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Everything posted by Rav_Raven
@Kocrachon Use some special script to respawn?. I have checked with basic respawn (description.ext and markers) and it worked fine. Maybe some script respawn system (revives, etc.) generate conflict ...
@redleouf Thanks for the info. I will investigate the matter. @Alexsegen It says as well Antorugby @VinniMe Since Operation Flashpoint, BIS have trouble getting their helicopter hit the exact spot (lol). I have provided a script to "push" the helicopter to the precise area, but is still a bit primitive. I guess in a later release we can improve the accuracy. Greetings. @All The helicopter CH-47 family now use up to 3 strings to fast-rope. There is a "smart" routine that decides how many use as a function of the quantity available and the number of troops deployed. You will leave this Friday or Saturday with other improvements and fixes. (next v1.06) Keep radio frequency .... Greetings.
@Kocrachon It should not happen because LIFTER not control helicopters. works on the player and when he boards a helicopter, assigned actions. Anyway, let me check ... Thanks for the feedback.
@All I'll add the suggestion with the code provided by Scar.arg and will release an update weekday along with some details that would get in the next upgrade. Thanks for the feedback. On integration with Zeus, I have to do this topic because I have no idea how to do it and I must inform me (if anyone has the info I receive Enchanted) On integration with ALIVE, I have understood that it does not work well with the development branch (which I currently use), then it will be difficult to develop something on that should be able to prove ...
@WarLord554 Use the alternate link (Mega is working fine) until Armaholic staff raise the mod at your own FTP.
@All This helicopter is ready for use with mod LIFTER v1.05.
LIFTER v1.05 in first post!. v1.05 Changelog: -Add: Examples missions on using fast-rope capacity (with WayPoints and without WayPoints) see Demo_missions folder. -Add: Compatibility with Boeing/SOAR MH-47E by Konyo (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25580). -Add: Compatibility with mod HAFM ArmA 2 UK Wheeled (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25368). -Add: Configurable key (user11) to initiate action fast-rope. -Add: Now you can use the action to fast-rope in helicopter unrecognized by LIFTER (read config_fastrope.txt). -Add: Is next to impossible to land with hanging load. Release it first, then land. -Add: If vehicle/object is too heavy to lift for your helicopter, will be indicated on LCD display. -Add: (Fast-rope) Human players no rope down by default, must indicate in the menu of actions during deployment (See About_fastrope.txt). -Add: Helicopter doors open and close automatically (if possible) for fast-rope operations. -Change: The object detection cycle at the end of sling was accelerated to improve reaction (25ms to 10ms by cycle). -Fixed: Action problems of ascent ladder for AI individual commanded by human (CHinook and boat-Armed). Enjoy!.
@kero81 Because there are objects (. P3d) that are not native to ArmA 3, all in the game, the mod must be installed.
Congratulations Konyo. This addon is a must in ArmA 3. Going to make many people happy. Disclaimer: Lifting capacities and fast-rope for this helicopter will be available in v1.05 of LIFTER I'm preparing (if all goes well, will this Saturday). Greetings to all.
That capability is included with next v1.05 (Fast-rope selectable for each human player). Maybe today or tomorrow is released. Keep tuned ...
Thank you. I try to get away with v1.05 (although is almost ripe).
@theNaCH LIFTER is impossible because you have objects (. P3d) as slings and ropes necessary for its operation. @janus0104 I have yet that topic. LIFTER is currently undergoing major changes that will allow code to use the fast-rope, jumping to filter helicopter lift capacity. Then we will see how to integrate it with ZEUS.
Currently, the function fast-rope can be used only by helicopter recognized by LIFTER. I am modifying the module, so that in the next version (v1.05) you can invoke the function fast-rope from the field starting any helicopter, except that you will have to pass as parameters the type of cord and anchor its coordinate geometry of the helicopter. I can not help much with the support ALIVE because do not work well with my arma3 since I have use the development branch (Dev branch).
It's actually not a bug. Some helicopters have 2 displays where rendered images. LIFTER works with one of them. The MH-9 and derivatives use the rendertarget0 defined in your config and the rest of the rendertarget1. In some, I noticed that the image is displayed rotated 90 degrees. So I decided (to release the mod for the first time) to use only one channel rendering, leaving the other idle. Well observed. No one had noticed yet. Hehe. As for recommending a Chinook ... everyone has something interesting ... that of Aplion is very maneuverable, has the best vision of Marsof from cabin ... Konyo is preparing his MH-47E made ​​arma3 (his version for ArmA2 is excellent and this will surely also) .... is a difficult decision .... (Here are 4:00 am ... I fall to sleep ... I'm going to sleep ... until tomorrow).
