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Everything posted by Rav_Raven
@Sarallon That has never happened before. Let me try to repeat it ... @thx1137 It should not happen with the v1.06 fix. Have you updated?. @macchky Curator Mod Presets have downloaded but have not installed it yet. Set it up and see what happens ... Someone who can confirm?
Thanks Needer. :cool: Someone to provide data on a game with several people in dedicated server?
There's a new @CBA mmmm.... I'll check it. Can anyone confirm? ---------- Post added at 02:16 ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 ---------- @macchky Update @CBA and reproduced their indications. There were no problems in hosted server or dedicated server. Hopefully someone more input data to be sure. Anyway, try disabling mods to clear doubts about incompatibilities ...
Hot Fix #1 (v1.06) in first post!. Changelog: v1.06.1 (Hotfix #1) -Fixed bottleneck stage initialization process of background in main menu of ArmA 3. Enjoy!.
@Sonsalt6 Congratulations on being alert, but this fix is still not well tested. May need tweaking. Hopefully everything works fine. :rolleyes: Edit: Apparently works well in dedicated.
@Hoizen The sling should detect the truck separately from the water tanks. But I understand that I must be really running their centers and we must be especially difficult to select one. I'm about to release a fix in v1.06 and I will include the ability to ignore a true putting in your memory space the variable "NOlift" object. example: water_tank SetVariable ["NOlift", true, true]; Then only they can lift objects that have this variable to "false" or who do not have defined. Wait for the release ... ---------- Post added at 20:28 ---------- Previous post was at 20:25 ---------- @All It is good for the fix to work properly. Can anyone confirm if it works well on a dedicated server with several players simultaneously?.
@Totalham You must have the addon installed to use it. Sorry, but the scripts work together with animated sections and points of memory models slings, screens and ropes. @All I need to try this fix that should solve the bottleneck problem in loading the main menu. LIFTER v1.06 (Fix #1) Please, report their performance, and if all goes well, we distribute. Thank you.
The mod is Client-side functions for lifting and Server-side for fast-rope, but everyone should have the mod downloaded and enabled and that are synchronized with the server and also objects using LIFTER (ropes, slings and screen LCD cab) must exist in the player stations to see and use.
To make your tests, here is the link to the previous version: Link LIFTER v1.05 But I think they have given me the info I need. I-must-verify that the problem is when arma3 starts with a world loaded. I always do with-world = empty in the command line to speed up the boot. Surely at this stage with a bottleneck phase synchronization occurs ALIVE. Need to prove the stable version with clause -world=empty in arma3 shortcut to substantiate how it behaves. Stay tuned ... and thanks for the feedback
(Let me clarify that I am in the development branch version: 1.21.124479 and ALiVE required 1.14.116248) Testing with the mission: Pyrgos Assault v1.11 (downloaded from alivemod.com) The start times of the mission with the test modules are: LIFTER v1.05 Test 1: Zeus + MCC + ALive + Cba + LIFTER: 137,018 seconds LIFTER v1.06 Test 1 - Zeus + MCC + ALiVE + Cba + LIFTER: 137,401 seconds The times are similar. So I decided to start removing mods ... Test 2 - Zeus + MCC + ALive + Cba: 137,109 seconds Test 3 - Zeus + ALiVE + Cba: 135,044 seconds Test 4 - ALiVE + Cba: 133,532 seconds The times were taken directly from the record that generates ALIVE in the RPT. As you can see, LIFTER no significant impact. No is a conflict with MCC appreciated. (tests 2 and 3). I can not prove only with ALiVE because requires CBA. Would appreciate if someone can provide test results in the stable branch. I am listening ...
It is strange. Support for MCC was the first thing I checked when developing version. Let me check. Thanks for the feedback. Keep tuned ...
