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Everything posted by pauliesss

  1. someguywho: maybe you could fix the _NOHQ file or what file it is because for example on commandos there is still visible patch on the arm: "Czech Republic". Anywa, thanks, really great addon! :cool:
  2. Can´t wait, really well done mate.
  3. Thanks a lot Fox:jump_clap:!
  4. Of course we are looking forward to play with these, thanks for everything Fox! :cool: Edit: your blog is in my favorites now, right under Armaholic. :D
  5. Thank you, downloading now! :bounce3:
  6. New NViDiA BETA drivers 270.51 released http://www.nvidia.com/Download/Find.aspx?lang=en-us Supports GeForce 6, 7, 8, 9, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500-series desktop GPUs as well as ION desktop GPUs.
  7. pauliesss

    Isla Duala

    LoL, those aliens are AWESOME! :D
  8. pauliesss

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 79321

    Good point. I remember there was some thread where all model/texture bugs were posted, but I can´t find it right now.
  9. pauliesss

    Isla Duala

    Thank you for the update.
  10. pauliesss

    Terrain issue

    Correct me if I am wrong, but Sat_Ico and Mask_Ico should be 5120x5120 on 5120x5120 map. So you can just try to resize them to 5120x5120 in PS(Image - Image Size), maybe it will help. :)
  11. pauliesss

    Sickboy's interview

    Nice interview, thanks Lonestar. :)
  12. Hi again guys, I have very interesting problems. I created only some basic island, with no objects so far. I wanted to test it, so I did everything what I had to get my island in-game. Everything is working fine, no errors, but I have 2 problems: 1. When I place my self anywhere on the island in Osprey V-22, or any airplane(except helis) and I try to fly around the island, game starts to stutter and is almost unplayable(I don´t have this problem in other maps). (Solved by setting "Texture Size" value to "40.0mx40.0m", see Bushlurker post for more info) 2. Map loading time. When I select my island in the menu, it took around 30secs to load, while Chernarus took only 25secs to load. (Solved by using BinPBO to binarize, thx Gnat) My map size is 5120x5120, no objects and only 2 layers. Thanks for any help.
  13. Thank you very much Bushlurker, its perfectly smooth now! :bounce3::bounce3::bounce3: Just one thing though, from binarizing log:
  14. Maybe that stuttering problem when flying is somehow related to this? Screen: http://i55.tinypic.com/2w2hkd0.jpg :confused:
  15. I am using 10m cell size. :(
  16. Thank you Gnat. I tried to binarize the map with BinPBO and now the map loads almost immediately. :) However, there is still that first problem. :confused:
  17. pauliesss

    World Tools 1.8

    Thank you very much shezan74! :bounce3:
  18. pauliesss

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 78888

    Thank you BIS, downloading and testing asap. :)
  19. Landmine: very nice, keep it up! :)
  20. Thank you SmokeDog3PARA, really nice tutorial! :bounce3:
  21. Actually, its just "standing" water, I don´t know if it´s possible to create real river.