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Everything posted by Rav_Raven

  1. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @Dr@gon I am adding a routine to manage the helicopter when not used with WP, but in case there is a clear road map for the mission of the helo, I recommend that the WP where does fastrope place in the field of condition of WP the following: not (name_helo getVariable "fastRopeOn") When performing a fast-rope automatically initializes a variable in the helicopter (fastRopeOn). That shoots down the sequence and placed under a false value upon completion. You can monitor the status of that variable to know when the fast-rope is over and you go to the next WP. Anyway, you can expect to finish making updating and merging, where a mission will include sample showing just using that variable in a WP.
  2. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @Diesel5187 From v1.03 the diameter detection area changed 3 meters to 7 meters. Sure than 7 meters (3.5 radius from the center) is not enough?. Remember that control is the "geometric center" of the object. @Shadow.D ^BOB^ I've only experienced LIFTER duplication when running on SP and jumping from one unit to another playable. In that way you play?
  3. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @Kgino1045 Maybe increase the speed limit to cut ropes to not be as restrictive and review what happens to the soldier who falls to the ground. @Garbol87 I see what he says. I will modify the script to force the AI pilot to not do crazy. Thank you all for the feedback. Attentive to the upgrade...
  4. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @Garbol87 After last man down, the helicopter should be released from his position by the script and if there is no WP to make it move away, LIFTER sends it to a zone located 1000 meters ahead of the current position and the direction it has. Should not do anything other than what I have indicated. It occurs to me that other helicopter test to make sure it's erratic behavior and not something compulsive. So see if you need to change something in the module. Waiting for your comments ... @kgino1045 While down by rope is made, if the pilot is AI, the helicopter is frozen in position, but if it is human, monitoring the speed of it and if it is above 5 km / h, the rope off and who was by is returned down into. If someone was to fall, it is left to the will of gravity and speed it has at the moment ... Think it should be different?. Or freeze the helicopter in the air for human pilots?. That form should be applied?. Let me know your opinion so we can improve the module.
  5. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @serjames Hahaha. I did not know you could build a light track ... (I'll include in the filter class in the next version of LIFTER). Thanks for the feedback.
  6. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    LIFTER v1.04 Hotfix in first post!. v1.04 Hotfix Changelog: -Fixed errors JIP -Fixed error definition .rtm (fast-rope) Enjoy!.
  7. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Any use LIFTER mission (to lift object or fast-rope) mandating the module placed on the map (with F7) as explained in readme.txt included in the module package. This is because the module contains, in addition to scripts that give you the functionality, visible objects in the action (ropes and slings) that do not come with the original game. In addition, anyone who connects to played a game that uses LIFTER, you must have installed on your arma3 the mod. LIFTER operations to lift, are client-side and fast-rope are server-side.
  8. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @All Tomorrow hotfix (sorry for the inconvenience). Thanks and keep up the feedback.
  9. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    -Problem-JIP is easy solution. Just get home I see. -I will add a couple of missions pack (human pilot and pilot in charge) and throw a hotfix to clarify the issue a bit. 'Tonight will control the errors reported by (any detailed explanation of them is welcome) Thanks for the feedback. Greetings.
  10. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    New version (v1.04) in first post!. Changelog: v1.04 Addition: -Compatibility with mod TacOps helo's http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=22569 -Compatibility with mod Dutch MARSOF Units http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23599 -Compatibility with mod African Conflict by Massi http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=21897 -Compatibility with mod Kaelies' South Zagorian Army Mod http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24439 -Ability to move from armed boat to CH-47 and vice versa via ladder (human and AI) (See About_Ladder.txt for more details) -Ability to execute a fast-rope from any recognized by helicopter mod (See About_fastrope.txt for more details) Sorry for the delay and enjoy!. :cool:
  11. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Remember that since v1.03 the search area at the lower end of the sling is an area of ​​7 meters diameter (the geometric center of the object should be within it to be detected).
  12. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @cym104 Ofcourse. The mod is far from perfect and needs the contribution of each to improve it. I'll be grateful for the help you can give me. (I'll see what the UH-80 and HMMWV). @kgino1045 The CH-147 (Canadian) has some problems of scripting in its design, which have given me problems LIFTER. But I just tested and I can confirm that lift the Hunter.
  13. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @Daantjeeuh LIFTER v1.04 mod already has support MARSOF. @ cym104 I can assure you that after several years (LIFTER comes from ArmA2 January 2010) is one of the best methods to determine the possibility or not of a helicopter lifting an object. Obviemente, ideally, would be that each creator addon (BIS included) put in the config of each object, a property indicating the weight thereof. This does not happen in reality and never happened since Operation Flashpoint ( the predecessor of the ARMA series 2001-2002 ) and only the ACE mod for ArmA2 approached the ideal. Anyway, in real life "generally", the objects become heavier, are bigger and more powerful helicopters are also larger (again , I speak in general). So if volumes will compare and contrast with a table of limits based on the experience of raising and verify a vast number of objects and vehicles, can be sure to approach a reliable method to determine if a helicopter "may" or, lift an object. The only thing left is to determine where to place the object position on the helicopter (my main headache) because there are many objects whose geometric center is moved out of position and are on the ropes. The method is not perfect, but although improved, has proven effective and saves me from having to maintain huge lists of objects and compatibility with vehicles of different mods.
