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Posts posted by ModaFlanker

  1. In the air, its clear that my throttle works just fine. Whenever I throttle down from full (to 1/2) my plane does start slowing down.

    Are you talking about that to move a jet on the ground you have to throttle up to 100%? I've always had to do that... going to 100 and as soon as the plane starts moving dialing the thrust down and making a semi circle before going to 100 again and back down to turn around the rest of the way... it is tricky but it's not really bothered me that much.

  2. yeah benny try it on 64

    or can someone put another one up :-)

    Yeah, more servers should be hosting this map.

    I saw that a Chinese server was hosting it... but that's it.

    As for 64 players maybe the server can't handle it... so to get one that can would probably cost too much money.

    I will be a very sad person if XR goes down... its been rock-solid steady/reliable.

  3. What, you want to hit Tab, get a lock on, fire, and laugh? How boring.

    If you want to talk REALISM, how about having to do it like in real life... dealing with every minute mind-numbing detail, needing to coordinate with others to eliminate any SAM threats that would dearly love for you to fly in a straight line while bombing, etc etc etc.

    IMHO, when all helicopters have to do is hit Tab and fire [without having to do any actual radar work and determining friend from foe from all the metal hulks everywhere] the gameplay is RUINED.

    Having someone mark a laser target requires TEAMWORK and it should stay that way. Game gets boring fast when all we are are lone rambos running around.

  4. Be sure to setup some ground rules for the tournament to try and ensure a good time.

    For example:  Is it allowable for a team to "wall off" a camp to prevent people from retaking it?  Etc...  You don't want bad/negative feelings about how some teams got their victories.

    How about the usage of helicopters as suicide guided missiles to destroy factories or worse, the MHQ?

  5. Soldiers lost probably includes the spawned AI such at your base [you've noticed the infantry running/patrolling around].  If your base was repeatedly shelled with artillery, it would kill a LOT of those spawned soldiers [as opposed to recruited ones by human players].

    By Airstrike, do you mean those explosions that occur around a specific spot, that come in waves every few seconds, before ceasing for at least 3-5 minutes?  That is Artillery, and from your command menu you can call those in if you've purchased artillery pieces [either as commander, or at a camp in any city, or with a repair truck in an area where the enemy is not likely to find it].  You also have to hire crewmen and bring them to the location and tell them to get in the artillery pieces.... then you can order them to strike targets.

    They have about a 4000m range... if you order them to attack but they do not fire at all and your target was very far and you are sure you had ammo, that would be why.  So on North-South Sahrani maps, artillery pieces in south Sahrani cannot attack everywhere in North Sahrani, you have to create pieces in North Sahrani to cover that part of the island.

    If you REALLY want airstrikes, you can use a laser designator on a target and a human flying a GBU plane can pick up the target and drop bombs on it. You could also have an AI fly the plane and bomb by ordering it to attack your laser target, but I usually do not risk such expensive planes with AI.

  6. Not ONE person has mentioned what they are using for their sound.  Shall we start comparing what sound chip/cards we are using?

    I've been having the most horrible freezes in Mass Effect that have been driving me nuts [as posted above].  Tried many things to fix it, newer drivers, etc.

    Then I decide disable the sound in Device manager completely.  What I have been using is my so-called "Karjan Audio Module" for the NF4 Lanparty I am using [which uses the Realtek AC97 drivers].

    The freezing stopped!

    I'm going to put an old Soundblaster Live! card in my system and report back here if anything changes.

    If it does I'll test the Soundblaster in ArmA-- if it freezes I'll disable sound and see if that does anything.

    NOTE:  I never had the freezing problem with my ATI card.  Seems to be a conflict of my Realtek sound with the nVidia card.

    WHAT SOUND CHIP/CARDS are you all using?

    Update: Changing to my Soundblaster didn't change anything. Maybe the card is old, but its looking more like a conflict between nVidia drivers and the sound. Will have to start experimenting with the hardware acceleration slider in Windows for the sound card.

  7. I've been playing the game, Mass Effect on my Nvidia 8800GT.

    Guess what?


    Its a nVidia driver issue... probably not something BIS can fix.

    Added:  Haven't tried the new drivers with the physics, so I'll try that.

    Added later:  Tried the latest nVidia drivers.  Just had another Mass Effect freeze (freezes anywhere between 5 to 30 seconds).  Will have to report later if this ever happens to me in ArmA or not.

