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Everything posted by Raptor

  1. http://www.arma2.com/images/stories/arma2factions/napa-soldier.png isn't it a German camo? Don't know if it was posted before:
  2. Raptor

    Collector edition ?

    Maybe some intresting stuff for our cz mates: http://www.cqe.cz/vypis_produk.php?navi=IDPC0192
  3. Raptor


    Ok thanks for your statements guys.
  4. Raptor


    Hey, I just want to ask, whats the status of Project85 ? I thought you just needed the german voices to finalize the package or did you plan to release it for ArmA2 ?
  5. Raptor

    Good Music

    nice suggestion, but I'm confident of ArmA2 background music. http://www.arma2.com/chernarussian-defence-forces_en.html*hint* ahh, the good old ofp... *dreaming*
  6. Raptor

    EU Forces?

    Hmmmm, maybe an idea for an expansion pack ? We know that BIA is working on NATO (Uk, Netherlands,...) stuff, so maybe they hand out their models for ArmA2.
  7. Intressting read are also the comments unter the article. Some are shaped by ArmA1 and conntected it (Startup quality and so on) with ArmA2. I believe many gamers think so and that can play into the hands of Codemasters and their OFP2. That isn't good for BIS....
  8. Also found some entry under FP: Status Quo. - neoseeker.com - blues news - Gamesunits - with nice Screenies. - old Interview on bonusweb (cz)
  9. Raptor

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    You're very evil paul. Intressting comparison burns.
  10. hey nephilim, what about your little "männekins" ?
  11. Yes thats really nice. To see the old teasers of every weapon. That would be a cool addition to ArmA2.A comparison of the very early footage with the current status of the engine. Or better what about to make a trailer with an historical overview about to different stages of Real Virtuality Engine, OFP the community and ArmA up to ArmA2.
  12. Its very hard to research for old articles which are still online. some german links. http://www.4players.de/4player....nt.html good old ofp.4players: http://web.archive.org/web....iv.php3
  13. found some more old pages/entrys: IGN Action Vault. ^^ http://web.archive.org/web....t.shtml btw. the old BIStudio/flashpointpages page: http://web.archive.org/web/20000519213024/http://www.bistudio.com/ http://web.archive.org/web....ttp http://web.archive.org/web....ttp http://web.archive.org/web/20010202060900/www.flashpoint1985.com/ seems to be a very early fanpage: http://web.archive.org/web/20010124054900/www.specforce.net/coldwar/ about SDK: http://www.theofpfaq.ashnav.co.il/editing/sdk.htm I've also some old pcgame magazines. I hope I didn't throw them away.
  14. the most pages i've found were from 2000-2002, but maybe it helps you. http://web.archive.org/web....le=1292 http://web.archive.org/web....26.html http://web.archive.org/web....mer.htm http://web.archive.org/web....iew.htm http://web.archive.org/web....00.html http://web.archive.org/web....566&i=0 http://www.gamershell.com/pc/operation_flashpoint/ german: http://www.pcgames.de/aid,600....ews http://www.pcgames.de/aid,642....ews http://www.pcgames.de/aid,597....ews http://www.pcgames.de/aid,636....orschau 1999: [E3 Trailer] http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/file....r;39713
  15. Raptor

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    It think this debate should stop here. Both sides polarize themselves more and more and their will no end, because both sides insist on their views and points. In the end the parties must clear up that problem among themselves. So my proposal is to go back to topic of the OFP:DR discussion and if it didn't work, to close the thead until the situation calm down. There are two new previews. - Gamespot - IGN.com
  16. Raptor

    Developer's Blog

    Yes, but thats the fact I've did'nt understand right now. What has alzheimer to do with VBS? Whatever I'm happy to see that you use the creativity and the Know-How of the junger generation or better the next generation for your future products. I hope we also benefits of such engagement. What about a coorperation of German Universities near the border. There are several projects and exchange programms with our eatern neighbours. Maybe you can get a part of an EU Grant programme.
  17. Raptor

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    @Pulverizer Are you dreaming? Oo Please take an hour and read the previous pages. Maybe than you will get it.
  18. Raptor

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    @BIS What about to suggest Eurogamer to make a little note that the original quaote form clive isn't true, with a short statement of you.
  19. Raptor

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    @Maruk, what about Red Hammer? Wasn't it developed by Codemasters or initialize by them? Maybe he was involved in the development there? Â btw. cool OFP-time link. intressting.
  20. Raptor

    CDF Revealed!

    For those who didn't read the other topic: get the whole stream and HD Download without waiting. Armed-Assault.de CDF Stream Also the Youtube Version:
  21. get the whole stream and HD Download without waiting. Armed-Assault.de CDF Stream -> direct HD Download (40MB/zip) Also the Youtube Version: awsome job BIS. Â
  22. Raptor

    FP : DR - News & Discussion

    We also uploaded the vid on our ftp. OFP: DR Ego Tech Trailer (198MB/wmv) or you use Youtube.
  23. I'm happy to help you there. Now let us looking forward to your great mod.
  24. Did you use google translation? Oo Prtly its totally senseless. >_<
  25. @thunderbird I posted a news I hope it help. If you can concretize the needed support (the quality, spoken or shouted and so on) please let me know. I would be gald if I can help you there.