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Everything posted by OldFossil

  1. Great new! I can't wait to try this new version. Great job Celery!
  2. Maybe It's because a lot of people playing this mission got it from Multi player mission cache. The first time I played it I was wandering the servers looking for something not too challenging to play. After a little deathmatch the server admin decided for an Apocalypse (first chapter), so I discovered and downloaded the mission in that way. :)
  3. Great mission Celery, intense, dark and scary even under the daylight. I know that what I'm going to ask is so far from the standard Z behaviour because the Z are supposed to be almost brainless and instinctive (damn...it seems the description of some real people I know!), but what about the possibility that an infected player becomes playable as Z and after his un-death it starts to fight against the rest of the human party? Compliments again for your great job!
  4. OldFossil

    Favourite BI city in the series?

    Maybe you mean Petrovice, the main city in Nogova. Nice place. Many years ago I build there a nice DM environment adding buildings all around, and a castle on the surrounding hills.
  5. OldFossil

    How to improve with training.

    There is a very good training Moveable target range, it should be very useful for your pourposes. If you also need a chopper training mission you can get this created for improving pilot skills on AH-6. Both are great stuff! A must, I dare to say, for every ArmA player. Bye and have a good training!
  6. Great job, very touching song. If brotherhood could be represented by a song, despite I can't understand the words (excepted for Specnaz), I suppose it should be that one. Thanks for posting & have a nice Christmas...all of you, of course!
  7. I agree totally with you, in my opinion it's a great job that recalled to me a lot of intense and full of atmosphere gaming nights. Thanks for your time!
  8. Hi, since I bought ArmA I still haven't played the single player campaigns, because I'm a multiplayer addicted. The online community appears to be very alive at almost all hours of day and night. Maybe the most difficult thing (to me for sure) is to be affiliate to some community that plays and do train at scheduled times, because the lack of time. So I founded my stand alone squad...if could be called so an Army of one (pay attention, one not O.N.E.) :j: and I look almost always for death match games and sometimes for cooperative small scale operations. I am satisfied by the number and variety of multiplayer games that can be found in the net.
  9. As a devoted follower of The Game, I own all the issues since 2001, missing only ArmA2 BAF. I count to get it as soon as possible...
  10. OldFossil

    Daytime thermal use - 'cheating' ?

    Thanks for your exhaustive reply!
  11. OldFossil

    Daytime thermal use - 'cheating' ?

    Hi wld427, I ask this question directly to you that are a professional: are the thermal visors useful into heavy foggy weather? Thanks a lot for your attention!
  12. So, just to stay in topic, but this time for real, look at this one.
  13. I don't know if already posted, but anyway take a look at these videos: w4aJPeN5fzc 3EaQIEWGc-Q :)
  14. Really an excellent job, congratulations!
  15. Pay attention to some steep ladder (not the vertical ones, for which you already got the suggestion) usually located in the interior of buildings, you can climb it up only if you are into a stand up position.
  16. Thanks a lot for your reply!
  17. Am I missing something or the unmanned Little Bird, approximately visible at 1' 20'' from the beginning of the video, looks quite weird?
  18. Awesome environment, for great and thrilling MOUT! PS: please, can you get me the title of the soundtrack of your video?
  19. For me is the same and, at the cost of being taken for fanatic, ArmA2 (and the predecessors ones in the past) is the only one war game that deserves to be played.
  20. OldFossil

    Night Vision

    Hi all, first of all a plenty of congratulations to BIS that since OFP times never ends to amaze us with the best war game (if we can only consider it a game...) ever created. As a second point, with 1.05 update the night environment seems to be too dark, so dark that is quite impossible to flyby with AH64 during night time, unless holding constantly the visual zoomed in, trick that makes terrain visible through the night visor. The problem, but probably I am wrong, seems to be related to the glare coming from the avionics of the pilot's panel. Any suggestion to solve the problem...please, someone turn the light on! :P Merry X-mas and happy new year all!
  21. OldFossil

    Night Vision

    Thanks a lot for your suggestion hamis! PS: I already search before post...but I was overwhelmed by the number of topics about night vision...
  22. OldFossil

    Floating zone poll

    I prefer to have more control in weapon aiming, above all when I'm playing on servers (...a long time ago :() that don't show the weapon aiming point. I feel very confortable with the Alt key to look around even when I steer flying vehichles, so in my opinion floating zone is not so advantageous.
  23. Hi all, I don't know if someone already posted a similar topic, if so, please sorry. I think that an important ArmA2 game feature should be the possibility to shot personal firearms from the back of the vehichles that allows to shoot out. For example think to the troops inside a BMP...in real life every soldier inside can shot at enemy from the inside of the tank by the side slits. Again, is almost weird that a bunch of soldiers don't shoot from the back of an open truck when crossing hot zones with ambush risk or similar dangers. Think also to the soldiers seat on the Little Bird side external places...
  24. OldFossil

    Shooting from vehicles

    I was almost certain about the "flintstonian" age of my suggestion , anyway thanks a lot for your reply! I'll keep hoping about good shots from a running vehichle in ArmA2. Bye!
  25. OldFossil

    About vegetation...

    Almost all knows that AI can view through vegetation so cover transparency and right evaluation of the line of sight is a limit only for human players. Excepted for the Durg's Vegetation Fix, does patch 1.09 will fix this inexplicably bad ArmA feature? Thanks all for attention.