  8. Here's my wishlist of fixes.

    Immune MHQ packed or unpacked from same team sabeuters


    We run our high bandwidth server "roughly" Midnight GMT to Midday GMT everyday. Look for "169th High Performance Server" or just filter "169" to find it fast.

    notworthy.gif Thanks MILLIONS!!!

    Yeah, I've tried to keep an eye out for your server, but wasn't sure which one it would be if not on the top on the list. Will keep an eye out for it!

  9. Gnat: I vented more anger at you than I would've liked. Its not personal and I won't take anything you've said personal too.

    Thank you to everyone who has been contributing to this thread! It means a lot to me to see people trying to do something about this. notworthy.gif

    I was told that anti-griefing tools will be put into the RBT maps on the XR server too. That is excellent news indeed, its my favorite mod that I play on most of the time! smile_o.gif

  10. Gnat @ Aug. 22 2008,02:30)]Lets face it, blowing it up is just 1 of a 100 things they could do.

    ...... simply jump in it and drive it towards the opposition.

    a "no friendly fire kill" option wont save it then!

    Simply kick the dickheads or play on a server with reliable people.

    Did you even read what I wrote?

    If so, you'd have realized I had written that THERE IS NO INDICATION OF WHO DID THE DAMAGE so how do we ban them in the first place?

    If I am playing as commander, they can't drive it off like that. The worst they can do is switch sides, knowing where it is, BUT AT LEAST I have an opportunity to stop them with very tough base defenses even if they know where to beeline towards!

    I'm asking for the capability as commander to be able to run an actual long, hard fought map.  Without it, I REFUSE TO BE COMMANDER.  Its not worth the investment.

    "Unrealistic" is an extremely lame excuse, because there are "1 of a 100 things" that are already unrealistic about ArmA, that if we were to make it realistic following that anal-retentive approach, no one would be playing.

    "Unrealistic" really means, "I don't have a better explanation, I just want to ignore this problem".

    Thanks for replying, but what you wrote is absolutely worthless.

  11. Why would anyone working on the Warfare mission think it was a great idea to have the Mobile Headquarters, which we can *NOT* rebuild, be destroyable by friendly or griefer fire?

    People invest several hours of their gaming time on an excellent well fought map and it gets ruined not because one team did the right thing, but because a griefer joins the game and satchels the MHQ to death [or uses a tank on it].

    This harms Warfare terribly, and drives players away.

    I have actually seen a modder actually not care about this, who also refused to explain why.  I had asked if it was impossible to do or if he refused, and he said he refused to change it.

    I guess that's why I stopped ever being a commander.  I hate investing a lot of work making my HQ a fortress just to have someone ruin it so easily like that.

    Worse, there are *NO* messages that say, "GrieferIdiot is causing damage to the HQ!" before we get the "The HQ has been destroyed!" message.  We can't tell who did the damage to ban them!

    Sometimes I've had to ask the opposing team, "Did you just kill our MHQ right now?  Is anyone claiming to have done so?" and then some players get upset because now I've let the other team know that our MHQ is down and all they have to do is destroy the remaining factories to wipe us out [a psychological tactical advantage].

    I'm not interested in staring at the MHQ straight for hours on end to stop it [or catch who is doing it].

    So if any of you have modded Warfare, and yet you think it is absolutely essential that the Mobile Headquarters be easily destroyed by friendly fire...

    I just have to ask.



  12. I guess to answer your questions bluntly, Maruk is not supporting this mod anymore with ArmA 2 in development so this mod would be considered dead confused_o.gif

    Shame really, I would like to see more done with this mod that only the developers can help with, like the ability to build more structures.

    Yeah, very disappointing.

    Oh well, they got to earn a paycheck in order to live... else they'd not be able to create anything more. Thanks for updating me CrazyAce

  13. I don't understand the use of the boats on land though... confused_o.gif

    Its the commander's job to bring the MHQ to a shoreline (ie: somewhere near Mercalillo), build a base, and build a second vehicle factory near the shore [to buy a land vehicle, use the one inland, to buy a boat, use the one by the shore].

    Then pray you make it across the water before an attack helicopter or attack jet merely hits tab and the left mouse button from thousands of meters away.

  14. When I played World War 2 Online, which was a game that was different from other games in that it had vast view distances and a persistent battlefield (no loading zones... you can take hours to cross the entire map in a plane)... there was always a certain ceiling to the framerate that a faster CPU and faster GPU didn't help much with.

    I see the same sort of effect in ArmA... it appears to come with the territory when you move from shoebox areas into large battlefields.