  14. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Sorry for the delay in responding. 'm short on time lately . The v1.04 of LIFTER has been delayed a bit, but is almost ready . I am currently finishing check for updates on MP . About the UH-80 and Hunter: There are not lists of recognized vehicles. LIFTER works with volumes comparison subclass objects. For example : The UH-80 has a volume of 1202.78 m3 (length x width x height) and representative vehicle of the subclass to which the Hunter of 119,993 m3 belongs. The ratio of their volumes gives 10.0237 (helo / mass object mass). There are values ​​that are taken as lower limits for each subclass (land : 15.5, sea : 7.0, air: 6.0 and other objects: 16.0 ) Current comparison is 10.0237 (less than minimum allowed for that subclass (car) and the action of lifting the object is not allowed. try a larger volume helicopter (CH-49 or CH-47) and see that it is possible. Example with CH-49 : Helicopter mass : 2966.21 m3 mass hunter : 119,993 m3 Razon between : ( 2966.21 / 119 993 = 24.7198 m3 ) that exceed the minimum (15.5 ) and helo can lift the object. Again, thanks for your patience and wait for news in no time . Greetings . PD: Something to enjoy while waiting ...
  15. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @Daantjeeuh MARSOF incorporated. :cool:
  16. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @SnowingJimBob Fastrope function may use the AI and human. @BadHabitz My intention to include the possibility of fastrope with LIFTER is that mod already exists within 80% of the necessary scripting (determination of types of helicopters capable of transporting personnel, exclusive filter helicopters attack vector location sling-now land-strings, etc.) and each helicopter created by the community, you should upgrade both mods (a task perfectly, simplifiable, fusing both mods). You have to see if the community likes the merger or prefer to separate them ... we'll see ... @AusCleaver I hope your tests. Remember that not all kinds of objects have physics (more precisely, do not use pseudogravity the engine) and are subject to a forced fall. There are many classes with this problem but it is always good to identify them all. Some images of fastrope ingame ...
  17. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Hahaha ... hopefully ... (although very similar). Sorry for the delay (I have not had much time recently). V1.04 will be released in a couple of days. I can confirm that in addition to the option of the ladder in the CH47, the ability to make fastrope for all helicopters supported by LIFTER actually included. This ability may be canceled if you want to use a third party addon or script for this task and leave only the ability to lift loads intact. Stay tuned ...
  18. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Thank you. Expect to see the next v1.04. Contain the ability to pass from the CH-47 assault boat that takes hanging by a ladder and climb from the boat to the helicopter (as in this spectacular scene from the movie "Act of Valor"). And (if I get with the times), the ability to "fast rope" to all helicopters currently in use. Stay tuned ...
  19. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    You may not (yet). But it is in my plans to do so. STAY TUNED ...
  20. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Ok, great. Now I will replace the download link in the first post with the hotfix (soon as you leave the ladder in v1.04 -with CH47- and "maybe" a call option rappel for all helicopter). Thanks for the feedback and keep in tune ... NOTE: (I have to think more in SP, but in MP I've played less than 15 times in 13 years ...)
  21. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @ICE_AGE0815 @Corporal_Lib[bR] Download: V1.03 (Hotfix1) I need to try this version that "should" solve the problem "PreloadAddons" class. I hope also the other problem solutions (_CTRL) although I can not be sure myself, since I do not get any of those reports in my development version. NOTE: Do not worry about the size of this version (has sections that will be developing in v1.04 and are not currently active).
  22. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @Corporal_Lib[bR] mmmm ... to be honest ... I've never loaded a mission saved with the addon. I think it must be a problem in the section "PreloadAddons" from config.cpp. I'm going to remove (not going to have great impact on the performance of the addon) and no further, these notices about objects "slings". Although what you show on the other screen (_ctrl) never happened in any previous version (strange), or any of my tests. Let me check that can be. I wonder if anyone else has this type of message. I'll make some changes and make a hotfix. But first I'd like to try send it and if the problem does not recur, we update the addon. Do you agree? Thanks for the feedback.
  23. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @Corporal_Lib [bR] The only dependency is LIFTER be enabled CBA. No dependence on any mod of helicopters. Basically, what makes LIFTER, the player is expected to enter into a vehicle for the "helicopter" class, takes his class identifier, and searches a list of class types included in the module. When it finds the corresponding positions assigned to sling data screen and camera position to the helicopter in use and sets the proper lifting actions. If you clarify me the kind of problem you have, you could always help you better. Greetings
  24. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    @Rages123 Mi-8 from Serbian Mod (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24703) D30 from RDS East Static Weapons By Reyhard (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24910)
  25. Rav_Raven

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    New version (v1.03) in first post!. Changelog: v1.03 Fixed: -Expanded range of search object at the lower end of sling (formerly 3 meters, now 7 meters) -Relocated position sling, camera and LCD display in cabine to CH-47F (resized by Aplion) -Redefinition of classes Nato Hellcats http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24161 Addition: -Ropes now down with dropped objects (there are still problems with the "static" class) -Configurable key (user10) to acquire and release the object to be lifted (still the action remains in the dropdown menu) -Nato Striders http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=24892 -Helicopters from massi http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=19346 Enjoy!.