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Everything posted by mr_centipede

  1. mr_centipede

    mine planting create disturbed ground

    Place the minefield module in grassy area in the editor and good luck locating them. Blew myself quite a lot last night. And a lot of AI too. The AI if they have an explosive specialist in the group, they will be aware of the mines and try to stay clear of it... sometimes unsuccessfully, most of the time they come out alive.
  2. mr_centipede

    The Grenade Thread

    The military never teach us to cook grenade 'formally' or 'officially'. But it's recognized as a viable method to employ in the battlefield. So in-game terms, probably we can have 'cook grenade' feature. And like in real-life we'll probably see some accidents occur while playing. Once that spoon came of from mr grenade, he's not your friend anymore, so better throw him away.... whichever way
  3. mr_centipede

    Programming your Razer Nostromo for ArmA

    In your opinion, which is better? Nostromo or orbweaver? Another question is, the D-pad, is it like a controller stick (analog) or is it just like a POV HAT button on joystick?
  4. Hi, I just installed TexView2, but I cant seems to load any pictures in it. I tried to load a *.paa file and there's and error message said "Error loading fie ...". Did I messed up somewhere? Are there any other tools out there that can save file to paa?
  5. for me I use ALT+numpad 5
  6. There's an easier method that I just found out. Since steam folder kinda too deep, you can put your mods in your mydocuments\arma3 alpha\<mods> Then Enable them like Myke mention You can also organize them like so: mydocuments\arma3 alpha\AI_mods\<somemods> mydocuments\arma3 alpha\Units_mods\<somemods> mydocuments\arma3 alpha\Sound_mods\<somemods> etc... etc.. and the game can still detect them
  7. mr_centipede

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    Here is the latest video that I could find. A nice honest interview I think.
  8. mr_centipede

    6.5 mm and recoil management in game

    Honestly some people here like it because it means it require skill by the player to handle the recoil instead of by the avatar. For me personally, I have mixed feelings. I kinda like this recoil (introduced since one of A2 beta patches I think), on the other hand, I also like for it to return more or less where you aimed originally. I've fired an M16A1, and I'm not really a good shot. But I can at least re-aimed at the target more or less. Still need some readjustment. Basically when I aimed and shot at the center of the target, after recoil my aim would usually be lower and left/right from the original aiming point, never really higher. Probably because of me trying to quickly re-acquire target or trying overcompensate the recoil. This is when standing unsuported position. When prone, it usually goes to lower left almost everytime. So I dont really know.... But since we have VBS2 style breathing (aiming sway when stationary instead of static like in ARMA 2) then I think it's probably better to return the aim at more or less (up/down/left/right) from original point of aim. Never exactly at the original point of aim. I think there's a ticket somewhere at feedback tracker...
  9. Can we have like how ARMA 2 handle its beta patch? Since it handle like a mod, it' easier to revert back to stable build. With steam style. if I want to revert back, I have to redownload everything that was replaced by the dev build. And it can be a long time depending on your connection. With ARMA2 style you just download once and you're good to go. If you want to revert, just disable the beta mod, and you're all set. But since it's on steam maybe there's some limitations, I just hope we can use the ARMA 2 style beta patch
  10. mr_centipede

    Launcher Backblast

    To reiterate: The only backblast we have right now is only the visual effects. The physical effects (person standing behind it) are not available (yet, probably)
  11. mr_centipede


    From what I gather here, the problem is when for example: Rock made an excellent Eurofighter typhoon, I like it and without Rock consent, I sent it to steamworks to 'share' his excellent work. Here's the problem, the uploader (me) is not the creator and now Steam/Valve has legal rights for Rock's Eurofighter... Rock found about it, and want Steam to take it off of steamworks, (I guess this is the problem, time consuming etc etc). I guess some people may not recognize this as a problem because maybe they're not a modder themselves. But the end result is, the community have a new toy to play with for a short while and the creator lost his motivation and chose not to share his works anymore. I think that's a lost to the community as a whole I may simplified it a bit here, but I think that's the gist of it. If was mistaken somewhere, then I apologize.
  12. mr_centipede

    Full Auto Pistol/Rifle/Etc Proof of Concept

    In a post apocalyptic world, there's this un-certified gunsmiths kind of thing, and people go to that gunsmiths and modify their weapon. I think it's useful in that kind of mission. If there's a script error, blame it on the 'gunsmith'. It was by design since it's from uncertified gunsmith :D
  13. I reverted back from dev build to stable version, played a few days, and opt back in to dev build and somehow the problem disappear... not as smooth as the stable version, but at least playable for me...
  14. mr_centipede

    High fps but stutters

    I reverted back to stable build, play a few days, and decided to opt back for dev build. And magically I don't have the stutter anymore (yet)
  15. mr_centipede

    Putting Stratis into perspective on size.

    I find it funny how the marketing try to dupe us about size and stuffs. For example the BF3 maps, it said "... 1900 meters... ". It does sound big, because we're talking about "one thousand and nine hundred" here. They wouldn't put "1.9km" because it just sounded small I'll admit, if I didn't know about Arma, I'll probably be impressed with "1900 meters" thing. It really is huge... relatively speaking
  16. mr_centipede

    AI Improvement

    For now, I'm happy if the AI knows how to stance adjust themselves... Right now they're still at ARMA2 level where the best thing they can do is leaning. (Not generalizing here)
  17. mr_centipede

    Silencers - Why do they exist in ArmA 3?

    I don't get what's so Hollywood about arma3 suppressor? What are we talking about here? Are we talking about a sound file or the config?
  18. mr_centipede

    Silencers - Why do they exist in ArmA 3?

    Are we talking about 'sound' silent here or 'config' silent?
  19. mr_centipede

    Performance & Scopes

    I got performance lost when scoping through grass (not holo/red dot sight, the scope with zoom). I found the culprit was ATOC, so now I disable ATOC and I can zoom in through/at grass peacefully. I'm running the stable version (not Dev Build)
  20. mr_centipede

    Development Blog & Reveals

    So does the M16, when it first came out...
  21. Hi, is it in? I cant find it (if the change the name or something). If it doesn't exists, will it become available later on/in final release?
  22. mr_centipede

    High fps but stutters

    I thought I don't have this, but it does feel weird and I rolled back to the stable version and it was very smooth with everything on QUALITY tab on high... So yes now I'm convinced that I have this stuttering too Windows 7 64bit Core2Quad Q9550@2.83ghz ATI Radeon HD7770 1Gb ram 8Gb RAM 1680*1050 resolution 1600 VD; 1600 Object VD 100m Shadow distance
  23. I just rolled back to Non Development branch, and noticed a smoother gameplay and some missing eye candy (which might contribute to the stuttering in development branch). They are: 1. The smooth-edge shadows 2. Tree leaves staying on the ground for a few seconds after shooting through it in a firefight I think no 2 is the most expensive in term of fps, kind of the same as persistant empty cartrigdes mod in ARMA1 and ARMA2. But maybe those 2 are innocent and they are more underlying problems somewhere. Or maybe also I simply need to upgrade since I have Intel core2quad Q9550 2.83Ghz CPU. Either way, I hope this problem got sorted out
  24. mr_centipede

    Switching Particle Effects

    probably need something in requiredAddons? things like Ca_Weapons maybe? I say this because I had a kind of similar problem with A2:BAf. I was trying to replace BAF MTP model to something else, but it doesn't work. Then I put in required addons "ca_character_baf" or something like that, it works. Just a speculation
  25. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=4920 this is the ticket for error about camera thing. I think it's from camera.sqs, the crosshair for it is missing I think