    When I play, I prefer gameplay over eyecandy... so I'm happy with normal settings with my 8800GT in ArmA. I don't need to have every setting on maximum.

    I'm sure your rig blows away many other games that you can at least be happy with at least.

  15. This might help ...

    Heh, Dslyecxi makes awesome videos smile_o.gif Definitely hardcore ArmA.

    I second this video as an excellent watch [and listen, with a stirring soundtrack].

  16. See I don't understand how that works. How can someone without the files play on a server that is hosting that mod?

    Do you notice that when you first play a mission that is new/edited, that you download the mission first?

    That's how it works.

    Its only when there are files being used that are not part of basic ArmA that you are required to use addons.

    As for the XR server, one of the guys who works on that version the map is Benny.  Very friendly guy and a hell of a player.

    The Command Centers that have been added to the game really work very nicely... maybe a bit too nicely if there are so many bases all over the map that neither side finds it easy enough to "win" the game.  [For those who haven't seen it in action, they are respawn locations, so we can respawn at old bases if they are still intact.  You're not limited to just the HQ or the town you are in.]

    With the large view distances and the wrecks and bodies that pile up after several hours, the frames per second do drag so heavily that people leave the server.  When I fly by Corazol if it was a major battleground for hours, I see tons of white squares whiz past on the radar... even if I had tried to clean it up with a salvage truck.

    It would be very nice to have a "flush out all bodies and wrecks" script, if that was even possible... to fix that lag.

  17. Maruk,

    You guys still read these threads? Is there still more work being done on a newer version of Warfare?

    You have a PM I sent quite a while ago, but it still shows as being unread by you. It's about how a griefer can ruin hours of gameplay on a server, which is pretty damaging to the appeal of Warfare if no one wants to go through that again.

    Things have been getting quiet and so I was wondering about whats in store for the future of Warfare.

  18. Its supposed to cost cheaper [at least in missions where you have to buy helicopters from a certain income].  Sort of like how America had weaker Sherman tanks in WW2 but was able to mass produce them and outweigh the Nazi tanks.

    The AH6 MG is pretty deadly, at least to me.  I tried to hide once when I wasnt sure if the AH6 had seen me or not, but the pilot sprayed the area where he last saw me [and I was hiding in some bushes] and quickly cleared me out... the area was absolutely carpeted with bullet strikes which swiss-cheesed me.

    The rockets can kill tanks, they just have to land accurately, and from a high angle they can exploit the weaker armor from up top. Clearly though with the limited number, these rockets are far more effective when used against infantry and defense emplacements.

    Follow what walker says--- high speed strike and pass.  After the pass, hug the terrain so if you are able to dip over some hills then whoever you just attacked cannot return fire when they finally get the weapons pointed at you.

  19. You should provide more information than that if you want replies.

    If as commander he sends the order to eject [6 for Action, then the number for "Eject"] then the AI will all jump out. As a human, you should hear the order if you are a subordinate, but the game will not eject for you, you are a human meant to jump when you hear its time to eject.

    In effect, the AI heard the commander say eject and so they jumped... you didnt. smile_o.gif

    Of course, if I'm wildly off the mark here, that's why I say... you need to provide more information.

    If this is user-generated content with something new scripted in that is supposed to force people to eject, then that might be the problem... that its not a bug with ArmA but the scripting.

  20. The next patch will probably be the last, so make sure you are in contact with BIS to make its way in. Check with Suma, he's been pretty communicative with people on this board about patch issues.

    Here is where BIS talks about the next (final) patch and why they have to move on fully to ArmA 2. They'd release another patch after that if it was absolutely essential... but thats it.


  21. Someone mentioned that it's caused by Battleeye somehow... and yes, a nVidia card.

    I have the 8800GT and run into this problem too at odd times... I can play hours without a problem, or I can run into this problem several times on one map.

    If I don't Alt-tab or Ctrl-Alt-Del or Alt-Enter, it seems to stay frozen... so I hit alt-tab and then alt-tab back into the game to fix it. [Could be wrong, I'd have to wait much much longer to test this].

  22. Quoting a troubleshooting thread:

    Royal Flush campaign missing from Queen's Gambit

    In order to activate some content it is required to start the game with the syntax -mod=DBE1 (for example: "C:\Games\Armed Assault\arma.exe" -mod=DBE1). This problem may occur if the player directly activates the program executable (arma.exe) or use the default ArmA shortcut. Either edit the default shortcut or make a new one with the required addition.


