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Everything posted by mr_centipede

  1. mr_centipede

    New Update?

    I noticed one new animation - self healing while prone... quite nice
  2. mr_centipede

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    The AI Suppression ticket seems to be on review... Hope something good comes out of it.. http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5496
  3. Did I heard right, the res in rift will be downsize and thus, improve fps a bit. or was that an assumption from the hosts? Anyway, it sure is fun... I hope IL2 CoD (that sounded so wrong, it's Cliffs over Dover) will make use of this... or was is battle of Britain: Cliffs over Dover?
  4. mr_centipede

    Keep both DEV and main branch

    I made the same thread some times ago here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?150480-About-Dev-Build-Can-we-have-ARMA-2-style-beta-patch Dwarden said it's not needed
  5. mr_centipede

    Stealth Kills?

    You guys creep me out... sure hope FBI didn't see any of this
  6. mr_centipede

    Battlefield 4

    There's an error in your statement. There's no 'then' in your 'if' statement, which left me unable to comprehend the statement
  7. mr_centipede

    Lucas Arts Gaming branch closing

    My last lucas arts game was Republic Commando... it was good overall, good story too. Too bad the game ended with cliffhanger and not popular enough to justify a sequel...
  8. mr_centipede

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    It's not a military term that I can tell. Suppression is an action, but the effect is missing in the game, whether to AI or human player. This thread originally created to have an effect for the AI like losing some effectiveness to engage the player, but since everyone seems to agree on the AI, now it turns toward effect to the player. If you played tpwcas, you only got more weapon sway when there is effective suppression, ie, bullets pass very-very close to player. So if it's not effective suppression, there wont be any penalizing effect.
  9. mr_centipede

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    The BF3 effect does annoying. But you should try to play with TPWCAS... that was done quite well, get the job done. The point is, some penalizing effect need to be implemented. Which is exactly not like BF3
  10. you use a gaming keypad like Razer nostromo or Logitech G13
  11. mr_centipede

    Battlefield 4

    I think they've change a bit. Primarily from MP only game to an Action packed SP interactive movie
  12. I don't think we're talking about character propelled backward here, I think more about a character fell due to being shot. Even if not fatal. And maybe a bit of spinning, if hit off center...
  13. mr_centipede

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    I agree with with -Coulum- In ARMA2 with TPWCAS, and screen shake enable, I'm more incline to take cover more, because honestly, I usually don't realize there are rounds coming in until it's too late. So screen shake or blur has to be in, though not too over the top. Enough to mess up your aim/concentration for a bit. But more importantly, the AI really really need to be able to 'feel' suppressed
  14. How does it affect fatique?
  15. mr_centipede

    Suppression Effect missing in ARMA3

    This ticket is for suppression effect on player: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5645 And again, ticket for AI Suppression: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=5496 Vote up guys
  16. mr_centipede

    Will High Command make a come back in Alpha?

    One question at a time... hehe. Of course I also would like for it to be expanded :D Also got a bunch of wishlists ;)
  17. mr_centipede

    SJB Weapons Pack

    Isn't the handguard seems a bit thin? Seems like you can grip it whole with that hand
  18. mr_centipede

    AI Improvement

    I've seen the AI fires rocket at those vehicles before... me being just a spectator as a civilian...
  19. Yep, been there since release.. (the dust kicking)... it could be better, like the dusts that created by vehicles. Currently it looks like dust from bullet impact
  20. mr_centipede

    Vegetation Texture Pop-Ups Still Ugly

    The new dev branch patch seems to fix or reduce it for me... At least I didn't notice the grass pop-up anymore(yet). But the trees/tree leaves still noticeable when the lod changing
  21. mr_centipede

    Battlefield 4

    Since when did BF series had an SP element with story? The last BF I played was BF2, and the SP element was just a mock-up of the MP element. Those bots really mimic the us human players, ie the run n gun part. At least that's how I experienced it...
  22. mr_centipede

    SimCity announced, 2013 release.

    Are they playing the blame game now? I certainly would like to hear comment from Maxis about this...
  23. Did you run ARMA 3 with the -mod parameter? Or using a mod launcher? Don't use it. Its not compatible with the in game Expansion menu
  24. mr_centipede

    Mod Enabling/Disabling

    Try provide screenshot
  25. @soldier2390; It's simply depends on your folder structures. For example: [WHATEVER MODS] -- [Addons] ---- config.bin ---- texture.paa In that example, your texture path should be < WHATEVER\texture.paa > If it's like < \WHATEVER\texture.paa > this, the you actually go out of your current folder (the folder that contain config.bin) and go to another folder I think that's how it is. I have my own retex units and that's how I did it