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Everything posted by mostly

  1. Hi, I'm trying to find a script that lets me pick who and how many AI team members for my squad prior to the mission starting. Does anyone know if it exists or do I need to start trying to figure it out? I'd like to be able to select from a pool of operators to construct my own team to be mission specific. Thanks. 💪
  2. Hi, I'm pretty sure this must have been done before but I can't find it anywhere. I want to activate a script from a scripted trigger when the enemy numbers drop below 20. So far I've got: The script is activated regardless of the number of enemies in the area. Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong please? Thanks.
  3. Got it working. Think it was just a stupid error of missing ";". This works for anyone finding a similar problem.. _Spawn = createTrigger ["EmptyDetector", getPos HVT]; _Spawn setTriggerArea [500, 500,0, false]; _Spawn setTriggerActivation ["ANY", "PRESENT", false]; _Spawn setTriggerStatements [ "{ alive _x && side _x == EAST } count thislist < 5;", "nul = [] execVM 'Spawn\Spawn2.sqf';",""];
  4. Thanks for taking a look gc8 and making some suggestions. The trigger activation is set to "WEST" so that it only initiates when the player is present in the area. HVT is in the right position. Regarding when the trigger condition runs, there are more than 20 east units placed on the map, so I'm confident it's not that. Do I need to define this anywhere else: "{ alive _x && side _x == EAST } count thislist <20". I thought that _x == EAST would be sufficient. Any ideas?
  5. A sort of solution, in case anyone has a similar issue. while {alive _unit} do { if (alive SFDog) then { switch (true) do { case (speed _unit <1 ): {SFDog playMoveNow ("Dog_Stop")}; case (speed _unit >1 ): {SFDog playMoveNow ("Dog_Walk")}; }}}; I've had to include this into a separate script as it stopped everything below it from firing. This works though, the dog stands still when the handler is still, and walks when the handler moves. I've got my dog script working almost how I want it, but any suggestions to clean up the above would still be appreciated. Thanks. ✌️
  6. Hi, I'm trying to create a script which creates a dog working within a team. I'm using the attachto command to make the dog stay with its handler but want to try and link the dogs animation to the handler's speed. So far I've got this: this addEventHandler ["AnimChanged", { params ["_unit", "_anim"]; if (_anim in ["amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon"]) then { if (alive SFDog && speed _unit >=1 ) exitWith { SFDog playMoveNow ("Dog_Walk"); }; if (alive SFDog && speed _unit <1 ) exitWith { SFDog playMoveNow ("Dog_Idle_02"); }; }}]; I know that's really messy but I'm still getting to grips with eventhandlers. I just want it so the dog is idle when the handler has stopped and walks or runs when the handler does. Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  7. Thanks Johnnyboy, I've been using your JBOY Dog script for a while but wasn't aware of vDog. I've been looking through the vDog script and found this: vRunnerAnimationLoop = { params["_dog","_runner","_dogOwner","_animalType"]; while {alive _dog} do { if (simulationEnabled _dogOwner && diag_fps > 15) then { private _animState = animationState _runner; switch (true) do { case ((animationState _runner) find "mwlk" >= 0 && speed _runner <= 9): {_dog playMoveNow (_animalType + "_Walk")}; case ((animationState _runner) find "mrun" >= 0 OR (animationState _runner) find "meva" >= 0 OR speed _runner > 10): {_dog playMoveNow (_animalType + "_Sprint")}; case ((animationState _runner) find "mrun" >= 0 OR (animationState _runner) find "meva" >= 0 OR speed _runner > 6): {_dog playMoveNow (_animalType + "_Run")}; case ((animationState _runner) find "mstp" >= 0 OR speed _runner < 1): {_dog playMoveNow (_animalType + "_Idle_Stop")}; }; if (!(animationState _runner isEqualTo _animState)) then { _dog setVectorUp (surfaceNormal getpos _runner); // keep dog feet on ground on slopes }; }; sleep 0.5; I think it is linking the speed of a unit to a playmovenow command, but I can't figure out to make use of it. Anyone got any ideas? Thanks.
  8. Hi, I'm trying to put together a script where my team are calling for support at a location defined by a single click on the map. The script places a marker using 'onMapSingleClick'. I've got the script working but I want to add some realistic communication procedures. I basically want to have the radio comms show the requested coordinates as text, for example "Requesting extraction from grid ########". Any ideas? Thanks.
  9. I've managed to create an attack dog. He follows me around (although he's not part of the team), travels in my vehicles, obeys commands and is lethal to enemy soldiers. Everything is working well but I can't get the enemy AI to see my dog as a threat, so he just runs amok and kill all the enemy soldiers without them trying to stop him. I want the enemy AI to shoot at the dog as if he were one of my team members. So far I've tried the following but haven't had any success: Changed the side in the mission file from Ambient life to West. Added EAST setfriend [AMBIENT LIFE, 0]. Tried to attach a laser target to the dog, although I'm not sure if I've done this correctly. Dog Addrating -4000, Any ideas/help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  10. Hello, I've recently started having a problem with the British Voices in my single player missions. I'm running Game version: 1.57.134560, Branch: development. The player and the AI team members don't make a sound, there also isn't any radio chatter when giving orders (although the AI do still follow orders). I've disabled all mods but still getting the same problem. I'm using a description.ext file to set the voices with the lines: class CfgIdentities { class Soldier1 { name = "Dave"; nameSound = "None"; face = "WhiteHead_Beard05"; glasses = "None"; speaker = "Male04ENGB"; pitch = 1; }; Anyone know if it's a bug with the dev or it's something I'm doing?
  11. mostly

    British Voices not working

    Ok, I'm still trying to figure this out. Every other voice works, except for the British ones. During testing using a script to select voices I get "Radio Message CuratorObjectPlaced not found", does anyone know what this means? Does anyone know if the path to the British voices been changed? Anyone else having the same problem?
  12. mostly

    Drag Dead Body Script

    Great script, it's exactly what I've been looking for. Just one question, if I want to be able to load more than one body to one vehicle which lines should I tweak? Thanks
  13. Hi guys, I'm building a base template but need to spawn some working doors to complete it. Is it possible?
  14. mostly

    Spawn a door?

