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Everything posted by Monkwarrior

  1. Well, this is perfect actually. Just leave your old GPU in there beside the new one. Only replace 1 at a time :) Monk.
  2. Monkwarrior

    Lisbon Treaty II. Ireland votes Yes?!!?

    Different opinions and cultures are something to cherish. These differences between people tend to suffer if the EU gets more power. Hence my NO vote. Problem is that we in Holland got s****ed by our politicians. They robbed us of our vote deciding they knew what's best for us ..... And still they wonder why a vast majority of our population doesn't trust a politician ;) Monk.
  3. Monkwarrior


    Time will come when they will offer mumble. It saves them bandwidth too so once they realise that they will offer it. Monk.
  4. Monkwarrior

    ArmA2:OHMOD Preview

    Indeed, juicy content there, keep it up chinese friends.
  5. Monkwarrior

    XP or Vista for ARMA 2?

    I would choose XP over Vista any time. More games will run on XP then Vista (if you have a widespread of games obviously). Monk.
  6. Actually it's the other way around. Companies can never match the huge load of content a community can produce. Companies provide the tools for that. I do agree on your statement towards grafics tho, arma1 level is more then fine for me. In fact arma2 offers very little extra for it's price. Greetingz, Monk.
  7. Monkwarrior

    I love ARMA2, should i pick up ARMA1?

    If you love tanking, then arma1 is still way better then arma2. The viewdistance is crucial for that and arma2 hasn't fixed it yet. So tankers are still better off buying arma1. Monk.
  8. Yes it might be illegal in your country, but do you really think anybody cares ? I would certainly play the game if I were you, don't let that old-fashioned legislation stop you from having a good time with some friends. Enjoy, Monk.
  9. Which vehicles would you guyz love to see ? What kind of gameplay would you prefer when playing with vehicles ? Just let us know, we might be able to do something with it (no promises tho). Greetingz, Monk.
  10. What an excellent idea. Mumble has a very good quality. I advise to vote yes gentlemen. Monk.
  11. Gents, Guess I'm overlooking something. Can someone explain me what I'm missing when I use the following batchfile to pbo. 1) I use the latest binpbo tool from BIS 2) I'm on WinXP 32bit 3) I use it on arma1 Endresult: a pbo-file which is only 11Mb in size. When I use the right-mouse-button over the i44sounds directory the resulting pbo is 23Mb, like it should be. Is there a difference between the commandline binpbo-ing and the windows-binpbo-ing ? What am I overlooking or is the commandline binpbo-ing bugged ? Thanks, Monk.
  12. Monkwarrior

    BinPBO strange commandline results

    Thanks, think I got it covered. Might have been a failed test. The 23Mb file contains SVN-files too ;) Monk.
  13. Just a question. Will the updating software also be available for windows-platforms (serverside) ? Greetingz, Monk.
  14. I do agree there, but we are showing progress now and then on our website. http://invasion1944.info/ We prefer to show content when it's done ;) Monk.
  15. Oh and for I forget. In the sovjet union they are producing mighty material too: http://arma.at.ua/load/liberation_1941_1945_intervju_s_razrabotchikami/51-1-0-863 Monk.
  16. The i44 team is switching to arma2 too. We will deliver a rock-solid MP experience with more detailed and more realistic tanks. More news later. Greetingz, Monk.
  17. Monkwarrior

    Arma II is going on the shelf...

    Well, I won't shelf the game. I got reasonable fps so far. There is of course one thing that I'm not so happy with: the viewing distance. Many months ago BIS said arma2 would be everything arma1 has + lots more new things. The new things came, but some of the crucial elements got lost like the viewing distance. More detailed: I'm talking about the viewing distance for the trees: arma1 does this a lot better then arma2. In fact in arma2 you loose so many fps if you want to have the same viewing distance its almost unplayable. This is a major thing for me/us, because we concentrate on modding tank warfare. Why did BIS oversee such a crucial element ? Maybe more disturbing: BIS promises the same for the new expansion. Why would it be different this time, because last time things didn't go well ? I do hope the viewing distance and thus optimizing elements will be addressed soon. These are the major elements for many players. Enjoy gents, Monk.
  18. Gents, We are trying to test our soundmod unpacked. We unpacked the pbo and removed it. Our file structure looks like this: arma 2/@i44sounds/addons/i44sounds 1) where should we put the $PBOPREFIX$ file ? 2) what should be the content of the $PBOPREFIX$ file ? We looked here but it is confusing: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CMA:DevelopmentSetup#Develop_with_unpacked_data Thanks for your help gentlemen, Monk.
  19. Monkwarrior

    $PBOPREFIX$ content

    Thanks. One thing I dont understand is that our pbo is filled with sound files (ogg) and a config.cpp. When I leave the pbo in there the game will use the sound files from this pbo. If I replace this pbo with a pbo with empty/small soundfiles I see no reason why the game would ignore that one and use the unpacked files .... ? Monk.
  20. Monkwarrior

    $PBOPREFIX$ content

    Well, then I misunderstood what it means to work with unpacked data. I thought it meant working and testing without pbo-ing ? http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/CMA:DevelopmentSetup#Develop_with_unpacked_data If pbo's are needed for testing/playing then so be it, just thought it was possible to test without them. Monk.
  21. Monkwarrior

    $PBOPREFIX$ content

    Thanks kju, we are using subversion indeed. Problem is we still cannt seem to work without pbo's. We deleted the pbo, when we leave it there the custom sounds are heared. 1) current folder structure = arma 2\@i44sounds\addons\i44sounds 2) we added the $PBOPREFIX$ file inside arma 2\@i44sounds\addons\i44sounds 3) the line inside $PBOPREFIX$ = @i44sounds\addons\i44sounds Our customs sounds are only heared when we add the pbo, unpacked we cannt hear them. Anything we are overlooking ? Thanks, Monk.
  22. Monkwarrior

    $PBOPREFIX$ content

    Thanks for helping me out gentlemen. I'm sure w'll get it done correctly. Main reason for testing with sources is our large team. We will be using an svn and want to use syncing of all sources to all teammembers to prevent versionhell. If necessary we will re-pbo them automatically on each client. Oh and kj: some positive feedback on you pboprefix-wikki-page. When I fully comprehend it I can send you some proposals for making it more easy for newbies to understand it a bit better. It's almost perfect. Monk.
  23. Monkwarrior

    How old are Arma2 Players?

    Why would fantasy change when you'r over 50 ;) In our team 2 are approaching 50 like myself and 1 is a retired airforce officer of 61. Let the games begin :D
  24. Monkwarrior

    Nice_Boat Tank Damage System

    Oh, ah well, we are aiming for a more realistic approach ;) An invincible tank doesn't exist, a bad tactic does however. I understand where you'r coming from, we just prefer something else. Good luck with the script, Monk.
  25. Monkwarrior

    Nice_Boat Tank Damage System

    Could you explain this one a bit more ? It sounds like hitpoints which is basicly not a realistic feature of tankbattles. Tanks can be hit 200 times in almost the same spot without penetration or lethal damage. Nevertheless, good job, Monk.