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Everything posted by zwobot

  1. zwobot

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    West standard units don't work either. And I have tried the other thing too. Unless I am completely blind I cannot see any major difference between my parameters and the ones from the DAC spawn demo mission 1 (apart from the unit addon and side parameters). <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">DAC_KI_Spawn = [30,30,0,0]
  2. zwobot

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    I've got a minor problem with spawn camps: I have 2 zones; z3 is an infantry zone with 2 infantry groups and a few waypoints; z1 contains a spawn camp and 2 infantry groups. z1 and z3 are linked and I want the groups form z1 to go into z3. Furthermore I want the groups from z1 to be respawned several times: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[z1,[1,0,0],[2,2,0,4],[ ],[ ],[1,1,10,1,100,99],[2,11,4]] exec "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Zone.sqs" <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[z3,[1,0,0],[2,2,30,4],[ ],[ ],[ ],[2,11,4]] exec "DAC\Scripts\DAC_Init_Zone.sqs" The infantry from z1 uses the waypoints of z3 but as soon as the groups die, they are not respawned (even after several minutes). What's wrong with my setup, why is there no respawn?
  3. zwobot

    Road Patrol

    I finally made my way to the next village (forgot the name, Chapoi it was maybe). From inside the town I heared the enemies AKs fire but their attack never reached the actual town, at least I kept waiting for about 10 minutes after the last shots were fired. After that I lost interest again in this mission to be honest; perhaps I was too impatient but who knows. I'd like to try it all over agian, but I am not in the mood these days, maybe in the weekend...
  4. zwobot

    CiA co-op night

    I wondered the same thing, I don't know if there is a standalone compass and if it will work on the server when other players don't have it. As far as I know the compass textures need to be changed in the data3d.pbo file...
  5. zwobot

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    I don't know what your problem is. You have to add the units' class names to the arrays in the file Silola said (DAC_Config_Units.sqs), then you have to pass the number of this array in the DAC call in the trigger's onActivation line (what parameter this is can be found in the readme, the DAC documentation is excellent).
  6. zwobot

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    Normally the class names of the addon's objects are in the readme. If it is not you can place the desired units in the editor, save the mission and look the class names up in the mission.sqm file.
  7. zwobot

    EWE WGL Server

    It's all in the first post. Read it, learn it, live it
  8. zwobot

    EWE WGL Server

    Great news Pulverizer. I'll give it a try tonight. Is there any Teamspeak server one can use?
  9. zwobot

    Road Patrol

    I just gave it a quick try. Here is what I think so far: Intro: short, nothing special. Short and simple Intros are generally not a problem for me. Briefing: Too short for my taste. I miss general information of the overall situation of enemy and freindly forces where they are located and what their status is, what do the markers on the map mean? Which unit am I part of, are there attachements for the upcoming mission and so on. The mission: - SPOILER ALERT - Unit selection: I find it quite irritating to be a marine on patrol with guys in army uniforms. Okay the HMMWV got ambushed somewhere between Chapoi and La Pesagne, myself was the only survivor. I decided to walk back to St. Marie when half way there some artillery began pounding on what I think must have been La Riviere and some time later a firefight with flares and small arms fire was going on in some village near me (can't tell which it was). I really felt like being in a warzone with fog of war and not knowing what is going on in the big picture. But in the same time I was frustrated because I had no information at all what I am supposed to do (would have wished some radio chatter or information in the briefing what I am supposed to do when encountering enemy forces, where the safe places are etc.).
  10. Right. I am glad some people will continue to work for bringing something like WGL into Arma and not waiting for Arma2 which will definitely not be release in 2008 in my opinion.
  11. zwobot

    Road Patrol

    I've done just that and the HYK addon I got from your provided link is version 1.53; it contains the .pbo files "HYK_USsol.pbo", "HYK_USsol_JAMcfg.pbo", "HYK_USsol_LSRcfg.pbo" I just consulted the readme of this addon and it states something about different config files for LSR and JAM2 only versions of the addon and that not both of them are allowed to be present in the same addon folder. I don't have time to try this out now, I'll let you now when I find out more.
  12. zwobot

