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Everything posted by madrussian

  1. @.kju I've poked around in the Config Viewer plenty but apparently config dumps are completely foreign to me. Quick search revealed this: Is this the latest/greatest way to do a config dump? Alternately is there some in-game way to do it? Something new to learn every day in here. Thanks!
  2. If I got a penny for every time I had to velocity-boost an AI in this game, I'd be a very rich man. (My dynamic mission velocity-boosts AI vehics as unstuck measure all the time... I feel your pain!)
  3. @POLPOX Jeez, it's worse than I thought. @EO (<- can't get the pretty blue @ because... name too short?) Good ideas! About looking in Config Viewer. I did that first, and I can get most of the directory there, and I can infer the rest. I'm ~67% sure I've got the directory right, but kbTell command is not working with it. About GM's Discord, hadn't thought of that. Yeah, I bet their devs would help me out on this!
  4. Wow @johnnyboy you have been busy indeed! That's awesome man, I can really see it coming together! It's helpful to see that path array. Also I'm sure you have good reason, but curious why you are using explicit animations (and playMove) vs more general actions (used with playAction)? Now, I seem to recall you saying you use both playMove and playAction... Anyhow, was thinking if you ended up with a pistol guy in the mix (instead of all rifles), that playAction would make things easier? For instance playAction "SlowF" would cover both rifle guys and pistol guys, no?
  5. Sounds good phronk, I'd like to see that. Unfortunately, it being private also means we can't see it. Can you make it public?
  6. @johnnyboy Awesome and thanks, all of that makes really good sense. Wow, disabling "ANIM" really got my AI moving. How delightfully counter-intuitive! You are quite a master at this. Mostly, I just wanted to make sure I'm giving the AI enough clearance by trying to send them through to see if they stick (and if so how badly). To see if I need to make their path detection wider, etc. But maybe I'll just skip that part for now and go full bore ahead on point detection/processing. We can always tweak stuff like that later. (Curious though, overall how much sticking are you seeing in your experiments?) I can only imagine, 4 units at once sounds quite intricate (and difficult) and I can't wait to see it! And you are quite welcome. Sounds good. I can definitely break it down by type of point: stairs top/bottom, window points, actual door standoff points, etc. <- These are "hard" points are won't ever change. Having a 100% predefined path my be a bit of a challenge though, due to the way I have to detect entry points, for one thing. Consider the base of this castle: (Please ignore the doubled stairs for now, which I need to fix...) This building is designed to be buried to one degree or another, and this will vary from instance to instance based on the shape of the terrain and how the map creators oriented & buried it. My code will currently select entry points all along the base (not pictured at the moment), but sometimes accordingly some of these entry points will be buried. So it seems we'll have to determine some points on-the-fly. But I'll provide quick/simple functions for that. (Also something quick to consider - So far in my experiments SSSP is super-fast with these small numbers of points.) Anyhow, just something to have in the back of our minds. We'll make it all as pre-defined as humanly possible. I'm jealous, might just head out west this summer. Have a great time!
  7. Sounds like you are saying playAction will sometimes propel an AI forward inside a building? Is this correct? Because unfortunately every time I try it I get the AI unit running in place briefly and getting absolutely nowhere (like in my video). I am able to propel AIs inside buildings via setPos and/or attachTo... both of which looks crappy. Based on brief experiments, setVelocity seems to hold more promise than either of those. Anyway I'd rather not reinvent the wheel here. Really hoping there is a way to make playAction work, as it seems the most elegant.
  8. Hi all, I’ve been out of town for close to two weeks and ready to pick this back up. OK, what’s next? I’d like to validate what we've got already (from last update) by sending some actual AI through a working building, before moving on. Btw - Should have minimal distractions for the next week or so (fingers crossed), so hoping we can make some decent progress! @fn_Quiksilver That's pretty awesome! Are you using forced animations, or sending em in the old fashioned way? @johnnyboy (and others who have experimented with playMove, playAction, and related commands): What arcane sorcery are you using to get AI to actually move once inside these buildings? When I place an AI inside the building (either by ordering AI subordinate inside or by buildingPos & setPos), and then call playMove or playAction, he simply does this: Then I tried BYOF method (“bring your own floor”), hoping to eventually try invisible portable floors... but this didn’t help: I recall having some success moving AIs around inside buildings a couple of years back. Seems I must have been setting unit position in a loop, or attaching AI to building (via attachTo) in a loop, etc to move them. (That would also explain why I recall them “moving through walls”, “flying through the air” a bit, etc.) ^ Ran some quick experiments like this today, but the result was somewhat jerky, and not smooth like in your videos johnnyboy.) Anyhow, any hints would be greatly appreciated and will help me validate this building scanner and proceed. ^ I have this same question. @froggy @everyone I wonder what’s up with this big "Please go inside immediately, close all doors and windows, and stay tuned for the reveal..." announcement tomorrow? If it’s aliens then we definitely need to advance this concept. You know... so the AI aliens can come inside to abduct and/or kill us!