@jpwjpw Even when set to fast-rope helicopter LIFTER not recognized, the module must exist on the map. As for the customization of the anchor points, you can do in the v1.07 ( still in development ) and only using the addon CONFIG.FP the proposed method by pastor399. @needer The issue of allowing load Stompers "not empty" is in treatment. The best alternative would allow them but nullifying its weapons as long as the journey "hook" to make him difficult cheaters. (reviewer? ) @noguns I have retouched the system shares rehearing before the player respawn. I hope the new version solves the problem. @redleouf The new v1.06 LIFTER starts automatically if detected Zeus, Alive or MCC running on the mission. You do not need to have the module included in the mission but if it is mandatory to have it enabled as mod. @qevhytpl The "human" players should indicate -through menu of actions- whether or not to go down when you start the fast-rope . This is to make inserts subgroups at different sites on the same mission helicopter. The AI always descends . The only ones authorized to initiate a fast-rope are the pilot of the helicopter and any group leader who is in traveling in it. @The Hebrew Hammer - Expanded the height , dimension and speed at which humans can assign (or not) the next operation fast-rope . - You can now set up to fast-rope through the variable "fastRopeHeight" (range is 5 to 30 feet above the position indicated as destination -example: ceilings- ) . Example: myhelo SetVariable ["fastRopeHeight", 18.5] ; @bhyatt You can use any combination possible. Just remember that if the pilot is AI, you should schedule their deployment actions with the control variables (fastRopePos , fastRopeHeigth , fastRopeOn) as indicated in the about_fastrope.txt file contained in the package release of the mod.
New version (v1.06) in first post!. Changelog: v1.06 -Add: Version control between client and server mod. -Add: If Zeus,Alive or MCC is present in the mission, LIFTER starts automatically as if it has been included in the design of it. -Add: You can not make a fast-rope while hanging object takes external slings. -Add: Ability to change the height of helicopter in deployment of strings (fast-rope) between 5 and 30 meters (default is 20 meters) (See About_fastrope.txt). -Add: Compatibility with Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement by RichardsD (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=25658). -Add: Compatibility with Australian Defence Force Uncut by Pastor399 (http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20585). -Change: helicopter CH-47 family can deploy up to 3 ropes for fast-rope operations depending on the number of troops deployed. -Change: Revised control respawn of player for assignations of actions (I hope this solves the problems reported). -Change: helicopter AI controlled, reaches the deployment area (fast-roping) more precisely (see example missions in this pack). Enjoy!.
@Pergor Works perfectly with Zeus. Look 3 variations in NATO faction / AIR (side and empty).
@noguns Thanks for taking the time for such analysis. v1.06 I delayed because I'm changing the system restoration actions. Currently the set of actions the player moves in and out of helicopters. The variety of types of respawn scripts and type "revive" are causing some inconsistencies. I hope that with the recoded are resolved. @flyingcoyotus Thanks for the feedback. I'll check. Since v1.18 of arma3 are reporting problems with physical in servers (affecting the mod).
@pastor399 I have to congratulate you for your contribution. I'll include in the next version of LIFTER (v1.06) and for v1.07 (the last one I have planned release) include a salvage crane customizable to each helicopter -as with slings-. Then, the structure of the code to be added to the config addon will change a little. With this in the community, consider that all bases are covered with LIFTER and pass to the next project on my list. Greetings.
@pastor399 What sets the ideal solution. It has been 2010, when I developed LIFTER for ArmA2. That was the first intention, but make addonmakers reach a consensus on the whole, it was almost a utopia. Perhaps what is for now is that the community is arma3 recent and few addons released. The crop is still green and could (in theory) get moving force for normalization of addons. Was imposed (I do not like the term), the idea of ​​including a set of features in each config addon to facilitate future work assimilate. The ACE in ArmA2, mod-managed something similar but with limited-weights of the vehicles and string positions, but only applied on containing mods. It would be possible to change the story? ...