@not_majority When I gave him a chance to AllinArma had many compatibility issues. I'll put my team of research and testing (Carnemolida: my brother) to start tests on AllinArma and see what turns out.
@ICE_AGE0815 There should be no problems with respawn (men or vehicles). It was tested and hosted on dedicated server. Obviously, I have not used all variants script respawn there. Try to repeat the mission and see if the problem persists to clear doubts ....
mmmm....yes...can be done ... but ... be justified? ... many times .... that would be used under combat conditions?. Try to convince me with arguments and see. (lol).
@Shadow_MSOG With the current version (v1.04) you can order a AI under his command, to pass from the helicopter to the boat or the boat to the helicopter. You can even order you to lower or raise the ladder. @ltluis Thank you. Good to hear. @Antorugby Good suggestion. I will include one custom button to expand or cut the rope on v1.05. I liked the video (the first thing I see people using on a mission capacity fast-rope). I hope that more and can put in the first post as promotion. haha
Hello. If the AI is under your command, simply use the menu command with the selected unit and appear warrant. "get off the boat" if the unit is in the helicopter and "Up the helicopter" if the unit is in the boat. Currently I have not implemented an option for an AI group that does not have "human" leader can perform the task. I honestly do not think I have much use in a mission, as these capabilities are enjoyable only for "human" players. As for the CH-47 Marsof, is supported by the mod from v1.04 (I think) and it should work fine. Anyway, I'll check when I get home. Greetings.
I just checked and there are no problems in my dedicated server: Type : server public Branch : Development Version: 1.19.123771 What I did : - Mission with several helicopters and playable units respawn in base personnel and vehicles. Official - Addons (men and helicopters ) . - Unique mods : CBA and LIFTER . - All helicopters are recognized by LIFTER . - Helicopters destroyed after respawn, continue to be recognized by LIFTER . Player - of disconnection and reconnection server in same slot or another, all well with LIFTER . - Player enters helicopter ( LIFTER ok). - Players out of helo and reenters ( LIFTER ok). - Players out of helo and switch to another , ( LIFTER ok). - Played helo crashes with another vehicle carrying hanging . Helo and reappear and LIFTER ok player. I can not think what else to do ... I'm in the development branch. someone to check in the " normal" version please. Disclaimer: The Physical Object released remains erratic , since yesterday dedicated server but works perfectly on hosted server and single player . Today , there was an upgrade of 150 Mbytes , but everything stays the same .... :936:
Thanks for the feedback . Yesterday we had inconsistencies with dedicated and released objects ( detach command) server, we hope that with the next update of BIS was resolved ) . There are currently two visual aids to know that object is selected to be raised (before attach ) and are 1 - the activation en hitch that is at the menu command (eg Hunter Lift or Lift Ammobox , etc) and 2 - a box of dotted lines on the LCD display on the object to be lifted . Furthermore, if the object is in your config, to display an image , the image is displayed on the top right corner of the LCD display . Besides all that , the warning "LIFT " or "NO LIFT" in the lower right corner is shown to be certain whether the object is in a good position to lift . If little, please , I would like to know some opinion, to better support the uprising. On deaths on the server , we performed extensive testing to force (normal and JIP ) actions and found no problems, but we will check again. (Best hunter is the prey can escape , haha). Thanks for the feedback .
@DirtyDel Not yet, but the AI scripts to move objects with LIFTER are in development and will arrive in one of the future releases. (sooner than it seems).
I just try everything and came to the conclusion that the problem is BIS upgrade the day of today. I can confirm what janus0104 reports. The physics is erratic for dropped objects when the game is played on a dedicated server. But when we run the same mission running on a hosted server, everything behaves as it should. I tried the same mission with third party mods and without (BIS only) and history repeats itself. Dedicated server is unstable. Until last night all that perfect and today (including upgrade of 339 Mbytes) everything goes down the drain. If someone can confirm this I would appreciate (test dedicated server versus hosted server). If confirmed, hopefully with the next update is fixed. Have patience... -About lifting light armored vehicles, LIFTER can. Remember that the ability to do so depends on the comparison between helicopter and cargo volumes. -About to move objects around vehicles. I will reveal something that will come later (and perhaps in a separate mod LIFTER) and is creating a mod for staff (human and AI) can manipulate ammo boxes and other small things and a hoist for heavier loads. Scripts are already functional, but as only fight back with no-addons addonmaker am-I have enough work to do. Be patient. Slowly filling the gaps will that leaves the simulator (in this case, the logistics of war).
@janus0104 Just finish work and get home I check. Thanks for the feedback.
@Shadow.D. ^BOB^ Ok. Waiting your feedback. Greetings