  9. Gotcha, that makes sense. OK if I have many nodes, I'll go ahead and pair it down to squeeze out max performance!
  10. Hi all, quick update. Made a little progress, here's a quick video! (~ 9min) (For added fun, play this for soundtrack while watching...) ^ OK, that was fully automated and how it looks when everything goes right. The system is using refined chokepoints now (which are working extremely well now across different building types), plus refined window points & refined entry points (both of which are extremely WIP on other buildings... but lol happen to work very well in this here pub). In other words please don't be fooled, as at the moment not every building does anywhere near this well. At the end I used Sarogahtyp's Simple Shortest Paths Dijkstra (for that last "rifle icons" bit). Thanks again Sarogahtyp! Here are the points from that last run generated for ye ole "Land_A_Pub_01" (in building model space), ready to go: _nodesList = [[0,[5.50879,-5.24146,-5.77265]],[1,[-1.36621,-6.34155,-5.77265]],[2,[-2.46631,0.808594,-5.77265]],[3,[-0.816406,-4.11401,-5.77265]],[4,[-0.816406,0.781006,-1.78779]],[5,[6.3335,2.98096,-1.78779]],[6,[6.3335,1.38599,-1.78779]],[7,[0.53125,-6.06665,-1.78779]],[8,[-1.06372,-6.06665,-1.78779]],[9,[-2.21875,-5.51636,-1.78779]],[10,[-3.81372,-5.51636,-1.78779]],[11,[-2.21875,-5.51636,-5.77265]],[12,[-3.81372,-5.51636,-5.77265]],[13,[-1.06372,0.533447,-5.77265]],[14,[1.08105,0.533447,-5.77265]],[15,[0.283691,-1.1167,-5.77265]],[16,[0.283691,-3.01392,-5.77265]],[17,[4.68359,2.48608,-5.77265]],[18,[4.68359,4.08105,-5.77265]],[19,[1.93359,4.08105,-5.77265]],[20,[1.93359,2.6416,-5.77265]],[21,[0.833496,-3.61914,-5.77265]],[22,[0.833496,-4.96631,-5.77265]],[23,[0.833496,-4.96655,-5.77265]],[24,[0.283691,-6.31396,-5.77265]],[25,[0.833496,-5.76392,-1.78779]],[26,[0.833496,-4.16895,-1.78779]],[27,[6.60864,7.40845,-1.78779]],[28,[6.60864,-3.0415,-1.78779]],[29,[5.50879,-5.24146,-1.78779]],[30,[-7.14136,-6.34155,-1.78779]],[31,[-7.14136,0.808594,-1.78779]],[32,[-3.84131,-6.34155,-5.77265]],[33,[-7.14136,0.808594,-5.77265]],[34,[0.00878906,6.8584,-5.77265]],[35,[6.60864,4.1084,-5.77265]],[36,[6.60864,-0.291504,-5.77265]],[37,[6.60864,3.28345,-1.78779]],[38,[6.60864,1.0835,-1.78779]],[39,[6.60864,-1.11646,-1.78779]],[40,[3.5835,-6.34155,-1.78779]],[41,[1.38379,-6.34155,-1.78779]],[42,[-1.9165,-6.34155,-1.78779]],[43,[-5.21631,-6.34155,-1.78779]],[44,[-4.6665,0.808594,-1.78779]],[45,[-1.9165,0.808594,-1.78779]],[46,[-6.31641,-6.34155,-5.77265]],[47,[-4.6665,0.808594,-5.77265]],[48,[0.00878906,4.93335,-5.77265]],[49,[6.60864,6.5835,-5.77265]],[50,[0.00878906,4.93335,-1.78779]],[51,[0.00878906,7.13354,-1.78779]]]; _connectionsList = [[0,16],[0,17],[0,21],[1,3],[1,11],[2,11],[2,13],[3,4],[3,1],[3,11],[4,3],[4,45],[5,6],[5,37],[5,50],[6,5],[6,29],[6,38],[7,8],[7,25],[7,41],[8,7],[8,9],[8,42],[9,10],[9,8],[9,42],[9,45],[10,9],[10,30],[10,43],[10,44],[11,12],[11,1],[11,2],[11,3],[12,11],[12,32],[12,46],[13,14],[13,2],[14,13],[15,16],[16,15],[16,0],[16,21],[17,18],[17,0],[17,36],[18,17],[18,19],[18,35],[19,20],[19,18],[20,19],[21,22],[21,0],[21,16],[22,21],[22,23],[23,22],[25,26],[25,7],[25,29],[25,40],[25,41],[26,25],[28,29],[28,39],[28,40],[29,6],[29,25],[29,28],[29,38],[29,39],[29,40],[29,41],[30,10],[30,31],[30,43],[31,30],[31,44],[32,12],[32,46],[33,47],[34,35],[35,18],[35,34],[35,49],[36,17],[37,5],[37,50],[38,6],[38,29],[38,39],[39,28],[39,29],[39,38],[40,25],[40,28],[40,29],[40,41],[41,7],[41,25],[41,29],[41,40],[42,8],[42,9],[42,45],[43,10],[43,30],[44,10],[44,31],[45,4],[45,9],[45,42],[46,12],[46,32],[46,47],[47,33],[47,46],[49,35],[50,5],[50,37],[50,51],[51,50]]; Alright