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Everything posted by MJK-Ranger

  1. It could be duplicate ID or some left over addons in your default addon folder in OA. It's very important to not install addons in your default addon folder for OA. XXXX\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Common\ 70 files here XXXX\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\Addons\ 62 files here Ask Dwarden, he can check if you CD-KEY are OK. Session lost: could also be bad internet connection, high ping, or running Wireless connection.
  2. Duplicate items when you are running Combined Operation? (ArmA2 + ArmA2:OA) Hmm never had that problem.
  3. MJK-Ranger

    Artifacts in the Arrowhead Demo.

    Could be heat problem. As Dwarden wrote "cause they stress the GPU differently also ARMA 2 is for sure putting bigger stress on the VRAM part" When i play ArmA2 or OA, my GPU are almost 100% load. I did a test here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1695880&postcount=224
  4. Does ArmA2 alone run perfectly and ArmA2:OA to then, Yes if you run _runA2CO_nonSteamOA.cmd (double click), but make sure your registry are OK, because the cmd file search for ArmA2 and ArmA2:OA install path.
  5. MJK-Ranger

    Can't host a game!

    What mission are you trying to host? Could be an bad mission, error in description.ext Did some search for ya: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1544864 So why not try to delete all the missions in your MPmission, probably one or more missions are bad.
  6. @USMCLuke I run both version from Steam and i run them on my server to. I just copy both of my ArmA2 folders over to my server from my game computer, then i made an registry file that put the correct path and info into my server registry. You can also put the key into the reg file so you can update the game to if you want, but i simple just install beta patch on my game PC then i copy the beta folder over to my server. Beta updates has nothing to do with steam at all. The beta only check your registry for valid install path and key. If everything are correct the beta patch will be installed into an beta folder in your OA, i.e XXXX\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\Expansion\beta\ I don't know how much access you have on that rent server, but since you are allowed to run steam client and install games, you may have full access. Are you using Remote Desktop or something? It's important that you run ArmA2 and ArmA2:OA once so your registry are updated. Then you can download the latest beta from the server using a browser if you have access to that one, then install the beta patch and use Dwarden startup on some previous posts here
  7. @AMS AGENT 000 Ok.. i did a test. I downloaded the TF86 Navy SEALs Pack v.1.2 and no problem to start ArmA2 with that addon and no problem to start ArmA2: Combined Operation(ArmA2 + ArmA2:OA)
  8. hmm very strange. Try first without that mode and see if you can start the game, of not.. then you have to make sure you don't have installed anything else on your computer after last night, if so try to remove what you have installed.
  9. Hi. Then try to start without mod :) What mod are you using?
  10. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=103516&page=8
  11. MJK-Ranger

    ArmA 2: Operation Arrowhead - DEMO!

    takistan.pbo 51.590.732 bytes takistan.pbo.bi.bisign 287 bytes takistan_data.pbo 150.721.670 bytes takistan_data.pbo.bi.bisign 287 bytes takistan_data_layers.pbo 132.708.892 bytes takistan_data_layers.pbo.bi.bisign 287 bytes zargabad.pbo 211.082.819 bytes zargabad.pbo.bi.bisign 287 bytes
  12. Yes, x^y = z without ON and OFF, if with ON and OFF z^2 2^4 = 16 combinations without ON/OFF switch 16^2 = 256 combinations with ON/OFF switch :p
  13. MJK-Ranger

    Problems installing beta patch

    The problem could be the "MAIN" in your registry. The "MAIN" is the install path of your ArmA2/OA, make sure the MAIN have a correct install path.
  14. MJK-Ranger

    Boot Camp - Spacebar issue

    Hi. Not sure if this gonna help, just an idea :) Try to find your Arma2 OA profile. Mine are located in two places: c:\Users\YOURUSER\Documents\ArmA 2\ <----- here is your default profile that ArmA makes first time you start ArmA2/OA. If you make a new profile then it is located here: c:\Users\YOURUSER\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\ OK... if you haven't make any new profile then you have to find the file XXXXXX.ArmA2OAProfile in c:\Users\YOURUSER\Documents\ArmA 2\ The XXXXX is are your windows user, arma2/oa use that one as default. Now, make a backup of the file, then edit the file and delete everything on it. Then start the game, it will add all the info again. If you have made a new profile, it will be located at c:\Users\YOURUSER\Documents\ArmA 2 Other Profiles\ There you will find your profile. Enter you profile and edit YOURGAMEPROFILE.ArmA2OAProfile, but make a copy of it first, then delete everything in the file. Then start your arma2:oa Not really sure if this gonna work, but just an idea :)
  15. MJK-Ranger

