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Posts posted by omon

  1. Some queries. Please bear with me, I am not really up to speed on these things.


    Is this a new exe for arma or do you require a beta build of Arma for this to function? if the former is it possible to get hold of the standalone exe? - I run from PWS launcher as I share mods with my coop friends and we launch from a PWS coop collection, so as a result the steam beta option is not really viable for me.


    I have been using process lasso to set CPU affinity for cores 5,7,9,11 and have some significant improvement by taking the load off core 0 and then moving other process away from this. (taking inspiration from here:



    However I am a tad lost with the launch parameters for my 3960x cpu, 16G RAM and GTX980ti. (being a cpu with 6cores -  or 12 Hy[erThreaded (i think..))


    Reading various posts about the place it appears that I should set the following launch parameters:

    CPU count 12

    Enable HT

    Maxmem 8192

    MaxVram 100 below my card (I have set this to 12800)

    Malloc System (or preferably your snazzy version)


    Appreciate any and all advice.



    If you erase all that none sense and lunch w/o this settings i bet you it will run 10 times better 

    • Like 1

  2. the last step is incorrect

    leave the add-ons in workshop folder as addons update!

    point the game to workshop folders as addons


    Follow this for correct way of integrating workshop




    Start steamcmd.sh:


    Login in steam with your account:

    login <username> <password>

    Download the mod you are looking for:

    workshop_download_item 107410 660460283

    (First number is the ID for Arma 3 Client and the second number the ID of the mod ironfront)


    When done downloading terminate steamcmd:




    Navigate to download dir (for me it was this):

    cd steamapps/workshop/content/107410/660460283

    Copy to desired dir (for me it was this):

    cp -R * /opt/arma3server1/serverfiles/@ifa3lite
    • Like 1

  3. we have same issues in our games, server memory leaks are gone but client leaks remain, 100% of our players have the memory leaks where fps would drop to 5's and only fix is to restart client.



    It does seems to be mission related as some people reporting they can play for over 10 hours vanilla maps and no issues. What exactly Bohemia broke that messed up the mission / server / client performance i have no idea, the fact is all this started after 1.54 update and on

  4. Thanks for your work Dwarden, but I am afraid to say performance is not the same as it was on 1.56. The lost of performance is from 15% to 30% in terms of fps in some situations. Maybe is not the place to post a reply but I feel Arma going down in performance with the time....


    you need to review your mission code. Many recent updates have broke some functions and you need to setup logs with in mission and review them

  5. Getting RTP error


     19:23:14 Error in expression <f (IsNil "_bx") then


    profilenamespace setvariable [[_keyinfo, 0], 0];



    if (>

    19:23:14   Error position: <setvariable [[_keyinfo, 0], 0];



    if (>

    19:23:14   Error Type Array, expected String

    19:23:14 File babe_core\func\ui\fn_settings.sqf, line 43

    19:23:14 Error in expression <e [[_keyinfo, 0], 0];



    if (typeName((_bx select 0) select 1) != "ARRAY") then>

    19:23:14   Error position: <_bx select 0) select 1) != "ARRAY") then>

    19:23:14   Error Undefined variable in expression: _bx

    19:23:14 File babe_core\func\ui\fn_settings.sqf, line 46

    19:23:14 Error in expression <f (IsNil "_bx") then

  6. I had that problem as well, make sure steam text file in arma3 root has correct ID in it.


    Hi, I'm trying to update my old laptop Linux server from version 1.56 to the current one (1.58 it seems) so I can test my missions before uploading them to the groups I play with.


    the app_update 233780 validate command doesn't seem to actually update the server to the latest version, because after 3 tries it seems that the server, when launched, still insists on sticking with version 1.56.  Because of this, I cannot see my server in the browser anymore much less connect to it in order to test my missions.


    I tried looking around but I couldn't find any relevant information.

  7. Dwarden Hi!


    Here is RC 1.60.13627  Crash with sample mission (HC Bug)

    I thought you might be more interested in getting it fixed in RC instead of old 1.58

    Please fix this as HC is used in most of the Epoch servers as well as our new CTI mission that will probably be hosted by many other servers.



    Map + Crash dumps + RPT

