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Everything posted by OberSchutze

  1. Hello all, I was wondering if there is a script out there to make a top down attack an option for lock on missile launchers.
  2. OberSchutze

    Rangemaster belt texture

    It uses the same texture as the plate carriers do.
  3. OberSchutze

    NLAW Mod

    I am in the process of making a modified NLAW for my group to use in coop missions. I also was trying to retexture it as well. I made the texture, attempted to apply it but it did not work. That part is not a big deal I guess, it just appears to be a lack of hiddentextures being available for that weapon system. My major issue is a popup error related to simulation component somewhere associated with the cfgammo. I have included my cfgammo code. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
  4. OberSchutze

    Rangemaster belt texture

    The range master belt is a vest object not a backpack.
  5. Perhaps include some of the errors that you are getting.
  6. OberSchutze

    Arma 3 Respawn Template Help

    Might be better asked in the mission editor config sub forum.
  7. You would have to remove it from the uniform config.
  8. OberSchutze

    Vest Issue

    Hello all, After the APEX release none of my vest textures appear anymore. I am using the Kerry version Plate carrier. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. OberSchutze

    Vest Issue

    Worked great Pennyworth, thanks for explaining it to me. Jackal I think you have to do a bit more as you are making new item classes from scratch. I am inheriting most of the info from stock bis stuff. I haven't found a need for RVMATs yet.
  10. OberSchutze

    Vest Issue

    How would I go about that? My programming skills are rusty.
  11. OberSchutze

    Vest Issue

    I suppose having the code helps. class Vest_Camo_Base; class VestItem; class V_PlateCarrier1_rgr; class V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr; class V_PlateCarrier3_rgr; #include "TF2031PlateCarriers.hpp" #include "TF2031UnitPC.hpp" class TF2031_OCP_PlateCarrier1_rgr: Vest_Camo_Base { scope = 2; displayName = "Task Force 2031 OCP Light Carrier"; picture = "\A3\characters_f\Data\UI\icon_V_plate_carrier_1_CA.paa"; model = "\A3\Characters_F_EPA\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest_kerry"; hiddenSelections[] = {"camo"}; hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\Projects\TF_2031_Mod\addons\TF_2031_Units\data\textures\plate_carriers\TF2031_PC_MCAM_co.paa"}; class ItemInfo: VestItem { uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F_EPA\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest_kerry"; containerClass = "Supply200"; mass = 1; class HitpointsProtectionInfo { class Chest { HitpointName = "HitChest"; armor = 20; PassThrough = 0.1; }; class Diaphragm { HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm"; armor = 20; PassThrough = 0.1; }; class Abdomen { hitpointName = "HitAbdomen"; armor = 20; passThrough = 0.1; }; class Body { hitpointName = "HitBody"; armor = 20; passThrough = 0.1; }; }; }; };
  12. OberSchutze

