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Everything posted by zwobot

  1. The flak screenshot looks very photoshopped to me. The water is different blue than normal Ofp water.
  2. zwobot


    Don't say the watch command is working. It is not, it's bugged. It only works if the AI is in safe behaviour. Once they were in a firefight their beahviour changes and the watch command does not work anymore. Do I have to be logged in or registered in the BTS for voting? I still don't know how to register in that damn thing, the Biki account does not work and last time I checked the relevant topics here in the forum it was not very helpful
  3. zwobot

    1st Infantry Division

    I like it. Don't know about the performance of this stuff, but I like it Any plans on new models when the model tools are out?
  4. zwobot


    That's waht I like too. But your squad can run out of ammo quickly during such a firefight because it is very hard to control the AI rate of fire in ArmA - even more than in Ofp. Damn AI ignores hold fire commands once the firing has started BIS really should work on the command interface and give us some more options there like rate/method of fire, fire sectors and so on.
  5. Gimme gimme gimme! Come on don't be shy Just write a basic briefing and upload it somewhere.
  6. zwobot

    Most Unique addon for OFP

    Definately the M4 addon ... ... NOT.
  7. zwobot


    I have just played some quick missions in the editor with the latest scripts and I like it I was able to defeat 2 or 3 enemy squads whereas my 9 man squad only suffered 2 kills and 1 or 2 injured.
  8. zwobot

    Falklands Mod 1.0 Released

    That is not a Falkland specific issue. It is because the anim file(s) for the island is not installed correctly (it is responsible for the cutscenes you normall see in the main menu). I have those issues with many islands, honestly I do not know how to install anim folders for islands. They always say "extract that directory to /addons folder" but it does not work
  9. zwobot

    Combat Mission: Shock Force

    I hope it is really finished until then. Don't want to see the same thing as with ArmA in europe
  10. zwobot

    Unexpected War V1.0 - Campaign

    As I said, I would do it. PM me if you are interested.
  11. zwobot


    Do you use "red" combatmode when a squad is suppressed? I think this is problematic as red combatmode means engage at will which makes AI ignore the formation more or less. Now that is something I would expect from suppressed squad (ignoring formation) but it can lead to unwelcomed AI behaviour nevertheless.
  12. zwobot

    Combat Mission: Shock Force

    Yes the cm series is quite unmoddable in comparison to Ofp and ArmA when the tools will have arrived I think I have read something about improved modding capabilities for the new game in the battlefront forum, but I might be wrong.
  13. zwobot

    Unexpected War V1.0 - Campaign

    Do you use stringtables in the missions? If so it should be no problem to find some translators, I volunteer
  14. zwobot


    I haven't tested it much so maybe don't take it too serios yet. The squad's status was pinned at worst (if you can trust the hint). I'd rather say it is hardcoded AI behaviour, I haven't checked your the content of your scripts yet.
  15. zwobot

    Combat Mission: Shock Force

    Theres a new video up at the CM:SF site
  16. zwobot


    Yes they act weird. The leader stays porne without and ordering single units to engage targets. The squad quite widely spreaded when the recovery hint appears but the squad does not fall into formation agian. I'm going to test it again to feed you with more details if possible.
  17. zwobot

    CiA co-op night

    Everyone trying to pick up or get into the mortar on "Shadows": That's from last wednesday or so, the stupid plane still flying around:
  18. zwobot


    Sure. I like it and there is nothing comparable (yet). Of course it is suboptimal to do this stuff with scripts/functions instead of more hardcoded to the game with improved functionality. Anyway it seems to me as if the recovery of the squad from enemy fire is still a bit buggy. Maybe it's the AI's fault... But this suppression and morale thingy seems to be highly unlikely to be modeled someday in the near future.
  19. zwobot


    With quite some people whining about lack of suppressive fire in ArmA I am a bit surprised by the lack of feedback to this thread.
  20. zwobot

    Unexpected War V1.0 - Campaign

    Have you put it in the <ofp-root>/campaigns or the <opf-root>/res/campaigns folder? I have it in res/campaigns and it works.
  21. zwobot

    Unexpected War V1.0 - Campaign

    Looks promising. Is this in german only? That's a bit strange. Edit: I'm in the second mission now and I really like it so far. There are civilians in the towns and you don't know who you can trust (suicide bombers). The friendly AI seems a bit low skilled for me. The Full Metal Jacket music in the second mission fits perfectly
  22. zwobot


    The syntax is nearly the same, so I don't see why you should need years to get it
  23. zwobot


    It could be that nearestObject stuff is affected by streaming and thus not working as supposed? Anyway scripts are "deprecated" and using them instead of functions is discouraged
  24. zwobot


    In the demo mission when my squad recieved incoming fire they get down and crawl but won't get up again even when they haven't been shot at for 5 or more minutes.
  25. zwobot

    CiA co-op night

    Someone posted an AT training mission here some 8 months or so ago. Maybe everybody should check it out before playing on Wednesday