johnnyboy, send in some troops and let's see this bad boy in action. So I've been thinking a lot about the ramifications of our combined efforts lately. I know I mentioned potential wonkyness etc along the way, but I must say we really do have the potential to fundamentally change the game here. It's all about reliability. If we can reliably get the AI in and out (and have them resume engine-pathing upon exit), the sky becomes the new limit and suddenly we can achieve things currently unimaginable. OK that's it for now, back to secret lair.
  11. Thanks, good to know! I don't particularly need one-way connections, now or for the foreseeable future. Still curious though (after carefully reading your answer a couple of times): I understand now you support only two-way connections and that we only need to provide each connection once. <- Considering this, will we hurt performance by providing each connection twice (one per each way)? (Because in my case it's easier to build an array of connections that includes each connection both ways...) Hope that makes sense.
  12. Many thanks for this! Quick question about input parameters. Should connections list include each connection both ways? For example, if node1 is connected to node2, should connections list include just [fromID1, toID2]? Or in this case, does connections list need both [fromID1, toID2] and [fromID2, toID1]? Also, in case first choice is the correct (connections list needing just [fromID1, toID2]), if you go ahead and provide both ([fromID1, toID2] and [fromID2, toID1]), will this still work? ... And if so will it take significant performance hit?
  13. Please johnnyboy correct if I've got any of this wrong, but basically his script motors the AI around using playMove (or similar, by playing animations). Once we have a good set of usable points (which my building scanner will hopefully be able to generate), we'll apply Sarogahtyp's Simple Shortest Paths (or one of the other node path selection functions he's developing) to pick a path, and motor our AIs in and out: My ultimate goal is to assemble a giant array with the type names of all buildings in the game (including all popular mods), and have my building scanner run all night (or for days?) and capture all the important points from all those buildings. After we get all the basic points covered, I hope to include "fighting positions" so AI could potentially take up positions in a building based on the direction of the threat, etc. Btw - Froggy mentioned this quite excellent idea, thanks for that! From my perspective, johnnyboy's project is 100% worthwhile and his awesome demo videos sealed the deal getting us on board to help out. However, I would suggest keeping your expectations somewhat in check. As someone mentioned once we integrate all the parts, the whole thing might be kinda wonky, etc. My scanner will be evolving over time, and most likely won't always pick the best points. And for heaven's sake, we're using forced animations to power the AI around. Hmmm... What could possibly go wrong? Also johnnyboy is trying to figure out how to get multiple AI to operate inside a building simultaneously, but as you can imagine that will be quite a juggling act. Hoping he can pull it off!
