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Everything posted by mr_centipede

  1. Hi all, Do we have some standardization in naming classnames? I just figure we should have a best practise kind of thing. I looked into BIS classnames, namely the soldiers, uniforms, helmets and vests.. All of them start for eg, uniform starts with U_whatever_uniformname, vest starst with V_whatever_vestname,, etc etc. I think modder can use that convention also since when people wanted to add in a uniform to a unit using script, they can go to config viewer and check it. Since config viewer sort the classnames in Alphabetical order, we can just scroll to V if we wanted to look for Vest classnames. Now, it's also common practise to have a mod a tagname thats refering to you, for example for me I use CENTS as a tagname. So is it practical to put tagname after the item tag? Like U_CENTS_Uniform, or is it better to have like CENTS_U_Uniform? So what are your thoughts? I just think it would be nice, since we have the config viewer we can use it, instead of ALT-Tab and look for the mods readme to find the classname.
  2. this line: hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"\VIPRR_ATACS\data\clothing1_atacs_co.paa"}; Change to hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"VIPRR_ATACS\data\clothing1_atacs_co.paa"}; Just a wild guess there
  3. mr_centipede

    Class names Conventions/Standardization

    Personally I kinda like BIS naming conventions. if there's B_ infront of it, it's a BLUFOR unit(vehicles/planes included), O_ is for OPFOR. But yeah, I guess it's personal preference thing
  4. Just disable all the mods to be sure. And I mean ALL.. just play with vanilla. If the problem persists than it's ARMA3 problem, which I doubt it since I dont have the problem. Then re-enable your mods one by one to confirm which mod is causing it
  5. Probably some conflict with some mods. Disable all the mods (especially weapon mods) and try again. If that's fixed it, then you have to figure out which mod is causing it by enabling your mod one by one and test it.
  6. I'm sorry if I phrase that question wrong, it does sound a bit confusing, but anway: As in A2OA, for each militia/civilian model, you can have a random texture spawn on them when you put in the editor. How to do this? Is it possible to do it just in config?
  7. mr_centipede

    New STEAM patch update 25th March 2013

    I'm on patch 0.53 dev build and it kinda seems that the AI is somewhat improved. Truth be told, it feels as if I'm playing with ASR AI... And there's also this tell-tale ASR AI rearming feature where the AI kinda like to rearm themselves at crates... Any comments? Or am I just seeing things? (Placebo playing his mind tricks) Oh btw, I also felt the fps improves somewhat...
  8. mr_centipede

    JUMP please!!

    Is jumping = climbing in games term? I read a lot of comments and what I can sum up is people actually wanted is the ability climb over obstacle. Since in game term since Doom, you 'climb' those waist boxes by pressing the jump button. So consequently people want 'Jump'. But with that kind of jump, introduce bunny hoppers, so we dont want that. Instead, we need climb/vault. So in summary, what we need is climb. Not jump. Is this correct?
  9. Sorry for bumping, I guess no one knows?
  10. I dont think BIS have to correct this. They created it according to their needs and they feel they dont need to texture both arms, to reduce workload probably. So if you need to texture left and right arm seperately, you need to create your own model. But with that said, if BIS wanted to correct this, I see no problem whatsoever. Maybe there is another hiddenTexture for the armpatch?
  11. mr_centipede

    X-Com: Enemy Unknown

    Are you sure with that? In wake of the recent "Give me ALPHA Lite invite" fiasco? :D
  12. mr_centipede

    [210.6MB]Update changelog? 21-mar-2013

    About the fps issue, I probably stumble on a findings. I found that when I play with steam in offline mode, I got a slightly better fps. Not much, but enough to be quite noticeable. And Btw, you don't have to be online to start steam in offline mode. When you start your PC and no internet, steam will pop up a window saying you want to quit, or start in offline mode. I click start offline mode and steam start in offline mode. And I played ARMA3 like that. And that's how I notice the difference. I tested this in Agia Marina with 1 Squad vs 1 Squad. The one place that is confirmed to be lagging when the bullets start flying on my PC
  13. mr_centipede

    Why do YOU script/edit/mod?

    Because I want to play the way I want to... and I like scripting. It gave me a sense of 'power' if you will. The power to tell the computer what I want it to do... Not what it wish of me to do...
  14. The beanie in original form don't have a config, so you cannot equip it. Someone in this forum made a config for it so it can be use.
  15. mr_centipede

    Stealth Kills?

    Melee has been requested since OFP days... Then when Arma was release, then when Arma 2 was released and then now.. it will never come to fruition. Just give it up.
  16. It's inside the weapon. You also have config viewer inside the editor. You can use that to look for all the items. uniforms/vest/headgears are in cfgWeapons
  17. mr_centipede

    ArmA 3 Not Starting

    Do you want help or do you want to start a flame war?
  18. I dont like it because it's a pain. I've played with mod doing this in A2 and I find it's more trouble than it's worth. At least for me. The reason being is that when I want to bino something, I simply press B and the binocular automatically put in front of my eyes. I check things and press B again to hold my rifle again. Simple. If I need to press the zoom/optics key after I press B, it's just another key press. Troublesome. That's why I dont like it. I prefer the current system and I hope BIS stick with it. Thank you
  19. That's just a probable cause, speculative in nature imho. Not really definitive
  20. mr_centipede

    6.5 mm and recoil management in game

    My take on this matter, since we have VBS2 style breathing (aiming sway when stationary instead of static like in ARMA 2) then I think it's probably better to return the aim at more or less (up/down/left/right) from original point of aim. Never exactly at the original point of aim. This way we still need to realign our sights instead of just "aim and fire, fire, fire," kind of play but not have to play the "mini-game" so much Honestly I like both styles, so I kinda have mixed feelings about this. But one thing for sure is, the AI should suffer the same penalty as players do
  21. mr_centipede

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    I see that we can LIKE posts now... great. is this still in experimental stage? [edit] I see that we cannot "LIKE" the first post. Any reason for that?
  22. mr_centipede

    Can play MP with Alpha Lite?

    There are reasons they dont put MP in lite version. This is(are) my assumption(s); This game is in ALPHA stage. The purpose is to test it and find problems. If the free lite version has MP, there could be an uncontrolled test reports(Ppl whining etc etc) DISCLAIMER: This is my assumption only Btw, you do realize the lite version will expire somewhere in June right?
  23. mr_centipede

    Can play MP with Alpha Lite?

    Seriously, why you no read the labels? It has been clearly stated that they are no MP in alpha lite. and no modding. and limited mission editor (you cannot save)
  24. mr_centipede


    I dont know if the new dev build change something in the ragdoll, or it was just 'one of the moments' kind of thing. Last night I saw an AI got killed, and instead ragdolling like usual, he kinda fell into slump slowly.... You know kinda in the movie where the bad guy was surprised that he was shot... staggering on his feet, then drop to his knee then slump forward... Kinda surprising to see that... maybe they blend it with animation, instead of pure ragdoll?
  25. mr_centipede

    Silencers - Why do they exist in ArmA 3?

    What's funny is we're discussing about a suppressed weapon sound sample(the sound file), not the config value. So for me, it's kind of trivial really...