    ArmA2:OA Demo - Input Not Supported

    Nice to see it working ;) Time to kick and kill some AI ass :p
  16. MJK-Ranger

    ArmA2:OA Demo - Input Not Supported

    Yes it was that one :) Not much in your file, this is mine and try to use mine but change the Resolution_W, Resolution_H and Render_W , Render_H You can also change the line winW, winH, winDefW and winDefH Remove the lines in red language="English"; adapter=-1; 3D_Performance=100000; Resolution_Bpp=32; Resolution_W=1680; Resolution_H=1050; refresh=60; Render_W=1680; Render_H=1050; FSAA=2; postFX=0; HDRPrecision=8; lastDeviceId=""; localVRAM=2126184448; nonlocalVRAM=1878282240; GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1; GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1; Windowed=0; winX=16; winY=32; winW=1680; winH=1050; winDefW=1680; winDefH=1050;
  17. MJK-Ranger

    ArmA2:OA Demo - Input Not Supported

    Hi. Can you please post your ArmA2OA.cfg located c:\Users\YOURUSER\Documents\ArmA 2\ I see you are running 32 bit system, so the location can be different. Just search for it.
  18. MJK-Ranger

    ArmA2 crash to desktop

    Yes ArmA2/OA use your GPU extremely, i did a test on OA Benchmark. GPU Core Clock [MHz] , GPU Memory Clock [MHz] , GPU Shader Clock [MHz] , GPU Temperature [°C], Memory Used [MB] , GPU Load [%] , Memory Controller Load [%] , Video Engine Load [%] 648.0 , 1242.0 , 1476.0 , 67.0 , 1193 , 99 , 14 , 0 648.0 , 1242.0 , 1476.0 , 67.0 , 1193 , 99 , 14 , 0 648.0 , 1242.0 , 1476.0 , 67.0 , 1193 , 99 , 14 , 0 648.0 , 1242.0 , 1476.0 , 67.0 , 1193 , 97 , 14 , 0 648.0 , 1242.0 , 1476.0 , 67.0 , 1194 , 99 , 14 , 0 648.0 , 1242.0 , 1476.0 , 67.0 , 1194 , 98 , 14 , 0 648.0 , 1242.0 , 1476.0 , 67.0 , 1194 , 99 , 14 , 0 As you all can see, my GPU Load % was almost 100%
  19. Well, my GPU are normally never higher then 75°C, and this is not only on Arma2, but other heavily GPU games to. I think RealTemp normally have 60°C - 70°C on default GPU temp and yes is depend of what GPU card you use. To be sure, you should take a look and see if you find any info of your GPU card and see what max and normal temp are for your card. My GPU have a maximum temperature of 105°C.
  20. MJK-Ranger

    No missions on local dedicated server

    Hi try this one:
  21. MJK-Ranger

    Steam OA ace trouble

    Hi. You don't need to move your ArmA2 folder. If you have Steam version ArmA2 + ArmA2:Operation Arrowhead, need to take a look inside your ArmA2:Operation Arrowhead folder and start the file named: _runA2CO.cmd It will start your ArmA2 as ArmA2: Combined Operation As i can see you want to run ACE for Operation Arrowhead so you have to install ACE for OA into your ArmA2:Operation Arrowhead folder and add -mod for your ACE folder and CBA. You can do this. Make a backup of your _runA2CO.cmd and name it _runA2CO_ACE.cmd then edit _runA2CO_ACE.cmd. Find the line: "%_STEAMPATH%\steam.exe" -applaunch 33930 "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;EXPANSION;ca" Replace it with: "%_STEAMPATH%\steam.exe" -applaunch 33930 "-mod=%_ARMA2PATH%;@CBA;@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_SM;EXPANSION;ca" Not sure how many folder ACE have but i think is ACE, ACEX and ACEX_SM and it need @CBA After that you can start your _runA2CO_ACE.cmd just double click on it. More info can be found here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?p=1683038#post1683038
  22. MJK-Ranger

    OA Server Problems

    http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=100519&highlight=exThreads :)
  23. MJK-Ranger

    OA Server Problems

    Hi. Have you tried to use the latest beta patch? I don't think you get this problem if you only run your server as Operation Arrowhead. I have never tested my server in Combined Operation. You can try to add -exThreads=1 in to your startup parameters.
  24. MJK-Ranger

    halo jump ?

    When you are falling like a rock, just use your middle mouse scroll(just scroll it) to get the action menu on the left side, then select "Open Parachute"
  25. MJK-Ranger

    STEAM troubleshooting

    Hi and welcome :) First, you have bought both versions? ArmA2 + ArmA2:OA or just ArmA2: Combined Operation?