    Config Cleanup

    Well I cleaned it up a bit and everything works except for the units themselves now.I am using the old style of ground unit so I wonder if that might have something to do with it.
  13. I am trying to clean my main mod config up a bit as it is getting quire unrulely in size. class CfgPatches { class TF_2031_Units { units[] = {"TF2031_OCP_Soldier_ODA_CO_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_SOS_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_OS_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_AIS_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_SIS_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_AWS_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_ES_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_AES_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_MS_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_AMS_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_SMS_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_SCS_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_Larson_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_Davis_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_Takade_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_schilly_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_nus_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_Odell_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_Smith_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_langley_F","TF2031_OCP_Soldier_hammac_F","TF2031_OCP_AAF_Soldier_F","TF2031_OPFOR_Soldier_F","TF2031_hex_Soldier_F","TF2031_urban_Soldier_F","TF2031_OCP_gur_Soldier_F","TF2031_assault_Mcam","TF2031_Kitbag_Mcam","TF2031_assault_opfor","TF2031_Kitbag_opfor","TF2031_assault_hex_u","TF2031_Kitbag_hex_u"}; weapons[] = {"TF2031_OCP_CombatUniform_mcam","TF2031_OPFOR_CombatUniform_mcam","TF2031_urban_CombatUniform_mcam","TF2031_hex_CombatUniform_mcam","TF2031_OCP_AAF_CombatUniform_mcam","TF2031_OCP_gur_CombatUniform_mcam","TF2031_enlisted_beret","TF2031_2lt_beret","TF2031_1lt_beret","TF2031_cpt_beret","TF2031_maj_beret","TF2031_ltc_beret","TF2031_col_beret","TF2031_wo1_beret","TF2031_cw2_beret","TF2031_cw3_beret","TF2031_cw4_beret","TF2031_cw5_beret","75th_ranger_enlisted_beret","75th_ranger_2lt_beret","75th_ranger_1lt_beret","75th_ranger_cpt_beret","75th_ranger_maj_beret","75th_ranger_ltc_beret","75th_ranger_col_beret","75th_ranger_wo1_beret","75th_ranger_cw2_beret","75th_ranger_cw3_beret","75th_ranger_cw4_beret","75th_ranger_cw5_beret","75th_airborne_enlisted_beret","75th_airborne_2lt_beret","75th_airborne_1lt_beret","75th_airborne_cpt_beret","75th_airborne_maj_beret","75th_airborne_ltc_beret","75th_airborne_col_beret","75th_airborne_wo1_beret","75th_airborne_cw2_beret","75th_airborne_cw3_beret","75th_airborne_cw4_beret","75th_airborne_cw5_beret","160th_soar_enlisted_beret","160th_soar_2lt_beret","160th_soar_1lt_beret","160th_soar_cpt_beret","160th_soar_maj_beret","160th_soar_ltc_beret","160th_soar_col_beret","160th_soar_wo1_beret","160th_soar_cw2_beret","160th_soar_cw3_beret","160th_soar_cw4_beret","160th_soar_cw5_beret","TF2031_fast_ocp","TF2031_fast_urban","TF2031_fast_opfor","TF2031_ech_ocp","TF2031_boon_ocp","TF2031_boon_opfor","TF2031_boon_hex_u","TF2031_hat_ocp","TF2031_OCP_PlateCarrier1_rgr","TF2031_OPFOR_PlateCarrier1_rgr","TF2031_hex_PlateCarrier1_rgr","TF2031_urban_PlateCarrier1_rgr","TF2031_combatbelt_ocp","TF2031_IOTV_ocp","TF2031_OCP_PlateCarrier_Larson","TF2031_OCP_PlateCarrier_Davis","TF2031_OCP_PlateCarrier_Schilly","TF2031_OCP_PlateCarrier_Smith","TF2031_OCP_PlateCarrier_Nus","TF2031_OCP_PlateCarrier_Takade","TF2031_OCP_PlateCarrier_Langley","TF2031_OCP_PlateCarrier_Odell","TF2031_OCP_PlateCarrier_Hammac"}; icon = "\Projects\TF_2031_Mod\addons\TF_2031_Units\data\TF2031Icon.paa"; requiredVersion = 0.1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Characters_F","A3_Characters_F_INDEP","A3_Characters_F_BLUFOR","A3_Weapons_F","A3_Characters_F_EPB","A3_Characters_F_EPA","A3_Weapons_F_Ammoboxes","A3_Characters_F_Common"}; }; }; class CfgFactionClasses { class TF2031_units { displayName = "Task Force 2031"; icon = "\Projects\TF_2031_Mod\addons\TF_2031_Units\data\TF2031Icon.paa"; priority = 1; side = 1; }; }; class CfgVehicleClasses { class TF2031_units { displayName = "TF2031 Units"; }; }; class B_AssaultPack_Kerry; class Bag_Base; class CfgVehicles { class B_Soldier_base_F; class I_Soldier_base_F; class I_G_resistanceLeader_F; class B_Helipilot_F; #include "ODABase.hpp" #include "TF2031Bags.hpp" #include "TF2031UniformBase.hpp" #include "TF2031Members.hpp" }; class B_AssaultPack_Kerry; class Bag_Base; class CfgVehicles class cfgWeapons { #include "TF2031Uniforms.hpp" class ItemCore; class HeadgearItem; #include "TF2031Headgear.hpp" class Vest_Camo_Base; class VestItem; class V_PlateCarrier1_rgr; class V_PlateCarrierGL_rgr; class V_PlateCarrier3_rgr; #include "TF2031PlateCarriers.hpp" }; class CfgUnitInsignia { class TF2031_sf_patch { displayName = "Taskforce 2031 SF Patch"; author = "Larson [2031]"; texture = "\Projects\TF_2031_Mod\addons\TF_2031_Units\data\textures\patches\TF2031_SF_Patch.paa"; textureVehicle = ""; }; class TF2031_160soar_patch { displayName = "Taskforce 2031 160 SOAR Patch"; author = ""; texture = "\Projects\TF_2031_Mod\addons\TF_2031_Units\data\textures\patches\160soar_ocp.paa"; textureVehicle = ""; }; class TF2031_5thrb_co_patch { displayName = "Taskforce 2031 5th Ranger Bn Color"; author = ""; texture = "\Projects\TF_2031_Mod\addons\TF_2031_Units\data\textures\patches\5thrb_blk_red.paa"; textureVehicle = ""; }; class TF2031_5thrb_ocp_patch { displayName = "Taskforce 2031 5th Ranger Bn OCP"; author = ""; texture = "\Projects\TF_2031_Mod\addons\TF_2031_Units\data\textures\patches\5thrb_subdued.paa"; textureVehicle = ""; }; }; When I go to compile it PBOProject fails without giving a reason. Not too sure what is actually broken.
  14. Will this be updated with the new armor system?
  15. OberSchutze