  14. Hi all, quick update. Made good progress over the past few days (bug-fixing, refactoring, etc). Notably, I'm now caching the floor points in profileNamespace, which has sped up development considerably. News-flash, moved onto Chokepoints! To get Chokepoints, we need two critical ingredients: A good clean outline. A reliable way to get all nodes contained within the outline. Recall as of last update, our outlines were pretty good but did not line up with the stairs (so not clean). I now added a process by which the outlines clean themselves, and change shape over as many iterations as necessary to arrive at final cleaned shapes. A few snapshots of the process in action: Original (rough) outline: Detection Process (picture this happening potentially multiple times as the outline mostly shrinks & sometimes grows slightly): Final Clean outline: Now, you may be wondering: “Why have the outlines self-clean like this? What happened to dumping and rebuilding the collections?” For those curious, here’s why: Also, the cleaned outlines do a great job now on balconies and porches, by detecting those skinny rails, etc. (Note- We can't check all the collection's connections like this, as that would be prohibitively expensive CPU-wise, grinding down development of these scripts to a halt. Sticking to this increased level of detection on just the outlines is quite CPU friendly.) In the mean time, I found a way to get all the nodes inside the outline of any collection, even if it wraps up above & over itself. This is a huge breakthrough, as using inPolygon (and cutting the collections) is no longer necessary! Now we can get the Chokepoints (… well almost). So far, we have raw "chokeway" points. I’m going to have to pour over a bunch of possible chokeway point / outline arrangements and develop a good algorithm, in order to ultimately refine these raw chokeway points into usable Chokepoints. Yeah, babysteps! Raw "chokeway" points:
  15. Ok, got some time today and took all my spaghetti code and made it into an proper system (broken into parts, etc). Because it was getting crazy scrolling up and down through one giant init file. Next up, somewhat in order: 1. Fix a couple (semi-trivial?) bugs I found trying it on other ruins. 2. Split the collections up by floors/rooms. This is tricky, because for instance see that pic of how the bottom of the stairs outline (yellow rays) and the collection outlines (green rays) don't line up? I think I know how to tackle this: Get the initial collections. Then get stairs and "choke point areas" (think doorless doorways). Then dump the initial collections and rebuild them, now with the stairs and "choke points areas" as the new boundaries between the collections. This will line up the outlines properly and should give us the coveted Rooms (by floor). 3. Get all the Perceived Entry Points (PEPs), for first floor only. (Which is probably the best I can do, for buildings like those ruins missing entire walls, etc) 4. Tackle actual doors. Detecting them, assigning them to Rooms, etc. Thankfully, actual doors already act as boundaries between collections (for collection detection purposes). 5. Figure out what we actually need to store. I know johnnyboy you would prefer simple paths, as that's what your script uses to move the AIs. OK, more on what I envision pathing-wise once I have more to show.
  16. Hey all, small progress update. I refactored the detection algorithms, and it works pretty well on more complex structures now. More importantly, we have our first usable points, stair tops and bottoms! (Btw - Stair detection wasn't trivial like we'd hoped. Had to filter out several types of false-positives.) Here's a quick real-time video: [For added fun, listen to this simultaneously as soundtrack.] Closeups of the new stairwell points: Note - All the rays have to be raised quite a bit over visible surfaces (in order to see them), unlike the nodes (in this case yellow, which are positioned as they appear).
  17. Just so we're all on the same page, the whole "gazillion nodes" is not so we can store them. It's so we can get an accurate outline of each room. (In fact, we might not even need to store any of them.) The more (detection) nodes the merrier! I envision the final solution (my part) as a collection of room and stairs outlines and a handful of quick optimized functions that given a set of ultimate start and end points, can dynamically pick intermediate points and determine a viable path from one point to another, perhaps even very quickly. In other words, these pathing functions might even be suitable to call at runtime (particularly because they are not crunching through gazillions of nodes). Of course, I'm hoping that's what I can deliver and only time (+ more effort) will tell. In other news, I highly optimized the floor detection. Now gets by with single initial 2D raycasting pass (followed by second focused pass that trims out junk points). No more inefficient 3D mega first pass at 1m plus 2nd pass "filling in the gaps" to get to 0.5m. We can go straight to 0.3333m right off the bat now, and it's super quick! 0.25m takes a bit longer but not too bad. (Even lower is viable, trading off increased time for better resolution the lower you go.)
  18. @.kju Wow, that totally just blew my mind! Imagine all the possibilities.
  19. Good idea. Heck, we could simply use the node-mesh data from my script as the test cases (points inside the green area), on a few buildings (any building types you like). I've been wondering how "shortest path between 2 nodes" algorithms will fare with this number of 0.5m res nodes (CPU/time wise). I suppose there's only one way to find out!
  20. "Up! Up! And Away!" "Up the Stairs... To the 2nd Floor!" It's starting to come together. Slowly...
  21. Hopefully will work like this: Some AI script (let's call it "main AI script") decides it wants to send AI into building. It passes control of this AI over to johnnyboy's system, which delivers AI to interior destination (optionally having AI do cool things along the way, as seen in his videos). "Main AI script" may have johnnyboy's do the whole indoor path at once (sending him in and back out) -or- "main AI script" may have johnnyboy's send AI in, then "main AI script" takes control again upon arrival at destination, and later passes control back to johnnyboy's to send AI back out again. ^ The biggest pitfall I see is when AI gets back outside. When running my own experiments a couple years ago forcing AI out of buildings (using animations), I was having trouble getting AI to resume engine path again. (But back then I was also unintentionally sending AI up into the air, down into the ground or objects, etc, and have many new tricks up my sleeve now). Short answer on solution to exit is: We'll just keep pushing AI along (stuck to the ground correctly) and turning him until he resumes engine pathing on this own. (Did I mention it might be kinda janky?)
