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Everything posted by mr_centipede

  1. Yes... everything is super smooth now. I can even turn on ATOC on grass and play now. Good job BIS, and thanks a lot.
  2. While the AT infantrymen are getting better with picking off armoured targets, the armoured targets itself should be taught properly also. They should learn to engage stand off away from the infantry... not charging through as if trying to run them over instead... Or maybe I set up my armour wrong? I just put a guard WP at them, and they just gladly trying to run the infantries over.... until they got picked off by a SMAW
  3. Do please remember it's a workaround, not a fix. So it might not 100% reliable... I also found out that it may not work on complex/large mission.
  4. Here's a workaround... I found out by chance (again). When you're starting to have a slow down, pause the game a ALT-TAB to return to desktop, wait for a few secs (when I did this, I wanted to look at Task manager and look at the performance tab, after the CPU usage 'graphs' return to idle, I return to the game) When you return to the game, it should play smoothly for a few secs and then another slow down probably occur, if it does, pause and ALT-TAB again, then wait for a few secs and return to the game. For me twice is enough... and I can play smoothly all-day. I have tested restart the game and it still play smoothly... but I havent tested after restarting the PC... Now the question... does this means something? memory leak? some other things? or the game didnt start properly and needed some more time to initialize everything needed to initialize? Obviously I have no idea, but so far it works for me for at least 2 hours now... And no mods... pure vanilla + beta 98443
  5. About the lagging, yeah.... it was just a short term solution... it came back after a while... something is really weird with this beta...
  6. Did you delete the beta folder and reinstall then?
  7. Here's what I did with the annoying lagging: Delete the beta folder and reinstall the 98443. Then defrag and run ARMA2... so far got quite a playable 25FPS in the ARMA2 Benchmark 1 scenario. Maybe it would solve some you guys problem about the lag.
  8. mr_centipede

    Combining arrays [Question]

    more like this: PlayerArray = PDArray + CivArray; But yes, basically you can
  9. mr_centipede

    Star Wars: Episode 7

    Could be interesting, I remember an Ewoks movie, was that Disney or Lucasfilm? I remember it was quite good, not a war movie, but an RPG like adventure thing... I think. Damn, I'm old. The only thing I know is that it's in the same Star Wars universe. Probably after episode 6... Anyone remember the details? I guess it wasnt quite popular...
  10. Hello all, got stuck on some math problem here... Here's the situation. I have an AI squad at [x0,y0] and the objective is at [x1,y1]. The angle between the assault team and the objective is at _angle degrees. I want to "addWaypoint" or "Move" for assault team toward the objective at a 50m interval (probably will actually make them assault in straight line instead of they make their own route). So, how can I get the subsequent [x,y] in a 50m interval?
  11. I already got the _angle using BIS_fnc_dirTo, next is trying to get the 50m intervals... Right now lets just say I'm enjoying the scripting side of the game :)
  12. Hi, So far I know how to use 'action' code as such _soldier action ["eject", vehicle soldier]; using from list of actions available here But how about a custom made ones that used addAction?
  13. Well, I already had the basic layout for the comms menu, and I can control them using just that. I take it from James McKenzie-Smith Ranger Platoon template here. I intent to call the search at the group current position... but yeah, having a trigger to count is probably the right idea, and using SoldierOne action ["Gear", SoldierTwo] to perform the "search" animation. Will try to test this
  14. It's because I intent to use it with High Command module. After a firefight, I want to order a group to a location, and perform a body search to count confirmed kills. Currently I use 'killed' EH to count, but I figure maybe I could do it more realistically by counting the dead (then add it to the mission score). The search area will probably fixed to 25m - 50m radius. That is roughly what I intent to do... But it could also be expanded into a situation like "Hey the guy here that we just killed is a high value target" kind of thing
  15. I think that's what I meant... Lets say, I got an addAction "Search body" on a dead body, how can I make an AI that's not in my group to perform the "Search body" action?
  16. Hello all, I'm just trying to create a discussion on whether next ARMA series go full-blown sci-fi. I put it in the offtopic section because it's not really about ARMA2 or ARMA3, just ARMA in general. Anyway, since the Greece incident, I've been thinking maybe BIS should make a fictional island just like in OFP and ARMA1. Maybe they could use real world topography just like in Chernarus, but fictional building placements/roads etc. Recreation of real world places probably should be left with the VBS. So, if they make a fictional island, isn't better if it's not place on earth, as in real-world? Maybe in the far future humans have colonized distant stars and make their own countries and have their own conflicts? Or the settings is in neo-earth (planet like earth but not our earth), something like in the 18th century our earth but with current day world tactics and equipments. The whole point I'm trying to make is, create another whole world as a background setting, so that we could probably avoid another Greece like incident and/or avoid the is ARMA authentic or not... but then again, it should probably not be called ARMA I guess that's it. Will it work? will ARMA in sci-fi settings appeal to the public, as long it its made by ARMA team? even if it's not called ARMA? Or would it be a failure because it doesnt have the familiar US vs Russia?
  17. Hello James, do you have a newer template? Because I just messed around with your template and made a kind of script version of it, but with less feature. I only made the platoon leader and 2 subordinate. No sophisticated stuffs like in your feature list. An extra lite version if you will. If you want to look at it, I can email it to you or put up a download somewhere.
  18. mr_centipede

    ASR AI Skills

    Hello Robalo, I understand asr_grenadierfix is already integrated right? But I think with recent beta patch, it broke again. Or maybe BIS already fix it officially, so it's no longer needed, maybe?
  19. After a series of defragging, the game seems more stable now... havent had a slow down yet... though mostly in editor SP. Never tested in MP. Even with JSRS on, as oppose as previously mentioned, I dont get the slowdown anymore... yet.
  20. I also got the slowdown, but only with JSRS sound mod, usually SM dont cause fps drop, but JSRS got some distance script, so that probably thats the cause.
  21. mr_centipede

    Should next ARMA series go to full sci-fi?

    I think Gnat got a point... sometimes with fictional weapons we tend to feel detached and not relate to the real life. I think it's like BF2142 and Battlefield 2. Both came out at a relatively same time. BF2 with real world weapons that we can relate to, but BF2142 sets in the future with mech and stuffs. Both had the same gameplay, but somehow it's not as popular as BF2... seems people need to have a real-world equipment to relate to...
  22. mr_centipede

    Should next ARMA series go to full sci-fi?

    Some examples that I can think to visualize my point is something like Mount & Blade... The whole world is fictional, the background/story settings, but the weapons are bound to some degree of real world. So maybe ARMAverse could be more expansive, and make a bit of sense. Since currently the Green Sea region is not on the real world, but the backstory is it's somewhere near the black sea or the caucasus. For me it doesnt make much sense... I hope I make a bit of sense, telling and idea is not my good point
  23. mr_centipede

    Carrier Command: Gaea Mission

    From worthplaying.com "Bohemia Interactive Studio and Black Element Software announce a new multi-platform title, Carrier Command: Gaea Mission. Based on the original Carrier Command released in 1988, and fully licensed and endorsed by its creators, the new game strives to deliver innovative and intense gameplay in a truly next-gen rendition." http://www.worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=54768 dont know where else to put, so i guess I put it here
  24. mr_centipede

    Paradox Interactive Games

    Have any of you experienced Sengoku? I heard it's kinda CK2 in Japan... but is there any difference? The only experience I have with Paradox games are EU3 and HoI3... Btw, Gamersgate are having a sale on paradox games... dont know how long it will last, I'm currently eyeing on Pride of Nations