true]; _radar setTriggerArea [500, 500, 0, true]; _radar setTriggerStatements ["this", "", ""]; _radar setTriggerTimeout [0, 0, 0, false]; _radar setTriggerType "SWITCH"; _radares = _radares + [_radar]; } foreach _sides; _yaG = false; _aborta = false; while {not _aborta} do { _genera = false; { _x setpos _pos; _detect = LIST _x; sleep 1; if (count _detect > 0) then {_genera = true}; } foreach _radares; if (_tope < 1) then {_genera = false; _yaG = false}; sleep 10; if (_genera and not _yaG) then { _sonidos = []; _c = 0; for [{_i = 0}, {_i < _tope}, {_i = _i + 1}] do { _ani = _grp createUnit [_animal,_pos, [], _range, "FORM"]; _ani setbehaviour "safe"; if (_c == 7) then { _soundOn = createSoundSource ["Sound_Cow", position _ani, [], 0]; _soundOn attachto [_ani, [0,2,1]]; _sonidos = _sonidos + [_soundOn]; _c = 0; }; _c = _c +1; }; _yaG = true; }; if (not _genera and _yaG) then { _tope = count units _grp; _pos = position (leader _grp); for [{_i = 0}, {_i < count _sonidos}, {_i = _i + 1}] do { deletevehicle (_sonidos select _i); }; {deletevehicle _x} foreach (units _grp); _yaG = false; _sonidos = []; }; if (_tope < 1) then {_aborta = true}; }; The generator checks every 10 seconds by the presence of any given side and generates the herd (the distance of detection is 500 meters but can be changed in the script to your taste). For absence, remove the animals, replacing the same amount he had when removed, dead animals do not regenerate. I hope it is useful Greetings from Argentina.
  24. Rav_Raven

    Scripting reloading

    Hi, try this NeedReload