    Road Patrol

    I recieve follwoing error when loading the mission: The briefing and mission loads nevertheless, but at mission start I am sittinga alone in the HMMWV and cant disembark; I bet this is not correct. I have loaded ECP mod + these addons: (I know the DMA anim nextgen thingy animations addon is missing - I have loaded WGL's animations which are about the same afaik). Any idea what is missing? My bet is some JAM stuff as there is JAM2 and 3 required but you cannot load both at the same time or maybe LSR stuff required for the HYK infantry
  13. zwobot

    Mapfact.net releases DAC

    You have to add the vehicle class names of the soldiers into the config_units .sqs file of DAC (it is described in more detail somewhere in the readme). In this way you can also add friendly units; as for extraction choppers I don't think it is possible in the way you imagine it. Aircraft in general can be generated by DAC too.
  14. zwobot

    Road Patrol

    Yeah but WGL is a mod you don't just download and install for only 1 mission whereas I will delete most addons needed for the mission after I finished it [ignorance] AND I already have WGL installed so I don't care how big it is [/ignorance] Enough of that, I'll post here again when I have played the mission.
  15. zwobot

    Road Patrol

    You are right, this mission does not use any very exotic single addons. I meant to write this in my previous post but forgot to obviously. I don't think mission are not played/downloaded because of players' attitude towards addons but players' attitude in general. Addonmakers recieve much more response than mission makers (although the response may be positive it is not very constructive in most cases; "wow that looks so cool - gime gime gime"...). Mh, acutally that still is attitude towards addons My statement about the addons in the mission was not meant offensive, I am just not in the mood right now to download any addon and install them to play a mission. Nevertheless I am still thinking that most missions should be made using complete mods; WGL right now is THE Ofp mod for me. In fact WGL would bring the things you mentionded into the mission (animations, timed handgrenades; it has Jeeps with MGs and nice models IMHO). I don't want to say you should change your mission to use WGL, I just want to point out I like it Anyway I am going to download the mission sometime this week, and it better be good
  16. zwobot

    Road Patrol

    I've never done that, I don't want to download loads of single addon files just to have them and maybe being able to use them in the very unlikely case anyone really makes a mission using exactly the addons I've downloades once. I don't like missions that use a lot of single addons, I prefer using addon packs and complete mods (WGL, FDF). I just looked through your addon list and it is somewhere inbetween, you mostly use addon packs which is okay. You should clarify on the animations pack, I wonder if this is a requirement to play the mission Or anyway just edit the first post so that everyone can see which addons are really necessary to play your mission and which of them are "enhancements" for the gameplay of the mission, please.
  17. zwobot

    Road Patrol

    It sounds interesting but the big amount of addons prevents me from downloading it.
  18. zwobot

    CiA co-op night

    Yeah I remember that. Sorry for leaving a while after that without saying something, I was just too exhausted.
  19. zwobot

    Dawn Raiders - A Command Engine Mission

    I haven't played this completely either. But I can only agree with SEAL84 that it is an entertaining mission.
  20. zwobot

    Triggers !!!

    I don't understand what you are saying. Do you want the AI to call CoC UA artillery strikes on some position or do you want to call the arty yourself? For the latter you just have to include the CoC UA into your mission, they have manuals which describe how this has to be done.
  21. zwobot

    CoC Command Engine X

    Do enemy units share information about spotted units?
  22. zwobot

    Triggers !!!

    I'd like to have a triggertype "seized by" like in Arma for Ofp. Not present always has the "danger" of a single unit hiding somewhere in a bush which you search for ages.
  23. zwobot

    CoC Command Engine X

    Thank you for the feedback stun. The balance is definately something that has to be tweaked. How could any of your AI survive a frontal charge against enemy positions mine always get shot to bits There are supposed to be 2 to 3 HMMWV (TOW) around which should pose a threat to your BMPs but they have probability of presence xx (can't remember) so under circumstances you might not encounter any of them. I think I am going to include General Barrons AI Artillery script (have to migrate it to Arma though and make it work in MP).
  24. zwobot

    ARMA Support And Patching Plans

    Yeah fix the bridge bug.
  25. zwobot

    Pebble Island Raid

    Is there still a place to download this from?