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Everything posted by KorpeN

  1. KorpeN

    what does arma stand for?

    LOL about what?
  2. KorpeN

    what does arma stand for?

    I think its just the latin word that means weapon or something...
  3. When I first read this I thought it's about recording demo.Maybe cause I always wanted such a feature.
  4. KorpeN

    FFUR'85 (2008 edition)

    Can someone tell me how can I remove those "immersive" firefight sounds that play in the background without a battle taking place?
  5. 5 years ago I bought the GOTY edition of OFP (CWC, Red Hammer, Resistance) just to add it to my collection, the box was closed and all that but I didnt find one single cd key for the setup. It was very annoying and fustrating. I had to find a used one.And back then I didnt have internet connection.
  6. KorpeN

    Easter-eggs in Arrowhead

    So maybe we have to wait for a British Army expansion in the fututre?
  7. KorpeN

    "ArmA2 HQ" Beta Maps are out!

    2/7/2010 - ArmA2HQ Tournament Maps www.arma2hq.yuku.com Fell free to contact: arma2hq@hotmail.com The template used is the one from ESL with the scripts made by [uMPC] Hunter. Hunter has given permission to use his scripts. IN ORDER TO USE THESE MAPS YOU NEED TO OWN ArmA2 & ArmA2: OA ========================================================================================================== This is the Beta Vesion of the maps. There are three maps included: 1. UberMacht A one objective map of C&H type. The fight takes place in a small village. 2. Ea Depths A two objective map of C&H type. The fight takes between a residence and an oil field. 3. Ether A two objective map of C&A type. The fight takes place at the airport, in order to fly the littlebirds you have to be class pilot. ========================================================================================================== BETA NOTES: 1) The maps need distance balancing from the objectives. 2) There are minor bugs, such as some wrong images shown. 3) Weapon & Vehicle balance is needed. 4) There are thoughs of using a standard AK vs M16 mode we knwo FN-FAL and FN-SCAR are more cool but issues of balance occur. 5) For any suggestions and ideas feel free to contact. I want again to thank [uMPC] Hunter for doing his best for the community.
  8. I want to replace the flag icon on the score board in a mission. So the script is this: and specificaly this line : </t><img image='\ca\data\flag_rus_co.paa'></t><t> </t><br/>"; Regards
  9. Holy crap, I can Alt + Tab between ArmA, ArmA2, OA and YouPorn at the same time.. thank you BIS :)
  10. KorpeN

    "ArmA2 HQ" Tournament Cup

    Interesting idea.. hope it works.. ArmA 2 misses a hardcore PvP league..
  11. How possible it could be someone create a mod based on the Jane's fleet command?I liked this game and i think that with the graphic engine of ArmA it will be great.Of course we can expand the battles at the land and not only over sea.I just say an idea. Some videos from Jane's fleet command
  12. +1 worse performance at forests and big cities.
  13. Yeah Suma said the CTD will be fixed in the next beta patch and it appears when you start the engine in vehicles without "guns".
  14. OK about the mouse lag in 60141 I set the parameters GPU_MaxFramesAhead=0; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=0; in ArmA2.cfg and the mouse lag disappeared. Try it out guyz and post your results.
  15. Yeah I have 30 fps and the game feels like I have 15 or less... In the previous beta patch this problem wasnt there.
  16. In beta 60141 the mouse lag is back...some mouse lag on X and very much lag on Y.
  17. So in real life the one who aims faster is not the one who "wins"?All matters strategy and skill in both meassure. And in the ladder I was playing strategy had a very significant role.. Sorry for off-topic Also about the croshair...you use scopes so I cannot see whats your point..If it was ironsights I could understand but scopes...no
  18. No .. I just believe that the needs differs when someone play competitive PvP with someone who plays with bots.. My videos on youtube is PvP..
  19. LoL cute post When you get fatigued the crosshair gets wider and shakes.. omg And yes I use crosshair and ironsight for longer distances.. Wanna play 1vs1? Without crosshair.... :blahblah2: Edit : your videos have bots ... lol
  20. A little request about the next beta patch : Plz make it possible to choose color of crosshair..I dont know for others but I have serious problems with the green transparent color especially when the background is blue sky or light bright colors.. The latest beta patch is great.Nice work.
  21. Yes I found it under the description "missing string str....."
  22. KorpeN

    Monsters, zombies and so on

    Great news Charon..Plz keep up the hard work..Chernarus is perfect for zombies..the forests the industrial zones..just perfect :)