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Everything posted by Macser_old

  1. Macser_old

    New Sci-Fi Mod

    No-one I know of sets the terrain above high.In simple terms the increase in complexity makes the terrain very "lumpy". But that's not nescessarily as good as it sounds. Personally I find it a bit annoying trying to move through the terrain on anything above normal.Especially in a vehicle. There's a lot of bouncing around. :)
  2. Macser_old

    M4's for weapon Individualism

    I agree. Getting the mapping right makes the difference. Without a good texture and mapping,the model can end up being a collection of shapes. Nice work. :)
  3. Macser_old

    pimp my gun (beta)

    Nice work there Sertorius21. Might've been this one.
  4. Macser_old

    source code

    No we don't.Actual source code would've been the holy grail.Many probs and limitations could have been addressed if that was available. Providing there was someone willing to sift through it though.Quite a big task. Apparently documentation was poor also,making it even more difficult to edit. I don't think it'll ever be released.Perhaps it shares too much in common with the newer titles...I'm not sure. A pity,in any case.
  5. Macser_old

    Dragon Rising has been released

    This isn't intended to be provocative in any way.Although I realise it may be interpreted as such. When I read the topic title I wrongly assumed it'd be an unbiased debate or discussion on the pros and cons of the game.Which I believe was probably the intention. Unfortunately it seems to be degenerating into a mud slinging session.Is there a particular reason for this?Why is it becoming so zealous? I doubt anyone can replicate that again.
  6. Macser_old

    Thyria: sands of resistance.

    OFPAnim I think that's the newest version. :)
  7. Macser_old

    The Code Blue Thread

    Forgive me if I'm misunderstanding your request. The Ofp Tools Relikki's referring to,is not a collection of editing programs for operation flashpoint. He was merely trying to point out that if you want to edit operation flashpoint content,then it's best to use programs designed for operation flashpoint. As mentioned earlier an Arma program was used to generate a PBO for use in OFP,with unwanted results. :)
  8. Macser_old

    Texview 1 trouble with Vista (32bit)

    Glad to hear you've sorted yourself out. You may already be aware of this,but I'll say it anyway. Tools like Paatool and Keg's Paaplug generate better quality textures,than Texview.They will also generate mipmaps, and allow you to filter them,if you wish.The difference is quite noticable in my opinion,and I know I'm not alone in thinking so. If you want to give them(Paatool/Paaplug)a try then there's definitely information available here via search.Failing that,feel free to pm me,and I'll do my best to assist. :)
  9. Macser_old

    Texview 1 trouble with Vista (32bit)

    Hello Marcomio, I can't help with texview.But may I suggest trying Paatool if you haven't already. :)
  10. Macser_old

    Little campaign-Lost solder

    Hello, Much of what's been suggested in the preceding posts I'd agree with.And in particular,having a good story. I think most people who visit these boards really appreciate a good story.Which I suppose,is what a campaign is.But I don't know if it's something you should try for a first foray into mission building. It might be better to do as Zulu1 suggested,and begin with single missions. Gain some experience and build your confidence,before taking on something as big as a campaign. I don't think you should worry too much about cutscenes.At least not for your first missions.Although they will add that extra touch of polish, the main thing is that the mission itself is solid. Anyway.Good luck with your project. :)
  11. Macser_old

    OFP material in CfgMaterials

    rtruxler, It's probably related to the version of O2 you're using. If you use "fully lighted",to indicate that the faces should be lit equally at all times,and have all faces set to smooth, then it should look like solid colour with no noticable features. You only need to binarize to bind Cfgmaterials to the model. But you don't need to do that in your case. -Martin-, If you can't see textures in O2 light;ie,the model appears white, then it's simply because the textures can't be located. Try putting your addon folders directly into the O2 folder.
  12. Macser_old

    New Sci-Fi Mod

    Hey DunnoDunke, At least yer ok. Remember,this isn't a job.It's a hobby.There's no obligation on you to meet deadlines or even finish the project.Much less apologise for livin your life. Your project,and the forums should still be here when you get back.So take your time. :)
  13. Macser_old