    Ok thanks, I was worried that was the case. I think all the doors in the game are part of whole buildings rather than separate. I've been using MGB kill house add on which has some small section of wall with a door in. Does anyone know of any other addons that have doors?
  15. I'm using this with a SP mission. I'm trying to keep the "drag" action available once a team member is dead, so I can recover his body (Leave no man behind and all that). How would I go about doing this? The drag action disappears once a team member is dead.
  16. The only time I've had a problem with it is when I've tried to access the M4 from a scripted ammo crate in the editor. If I use the Colt ammo box it works perfectly. Plus you can add it directly to units using a script or the "this addweapon "FHQ_M4A1_TAN"" line in the init box. It seems to work fine when using this method.
  17. mostly

    SJB SAS Pack

    These are excellent. Are there any plans to release patrol units without any headgear? Just like in the original SJB_SAS pack?
  18. mostly

    SJB SAS Pack

    Looking very good. Just downloading them now. Thanks guys.
  19. mostly

    SJB SAS Pack

    I hate being one of those people who posts "when is this gonna be released?". But...........when is this gonna be released? ;)
  20. Sorry, I might not have understood what you're asking here? If you're just wanting to remove the action from the player's menu use this: Put this in the mission init.sqf act1 = co addAction ["Sabotage Mission","mission1.sqf"] Then at the end of the mission1.sqf add co removeAction act1;
  21. mostly


    You can add voices to a mission. I'd suggest searching the forums first before starting up a new thread though. There's plenty of information on how to add custom voices and custom music already out there on the forums. If you're still struggling after looking through these older threads let the community know and I'm sure someone will be willing to talk you through it step by step.
  22. I'm not 100% sure this works because I haven't had a chance to test it myself. Try calling a function in your mission's init.sqf using: _video = ["\ca\video_pmc\CP00_intro.ogv"] spawn bis_fnc_playVideo; waitUntil {scriptDone _video}; Obviously put the path to your own video in the beginning bit ("\ca\video_pmc\CP00_intro.ogv"). ARMA2 seems to use .ogv video format. A few months ago I remember searching around for a file converter that uses the .ogv format but I didn't have any luck. Good luck and if you find a .ogv file converter let me know.
  23. mostly

    Custom Radio Menus

    It can be done. I use sqs scripting, I know there's probably an easier way with sqf but it works! 1.Create 2 sqs files. Radio and Radio1. 2. Radio should contain 1 setradiomsg "Air" 2 setradiomsg "Sea" 3 setradiomsg "Land" 4 setradiomsg "null" 5 setradiomsg "null" 6 setradiomsg "null" 7 setradiomsg "null" 8 setradiomsg "null" menu = 0 3. Radio1.sqs should then contain _radio = _this select 0 ?menu == 0 : goto "RADIO0" ?menu == 1 : goto "RADIO1" ?menu == 2 : goto "RADIO2" ?menu == 3 : goto "RADIO3" ?menu == 4 : goto "RADIO4" ?menu == 5 : goto "RADIO5" ?menu == 6 : goto "RADIO6" ?menu == 7 : goto "RADIO7" ?menu == 8 : goto "RADIO8" ?menu == 9 : goto "RADIO9" exit ;----------Default Menu---------- #MENU0 1 setradiomsg "Air" 2 setradiomsg "Sea" 3 setradiomsg "Land" 4 setradiomsg "null" 5 setradiomsg "null" 6 setradiomsg "null" 7 setradiomsg "null" 8 setradiomsg "null" menu = 0 exit #RADIO0 ?_radio == "A" : goto "MENU1" ?_radio == "B" : goto "MENU2" ?_radio == "C" : goto "MENU3" exit ;----------Main Menu---------- #MENU1 1 setradiomsg "AirStrike" 2 setradiomsg "Helicopter support" 3 setradiomsg "Main Menu" 4 setradiomsg "null" 5 setradiomsg "null" 6 setradiomsg "null" 7 setradiomsg "null" 8 setradiomsg "null" menu = 1 exit #RADIO1 ?_radio == "A" : goto "AIRSTRIKE" ?_radio == "B" : goto "HELICOPTER" ?_radio == "C" : goto "MENU0" exit #AIRSTRIKE /////////insert your airstrike script or whatever you want here///// goto "MENU0" #HELICOPTER //////////insert waht you want here//// goto "MENU0" 3. Create some radio triggers in your mission. Radio ALPHA should have this in the init line ["A"] exec "radio1.sqs"; , and so on....with radio BRAVO having ["B"] exec "radio1.sqs"; 4. Make sure you've got an init.sqf, and include this [] exec "Radio.sqs"; There you go. You can have as many radio channels as you want now, just copy the above steps. Any problems let me know and I'll sort them.
  24. mostly

    SLX Mod WIP

    Yes mate, got that line from Aliens. Classic. I'm playing with Combined Ops and my specs are: Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E8400 3.0GHZ 4.00GB RAM NVIDIA Geforce 9800 GT x2 Any ideas what the problem could be?