@FortyEight Wish you could. But it is not possible. (I'll reveal some ultra-secret data mod .... if you spread ... I'll have to kill them!-Lol-) I give two examples : 1- In scripts fast-rope "traditional", the soldier, descending, goes repositioning in very close locations, but with a decreasing height to give the appearance of fall by gravity along the extension cord. With LIFTER that has changed radically. All work is done by the rope. The descent is very soft and almost real, because the soldier is anchored (AttachTo command) to a point of memory is part of an (invisible) animated section of the rope and sliding along it. This section has an accurate way to simulate gravity fall timing parameters. No rope, not decrease. 2- In the scripts above lifting the vehicle (again attachTo command) was anchored to a position on the helicopter. Not needed a "physically present" sling. With LIFTER, the sling required, first because there are several types depending on the load, and second because at the ends of the slings are the points of connection for positioning and lifting objects. Stated another way, the object is attached to the sling and sling to the helicopter. Different slings have different anchor positions. No slings, no way to calculate the positions where to place the object. LIFTER is a "very dependent" mod of physical objects. This forces you to have it installed for use, in the same way as we need to have a Hunter or UH-80 installed to serve him on a mission.
@[styr]killswitch I'm testing the ability to deploy ropes for any group leader who is in charge. So, apart from these, only the pilot may initiate a fast-rope . A separate issue is that the pilot (AI) to receive an order for fast-rope by any group leader in charge of the helicopter , you must use the area that flies for deployment. So beware of the time just when the request is made. @SpanishSurfer You can not use LIFTER without having it downloaded and activated in arma3 it contains objects (ropes , slings , cameras, LCD display) that are not part of the "native" package simulator. Who does not have it installed get errors like "error config.bin\rav_lifter_a3\rope.p3d" among many others. Sorry, but there is a price for everything ... haha @All Those problems when releasing objects, occurred two weeks ago and I went crazy to find the causes and fix them. It ended with an update (of many) from BIS . Hopefully recurrence.
For the pilot AI start the fast-rope , you must load into the memory space of the helicopter, variables coordinate landing area (if applicable) and order the start by changing the state of the variable "fastRopeOn" to true. It's simple. Place the helicopter on a WP or trigger or script (use as desired) the following: helo4 setVariable ["fastRopePos "getpos zone_deploy]; helo4 setVariable ["fastRopeOn", true] This forces the helicopter to move the position of the object (usually a logical drive but can be anything) and then starts the deployment (fastRopeOn). If you are already in the area , ignore the burden of position and just run the final part of the code . In circulated LIFTER v1.05 package of 2 missions are examples that show how to use the deployment path WP with and without it. There are other ways (with scripts) , but these are easier to assimilate. If problems continue , let me know and see. Greetings .
On my list of projects is the launch cargo aircraft at low altitude, but still missing a couple of "Details" to come with LIFTER. Keep tuned ...
@AlexSegen First, do not despair. Second. Remember that the deployment of the strings "only" the pilot can do (Actions menu) or script (putting true variable "fastRopeOn" as indicated in about_fastrope.txt). Third. Verify that the logical conditions exist for deployment. Helicopter height between 5 and 25 meters. less than 10 km / h forward speed. Staff in the cargo area of the helicopter. Fourth. The "human" players do not descend automatically. Should indicate through action on the Actions menu (or indicate that they will not, if you already indicated). Check these conditions and let me know how it goes ...
@Kiwi1234 This placed at the beginning of the helicopter field, close the hatch: this animate ["Ani_Hatch1", 1]; this animate ["Ani_Hatch2", 1]
@Dr@gon Actually the maximum height of the string (by design) is 30 meters, but I put a default height of 20 to fast-rope from script because reaching extremes, the point of release of the player in the rope becomes imprecise and sometimes the unit is damaged. but reading your comments, I think I can make a different height (with SetVariable command) in the same way that the destination (fastRopePos) is scheduled to be configured. Greetings. ---------- Post added at 16:36 ---------- Previous post was at 15:50 ---------- @XxSheepDoggxX Problems with respawn apparently are related to the regeneration of used scripts (I'm evaluating), because the "typical" respawn works perfectly. I hope to have news soon on this subject. As the fast-rope rope is a complex object (actually has 7 different animations) and one of them is responsible for extending the rope up to the ground but with a maximum of 30 meters. The sliding animation soldier (one attach with animated tract) works best at shorter distances. For that reason I use 20 meters, but I'll see what I can do.
That line is to ensure that only one copy of the script is running at the same time. It should not be causing the problem. Anyway you can comment it (//) to skip it and see if the script is started or if the problem persists and must be somewhere else. I'll do my tests to be sure ...