    AddOns Folder

    You'll find some extra info here. Try to avoid using the default addons folder at all if possible.Same goes for the Res folder too.It's been known to cause problems.
  14. Macser_old

    OFP Addon request thread

    Looks like Sanc got there while I was typing.Could you provide a link?If you're going to have this problem resolved,you need to give us more information.
  15. Macser_old

    OFP Addon request thread

    Eh,that's not quite making the translation to english Riffleman. I know what an MP5 sub machine gun is.But what's a "static missile"? If you have questions about a specific addon,then give us it's name. Otherwise people are only guessing at what you're talking about. :)
  16. Macser_old

    Toy Soldiers - great video

    It's a surreal effect.Especially when you realise it's live action you're watching. Here's another little example. Tilt shift At times it looks like a train set diorama,set in motion. :)
  17. Macser_old

    WARHAMMER 40K Titans

    You could try the method used for the WH40K dreadnought.It would've been configged and animated as a "man" class I believe. Pros:You can make the animation far more believable. Cons:When the unit is hit it emits blood. So have a look at how they did it. The other method,I'm not familiar with.But it probably involves configged animations.Which would probably look fairly "stiff" in action. :)
  18. Macser_old

    how to create human addons

    Brssebs tutorials are always a good place to start,even if you're only interested in doing infantry models.It'll get you used to working with selections,points and different types of lods. I wouldn't recommend trying to take on both OFPanim and O2 at the same time if you're a beginner.Choose one or the other for the moment. Most addon makers that have dealt with infantry,usually take a standard bis soldier, or the standard Resistance civilian,and modify that to achieve what they want. Not because that's the only way,but because it allows you to use the default animations without your model distorting beyond recognition. You can still change the shape,by moving the vertices around.But pay close attention to the joint areas.Moving them too far out of their original location will give unwanted results ingame. As Popka suggests,try to study the work of other addon makers who've done infantry. Bearing in mind what I've told you about joints,experiment.Don't be afraid to get it wrong, as that will assist in learning.And always do a good search of the O2 modelling section in OFP editing.O2 docs and O2 troubleshooting may also contain relevant info. If you run into a brick wall,after searching,then post for some help.Someone's bound to reply with some assistance.And remember,while many of the more experienced addon makers/modders appear to have great skill or knowledge,they didn't get it without making a lot of mistakes.Many of them didn't have much experience of modelling before they encountered Flashpoint. If you've got any other questions on modelling,you should post in the OFP:O2 modelling forum.In fact,you might want to have this thread moved there. :)
  19. Macser_old


    Carbon22, If you're genuinely interested in mission editing, then download the document on this page and read it through.It's a great place to start. Uber editing tutorial for OFP
  20. Macser_old


    I'm not quite sure what the problem is.It's just a flag object,with a simple command attached to it.One of the most simple things you'll encounter in editing. Not using the inverted commas will give you an unknown operator error. So make sure it's this setflagtexture "Usa_Vlajka.pac" Not this setflagtexture Usa_vlajka.pac
  21. Macser_old


    Type it exactly as follows,in the initialisation field of a flag object. this setflagtexture "usa_vlajka.pac" Here's a good place to get some info.Try looking in scripting for a start. BIS Wiki Make sure you stay with pages that deal with OFP.
  22. Macser_old

    I need some help with some config work

    Ok Matty, The most I can do right now,is tell you how to sort the first problem. But you'll still have to do it yourself.In fact,I'd recommend you do it yourself. The editing you need to do in this case is minimal. In the config,scroll to the CfgVehicles section and look for the line; namesound="Ural"; In this case,change whatever's in there to; namesound="Truck"; When you're done just PBO and try it out. As for the second one,well,that's a different story.I suspect even if you just wanted to use the weapons as stand alone addons,it would still be a lot of work.Although I haven't actually used the pack myself. So I'm unfamiliar with the layout. :)
  23. Macser_old

    WW4 Modpack 1

    Coudn't agree more Drongo.It's definitely a challenge to play. The AI generally engage very close to the limit of their firing range. And are much more accurate than vanilla units.
  24. Macser_old

    How to animate in OFP?

    Never mind.