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Everything posted by mechastalin

  1. Is there a special way to set up this module or does it function like the Ambient Civillians module? If you just place it by its self nothing seems to happen.
  2. Hi, I'm working on a mission thats more stealth oriented at the moment and I want to set it up so that when the Detected By trigger is fired you still have 60 seconds or so to take out the enemy units detecting you so the mission isn't instantly blown. Will a timeout work for this or is there a better way of checking it with a script? Also this one is simple as well but I'm not entirely sure how to do it, I want to delete the detected by trigger once the target is down, how can I do this?
  3. mechastalin

    Gun Porn! Drool

    A recent purchase of mine and a weapon that is famous in the OFP community. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a248/Autozam/RightSideStockExtended2.jpg http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a248/Autozam/LeftSideLongMag2.jpg
  4. Nice work Vilas, glad to see you're still pumping out mods.
  5. A pretty common mission objective, and I had the scripting info saved somewhere but lost it in a reformat. I want a trigger to activate when a bridge has been completely destroyed, the bridge in question being the rail bridge at 131-081 near the Factory near Solnichny. Thanks.
  6. I've purchased the German digital download version and installed it fine, but when I start the game it either says no DVD is inserted, or the wrong DVD is inserted if one is in the drive so I don't have a chance to enter my key and activate it, what would cause this? I have tried disabling programs like Daemon Tools etc to no effect, and don't have any of them running.
  7. Hi, I'm working on a co-op mission where you have to rescue a captured friendly soldier but I'm not sure of how to go about adding him to a group. I can't add him to one specific group because if that group is dead at the time of rescue he wont go anywhere. Is there a way that on a triggers activation I can get it to check which group is nearest him and add him to that one, or add him to whichever group enters a trigger first?
  8. rescuedUnit is the name I gave the unit, correct?
  9. The problem is I have 3 different 5 man fireteams operating. If the group I name first dies than the mission will be unplayable. Can I set the trigger's on activation so that it also assigns a name to whatever group is present first then the captive joins that group?
  10. How do I call these scripts properly on a server? When I call it normally it spawns it for every client and causes massive stress on the dedi.
  11. mechastalin

    OKB 915 addons for ArmA2

    I still think it could use some more brown dirt/dust/mud on the vehicle from what I can see.
  12. mechastalin

    OKB 915 addons for ArmA2

    Its hard to make out in the picture because of all the bloom, but it does look like the texture could use a bit more dirt etc, and when you say proper operation of the missile launcher, does this mean it acts like a proper joystick guided missile? Where you literally have to fly the thing in instead of wire guidance?
  13. Heres where I'll be posting any missions I decide to release, heres two I've finished recently to start. All missions will work in both CO-OP and SP CO 07 Anti Aircraft. http://files.filefront.com/CO200720Anti20Aircraftutsrar/;13847548;/fileinfo.html CO 09 Random Guerillas A simple SOM mission using NAPA units, complete 5 SECOPS to win. http://files.filefront.com/CO200920Random20Guerillassrar/;13847560;/fileinfo.html
  14. mechastalin


    Glad to see VME is continuing work in ArmA 2, this was one of my favorite mods in OFP and was disappointed that we didn't get a release in ArmA 1.
  15. I'm not as mod happy as I was before, but I'm be willing to throw together some missions to ship with the pack once its ready.
  16. Hi, in my current mission I'd like to set it up so that if the current squad leader, whoever he may be in the squad, fires a flare into the sky, this will activate a trigger which a waiting chopper is synced to, and it when then move to the squad leaders position.
  17. mechastalin

    MechaStalin's Missions

    CO 18 Air Calvary A CO-OP mission played from the USMC side, objective is to secure one of four towns which is randomly selected, OPFOR is also randomly generated using CO-OP Essential Pack scripts. http://files.filefront.com/CO201820Air20CavalryChersrar/;13900971;/fileinfo.html
  18. mechastalin

    What exactly is this game?

    ArmA 2 is like a triple whopper, it seems like a good idea at the start, its amazing when you're hammered, but 10 minutes into the ordeal you realize what a horrible choice you've made.
  19. Your player createDiaryRecord is missing the closing brackets and semi-colon at the end. :) player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["The title", "The message"]];
  20. mechastalin

    How do I setup the UAV?

    You can use any vehicle as a UAV terminal, but in order to get the UAV action the vehicle has to be completely empty.
  21. Is it possible to have a script or trigger running that once you had completed a certain amount of SOM missions, say 5, it ended the mission?
  22. Can anybody else try this to see if its reproduceable? Setup a Pchela-1 UAV, by using the UAV module, and synchronizing it to the UAV, a MVD Assault Team, Team Leader, and an empty Russian UAV Terminal. Set it to night time, I was playing at 2:05am if anybody wants to get that close to what I had. Use the UAV terminal, it seems to force your night vision on and not let you turn it off which makes the display impossible to use. The other bug I found was, I placed a CDF ZU-23 down, and made it activate a trigger using F2, when I tried to copy that trigger using ctrl+c the game crashed. I was able to reproduce this 3 times in a row so I imagine its a 100% bug.