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Everything posted by mr_centipede

  1. mr_centipede

    ARMA3 Alpha Disappeared from Steam Library

    Listen to your elders young man.... Bis never sanction any CDkey/steam key reseller.
  2. Yup, got that too.... downloaded just now
  3. Which latest is latest? My game just updated just now, the second time. Version: 0.51.103078 (my latest)
  4. It means ask the guys that create CBA (the authors)
  5. mr_centipede

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Haha, well I guess maybe in the future next time... (damn not enough word) :p
  6. Is there a simple tutorial out there teaching how to make module?
  7. At least you didnt rage post... this is what's alpha for. There are numerous setups in PC gaming, so It's kinda hard for developer to predict what kind the end user system will be. So anyway, have you put a ticket at the feedback tracker? There are numerous ticket about lagging there, maybe you can vote up the ticket there with all the infos. I'm sure the dev use them most of the time. Other than that, try to reduce your VD and object VD to maybe 1600 and work it up bit by bit until you find your sweet spot. Oh btw, the recomended spec doesnt say what resolution is the best for those with recommended spec. I think they should include it, since that also influence performance. You cant expect a cheap card to run well at 1920xsomething resolution (This is the reason I hate LCDs with native resolution. Wish I still had a CRT) I'm sorry I cant help you more than that,
  8. mr_centipede

    Oculus Rift VR headset

    Because some people with TIR might not want to use Oculus? Rather than replace it, more like add-in into the engine. Just like TIR doesnt replace Freetrack
  9. mr_centipede

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    Can this forum have a function 'LIKE' or 'AGREE' kind of thing like in facebook or youtube? It's just so that when someone announce a mod or something they dont have to spam the thread with 'Nice' or 'awesome' or something like that. I'm sure for a modder those kind of words are words of encouragement, that someone likes their mod. But those are just useless spam, and it increase thread pages unnecessarily. So if the forum can have that kind of function I think it will reduce the spam a bit. Thanks
  10. mr_centipede

    Using Control Stick and Mouse for movement

    I use left stick to move around, and right stick to aim. Click right stick to view optic mode.
  11. Last night I tried to use my cheap controller for moving around. I find it very good. The problem is aiming, just cant quite get the hang of it like a mouse can. So I tried to combine it using with a mouse... it was kinda ok, but if I can put the controller static on the desk like the old two button arcade joystick (not the flight sim kind), I think it would be awesome. Are those kind of joystick still around? I like the fact that if I push forward a bit, the character only walks. Push all the way, it goes running.
  12. I'm sure it will be more optimized on the road ahead. I'm running in SP everything is fine... no lagging and all, though my VD only cap at 1600m. Never played MP yet. The problem with MP, it's not necessarily how the game utilize your hardware, maybe also the infrastructure of internet line... So the problem might be with the netcode optimization. Also, the problem with PC software development is that there are a lot of permutations of different hardware combo/setups. We can argue all day all year long here. Wouldnt it more effective just to log a report on the feedback tracker? The point of alpha here is to test for stability so that the final game will be a smooth experience. So yes, it's an ALPHA. And we are the ALPHA testers... It doesnt mean we can ignore them, it's just that we have to give a proper feedback. In short, ARMA3 wont be on new engine. It will be on RV engine, upgraded and hopefully more optimized when BETA comes out.
  13. I like that now I can SHIFT+F1 to select team red, SHIFT+F2 to select team green and so on... much easier, though I hope we can re-map it somehow since I have a gaming keyboard. But anyway, about controlling them and their behaviour. Will they at some later point of time when you order Team Red to MOVE somewhere, they will go to their destination with their own formation? or maybe have them move at different speed also (behaviour AWARE, speed LIMITED). This can be achieved in ARMA2 using High Command module, but I find using just HC feels, kinda detached somehow. Other thing is, sometimes I want them to move 'forward'/left/right/back but I can only order them by clicking on the map or using the Command view. The 'Advance' order can only be use when they in-formation with you, so when they're already detached from you (by giving move order for example). So far thats the only think that I can think off. Overall, I think they can act independent enough, I just think I need more control over them
  14. mr_centipede

    Not impressed

    Screenshot please, also your computer specs. It's good you're giving feedback, now we need information so that we can fix it for people that might have problem same as you. For me Alpha is very stable (no crash) and quite pretty also, better than ARMA 2. Quite nice fps too I played at 1440x900 resolution (my monitor native resolution is 1650x1050) CPU: Intel Core2Quad 2.83ghz (it's old I know, but I can still play quite nicely) GPU: ATI HD7770 1Gb RAM: 8Gb OS: Windows 7 64bit It's pretty nice with everything on high, 2000m VD 2000m ObjectVD, playing infantry showcase.
  15. mr_centipede


    I like the ragdoll, but after they are dead, their fingers are straight stiff, not natural at all. It's like those T-pose when you're modelling them. Just my minor quirks, if they're looking into it, just might as well give some feedbacks. (in a civilized, calm manner of course)
  16. I just wondering with a lot of gadgets attached to the helmet, will they have some functions in the future? Or are they just cosmetics? I think it would be appropriate to think that they will have some functionalities, like flash lights or such
  17. And what CPU are you using? AI can turn into be idiots when they're low on juice (CPU power)
  18. mr_centipede

    Development Blog & Reveals

    When was this, I played around 8hrs ago and no update was downloaded...
  19. mr_centipede

    UCP Soldiers

    Why does at the body part of the Combat Shirt are not camoed? I'm asking in a Real-Life situation... does putting colors at the body area negate the moisture wicking ability/breathability of the shirt?
  20. mr_centipede

    US Marines MARPAT Desert

    Does the boot come with the uniform model? Just a technical question
  21. Change their skill in difficulty settings, I played veteran and the default value is 0.85, I toned it down to 0.7, much more survivable for me. They're not as accurate and not as 'responsive'. Though by no mean dumb.
  22. I like the fact that I can set my resolution below my LCD monitor native resolution and still have a clear picture... unlike in ARMA2 where everything is blurry. This means that I can have a more playable frame rate. Thanks BIS. I dont know how you did it, but it works and I'm really gratefull :)
  23. Hello all, Just got the alpha and really loving the new stances. And I have another suggestion to add into it, lets say we double tap 'S' key and our character turn 180 degree so that we can run away real quick, instead of turning the mouse. Personally I think it's a good idea since ppl dont really 'turn' when trying to go 180. Instead they just pivot on their right/left leg and swing on the other leg and go 180. While we're at it, maybe add in 90 degree left/right also. What do you guys think?
  24. mr_centipede

    Spotting an enemy?

    To quote some lines in Blackhawk Down movie, "Watch where everyone is shooting, shoot in the same direction."