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Posts posted by [frl]myke

  1. They are all lieing, anyone able to get over 25 fps there is full of shit.

    No matter what rig you run, if its a 5 dollar pc or a 5000 dollar pc, doesnt matter you wont get above 25 fps.

    Upgrading won't help either.


    30+ FPS

    Sacrified a few FPS for higher viewdistance (6000m). AMD FX 8350, Radeon HD5870, SSD (don't ask brand), 16 GB Ram.

    Only stutters i got was when Zeus spawned something into the game.

    Or simply said: while others complain, i enjoy the game. But i admit, as a Moderator i have ofc a completely different version than the average customer (do i have to use sarcasm tags?) which makes 100% use of the 8 cores and uses the complete memory.

  2. Complicated case. First, Lstor didn't broke the forum rules although it is a close call. The rules clearly states "other than personal use" which he clearly followed. He didn't published it nor did he post any pictures or videos. One might argue if the list of changes he posted falls under this rule but i see it rather as a offer to help.

    On the other side, the provided license clearly prohibits any altering of the addon. Arguing with different laws in different countries might be correct in terms of law. But for common sense and respect for the addon creator it doesn't apply. Sometimes i tend to think that people hide behind these laws when they know that morally they're wrong.

    Anyway, we will not give a infraction to Lstor as he (just) didn't voilated the forum rules. But be reminded this is really a close call.

    What i really hope to see is that you both can settle this and maybe even work together. After all, double the knowledge in a addon can only improve it. I hope you guys can find a way.

    So, officially this case is closed, please no more discussion about it in this thread (unless for announcing your cooperation, ofc). If points remain unclear please use PM's.

  3. Then ask in the TAW Viewdistance Thread.

    §7) Search before posting

    If you have a question, please use the forum search function before posting to make sure that it hasn't been answered before. There is a big chance it has, not only does searching help to keep the forum free of multiple threads it will also help you to get an answer much quicker.

    §8) Post in the right forum & right thread

    Please ensure you make new threads in the correct forum, if you're unsure of which forum to post in feel free to ask a moderator. If a thread exists for the topic you wish to post about you must use it, for example all ACE questions belong in the ACE thread. All addon/mod questions belong in the thread for that addon/mod. In the case of DayZ discussions they should be posted on the DayZ forums, this includes problems with the Modification. The troubleshooting forum is not for problems with Addons and Mods!

    The Troubleshooting section is for the vanilla game, not user created content/scripts.


  4. Are you a moderator? If not, just let them do their work, would ya?

    We welcome people pointing out rules if they see fit so issues can be sorted out before we have to hand out infractions. If you would just have apologized, the outcome might have been different. Manners definately will benefit.

  5. and you guys make karts !?!?!?!?

    Nope, they didn't. Some BI employees modelled the Karts in their free time (you know, hobby). BI used the Karts for a aprils fools joke (Splendid Split video, you might have heard of it). The community feedback was so overwhelming that BI decided to actually release it as a cheap DLC to a.) use it as a testbed for the DLC system and b.) to donate to a NGO.

    Besides that, there are already threads covering the Karts DLC:

    §7) Search before posting

    If you have a question, please use the forum search function before posting to make sure that it hasn't been answered before. There is a big chance it has, not only does searching help to keep the forum free of multiple threads it will also help you to get an answer much quicker.

    \End of thread

  6. I agree.

    I remember this issue in my Operating Systems course, and if I remember correctly, since memory can't be split up/resized and shuffled around once allocated (at least in Linux, IIRC), I think the ARMA engine itself needs to rethink when and how often it accesses memory because of this problem. Ex. not constantly updating stuff that the user can't see.

    Having the source code would be super nice lol; I actually want to try and change some things in it now.

    What are you waiting for?


    Actually everyone who actually knows that the engine/the game is broken and unoptimized is invited to apply there and show this bohemian guys how to do it right.

  7. It's a CSAT unit.

    "From modding point of view, this looks like a non-closed shadow geo LOD in the model."

    Care to explain?

    Shadow geometry is one LOD in the model, obviously used for shadow calculations. This 3D model needs to be completely closed (no holes in the 3D model) or such glitches appear.



    Couldn't reproduce it, could you be more specific which CSAT unit exactly?