  22. @johnnyboy Agree on all points! (Should emphasize, this is your show & master plan. Seriously, thanks for spearheading!) Wow, that sounds kick ass! Hope you can make it work.
  23. Thanks, and good question. Yes, it's pretty much all lineIntersectsSurfaces. So far, it's goes something like this: Using 1 meter resolution on a 3D grid with 3 nested for loops (one for X, one for Y, and one for Z), I shoot rays straight down and record all the spots where they intersect building (by creating game logics). Everywhere point with multiple game logics is a hit. Then cull all the extra GLs. (At this point it's also getting some "window sill points" and the like as you see in 1st pic, so I still need to figure out how to cull those out, which I think will happen automatically when I do the whole "group by floor" part.) Turns out 1m resolution isn't enough to detect meaningful room boundaries, and we really need 0.5m. Unfortunately, running 3D scan from step 1 with 0.5 meters is prohibitively CPU/time consuming (at least on my 7700K/16GB), so I simply "fill in the 0.5m gaps" based on the existing 1m grid (again using much smaller downward-facing rays and checking all the points for multiple GLs, again culling the extras). At this point I've got pretty good data on "walkable surfaces". Now to get room boundary: Given any particular node, using lineIntersectsSurfaces to check LOS between points (a smidge above the floor points), I find the first edge node (which I'm calling the "keystone" node), and basically walk around the room. So far it's quite accurate for most (all?) of the buildings in Agia Marina on Stratis (which let's admit are mostly pretty basic). I've also had some neat surprises so far, with "rooms" being detected on top of the "open" metal roof buildings to the east in the Military Range. I'm guessing this probably needs some (major?) tweaking to handle complex ruins, etc. At this point I'm cautiously optimistic about achieving the end goal (which is of course usable points). On the other hand, what pierre alluded to is right about it being super-complex, etc. Many big challenges to be surmounted, journey might be long, outcome hangs on a knifes edge, etc.
  24. @chrisb Froggy did a pretty good job explaining the technicals, but here's my take. I'm pretty sure it goes like this: Take everyone who plays this game. Everyone who loves the AI has wondered at one point or another why AI rarely enters buildings. Some in this pool have had trouble ordering their AI squad guys to go inside, and others have experienced them getting stuck inside. Probably no one thinks any of that is fun. Now at the other extreme, you have a much smaller pool of people to love the AI, are keenly aware of of these "indoor path-finding" issues, are good at sqf scripting, and who have run experiments (at one point or another along the way) to try to get AI in and out of buildings, using a combination of buildingPos, doMove (and WPs), and related commands. I'm pretty sure 100% of the people who fall into this category have wound up frustrated to one extent or another (many to the point of ripping own hair out). The problem with using the engine’s indoor path-finding is that (way too often) the AI gets confused, gives up, and never arrives at it’s intended destination. (This also results in the AI getting stuck inside buildings, which to me is the biggest downer.) Unfortunately, because this indoor path-finding is part of the engine, we don’t have visibility to tweak or fix it up. Pierre mentions modifying the AI path LODs, a fine idea that would potentially help some cases of AI getting stuck, but probably in a very limited way. (Modifying Path LODs seems would mostly be for situations like getting AI somewhere new, like up on the roof, etc.) Along comes johnnyboy. His method is different. It forces the AI to move along it's path. His method is reliable, because now the AI will get to where it’s going! Will it be kinda janky, yes it will! But that’s ok, because it frees us from the shackles of the engine's (limited and unreliable) indoor AI path-finding. Perhaps most importantly, it will demonstrate to BI that we really care about issue and are willing to put our own time/effort into improving it. If improved indoor AI path-finding isn’t already planned for ArmA4, maybe now it will get a 2nd look. Btw- johnnyboy, I had this idea a couple years ago but never told anyone and now you went and stole it. Thanks a lot, buddy. (Lol, at the time I was just using animations to force the AI out of buildings, but they were going through the walls, etc, because I hadn’t bothered to assemble building point databases like we are trying to do now.) I mean of course, thanks for spearheading this!
  25. Here's a little something to help keep the dream alive: "The Porch, the whole Porch, and nothing but the Porch, so help me God!"