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Everything posted by Rommel

  1. Hope this helps. briefing.html <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1250"> <title>breifing.html</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <! --- -----------------------------> <! --- DEBRIEFINGS --> <! --- -----------------------------> <hr> <h2><a name="Debriefing:End1">Ending #1</a></h2> <hr> <h2><a name="Debriefing:End2">Ending #2</a></h2> <hr> <h2><a name="Debriefing:End3">Ending #3</a></h2> <hr> <h2><a name="Debriefing:End4">Ending #4</a></h2> <hr> <h2><a name="Debriefing:End5">Ending #5</a></h2> <hr> <h2><a name="Debriefing:End6">Ending #6</a></h2> <hr> <! --- -----------------------------> <! --- End of DEBRIEFINGS --> <! --- -----------------------------> </body> </html> Also updated first post to include file link to example.
  2. Eh? I just rip out the A2 Addons and Dta folders... then run the OA exe :p
  3. The ALICE2 module should be fixed soon, you could always use this temporary fix for the module. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=104739&page=3 Works great, and will have exact same behavior as the fixed ALICE2, so when you do use the new one, it will transition without any mission differences.
  4. For those interested, it currently detects placed pipebombs (my IED of choice atm), but you could always replace the classname with another object.
  5. hehehe. Bloody Dwarden... :P Just make sure to get rid of that link, had I not come here to see some smulder of a changelog, and read the errors, I would have been very confused as to why it kept crashing. ;)
  6. The reason its 'blinking' in and out, is because BIS are very busy. Doing the following is quite hard. ;) They won't blink at the moment if all players are in the same town, or all players out side of any towns. All or nothing basically. Hopefully coming in the next patch... then again that was posted up for Dwarden over a month ago now... http://dev-heaven.net/issues/11613 I think in all seriousness for the delay is because the original author isn't around, and their scared of touching his scripts... --- If you need ALICE, use this as temporary fix: http://dev-heaven.net/attachments/download/7369/alice2temp.7z Just execute the module\alice2.sqf and it will work as it should, no blinky blink.
  7. Rommel

    I bought Combined Operations

    That is because ArmA2 isn't an expansion. Just go to SP editor and see if Chernarus is in the map list, or check your campaigns list... if you can't figure any other way.
  8. If it is a spotter/placer driven environment, use the ai to put down a satchel and then run away and then detonate when player enters their view and is within range of x position (sentry wp and trigger?). Instant,balanced, detectable, stoppable IED . :D
  9. Hahhahahaa. I probably won't play it much, but just for the availability I'll probably end up buying this. I'd like to know more about the engine improvements... if they are limited just to this DLC... then I will be buying it just for that. So far it just sounds like Queens Gambit... but with better content. :p
  10. I have a system like this, very easy to implement... but not a login system, simply records your ID then re-applies settings on reconnect.
  11. (vehicle player) in thislist Hope that helps? It always returns the player vehicle, be it the unit, or a 'vehicle'.
  12. Rommel

    Latest Beta Patch: 72018

    For The Unsure Any unit in a light cone is now exposed to the enemy!!! Now the fun part, it DOES apply to flashlights. But only units within the flashlights radius; ie, the person with the flashlight remains hidden, but anyone your shining... becomes spotlighted... very sneaky way to get someone on your team killed at the moment... Love it BIS! :D EDIT: Be careful where you aim it too, if you just happen to aim it at your feet when you run... well bye bye :P
  13. Rommel

    Arma 2 OA 1.53 Suggestions

    Hold your mouse click. Its based on a throw strength system so you can control your throw better. This makes no sense, perhaps give reproduction steps and maybe make a Dev-heaven CIT ticket...
  14. Actually it wasn't edited, but fraps definitely did speed it up for some reason. I was recording at around 20fps, and it was trying to record at 30fps, therefore I think it was at around 1.5* the frames at times. When I realized this, I slowed down the time so I was doing closer to 1:1... but the post-processing effects really made ends meat of my PC (note, without the high PP, I get 60fps... my CPU really bottlenecks). It didn't help most times I had my VD at 10,000 :P. The one time the helicopter does move 1:1, it is still a strange mover anyway. Was great fun though. ;) For example I can do a 180d turn, radius of 20m from 180kmph in the UH1H ... and come out with a bit of speed. Its ... strange, but it is the review version, and there has been so many tweaks that I've been given insight to, I wouldn't worry.
  15. Ah ok, wrong axis. Obviously that exists partially, but not even a fifth of the extent as it is in A1. Agreed something that should have been re-incorporated. EDIT: It would appear it has to do with the torso changes in A2, in which the torso could previously not be bent, it is therefore separate from the recoil action of the weapon being fired.
  16. Horizontal recoil exists. Very obviously. ;)
  17. I think everyone will enjoy the contents of the last few posts. :) http://ausarma.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=362&start=40
  18. Yeah this does occur, near by explosions cause camera shake. ;) Sort of freaks you out when it first happens, definite realization that you need to move the **** away.
  19. Rommel

    Join in progress

    Sounds like your running removeallweapons player somewhere globally (even though its a local command). We would need a better overview of your mission and its scripts to answer your question properly. Debug my old friend!!!
  20. http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8506 UTSE :)
  21. Rommel

    adjustable Respawn Script

  22. Are we going to have to wait for a Linux Dedicated Server? It would be really great if it came out straight away ... I'd like to start getting my servers ready now :) ;)
  23. Rommel

    Where/how/when to buy ARMA2:OA?

    Or use sprocket so the most money goes to BIS! Paying for your patches ;).
  24. Rommel


    setViewDistance 2000 Now see if your 'fog' is gone. It may be because your testing view distance in single player testing is much higher.
  25. Rommel

    Error: Zero Devisor

    How big is your array? 13 Guns? You've done 14 iterations. (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 == 14 numbers) It means your selecting out of bounds.