    launcher doesnt store mods where i told it to

    @BIS_Wizard, is there any discussion of a configuration launcher for the server side which can subscribe to workshop mods?
  16. OberSchutze

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Was this ever ported over to Kunduz or Stratis?
  17. OberSchutze

    launcher doesnt store mods where i told it to

    I wish they could just make a launcher for server console like they have for the client. Take the good parts of tophes launcher and integrate mod subscription.
  18. OberSchutze

    launcher doesnt store mods where i told it to

    Wasn't that supposed to be a selling point of using steam workshop for mods? To make using mods easier to use for the operators of the servers and the people wanting to join said servers? I mean let's face it, us server admins do this because we love the game, it isn't supposed to be a full time job to manage a server.I have been asking for a means to sync steam workshop mods to servers since arma 3 came out and allowed for steam workshop mods. I am lucky enough that I own the actually server box and have direct physical access to the server to do my mod updates. I can't imagine how big of a pain in the rear it must be for those who don't and have to use some web frontend.
  19. OberSchutze

    launcher doesnt store mods where i told it to

    I think the situation would be better if we could subscribe to and get mods to download for dedicated server, then we don't have to find and manually update them.
  20. OberSchutze

    launcher doesnt store mods where i told it to

    This is all well and good, would be nice if I could subscribe to the mods for my dedicated server then to keep them updated. Now I have to remember what each mods number is to update it.
  21. OberSchutze

    A couple of O2 questions

    You can also select the model in OB and hold ctrl+shift and drag with your mouse button to make it larger or smaller.
  22. I can import my model into O2 fine. But I am not sure where to go from there. I am also not sure how to get buldozer to work correctly. Any help would be appreciated.
  23. OberSchutze

    Exporing UV for texture creation?

    When I export a file like this I get a white image.
  24. OberSchutze

    A couple of O2 questions

    It works now. Thanks guys. By chance do you know what button exports a texture map?
  25. OberSchutze

    A couple of O2 questions

    From what I can tell it is 50k now.