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Everything posted by mechastalin

  1. mechastalin

    Vilas' addons

    Nice work on the BMP textures. I may have to port ORCS BMP-1 based on top of your configs now.
  2. mechastalin

    ArmA Addon request thread

    I have a fairly low res but clean Merkava model lying around that I mayyyyy be able to convert to ArmA. But it'd take a bit of work.
  3. mechastalin

    LCWF Mod For ArmA

    Looks great! I really enjoyed these addons for OFP.
  4. mechastalin

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Wikipedia Wow, thats surprisingly low. My only guess is incorrect deployment or the Russians really neutered their missiles for export.
  5. mechastalin

    Vilas' addons

    I had a bunch of your addons installed Vilas and they were working great, I removed all of my addons to test out a problem I was having connecting to a server and then when I readd I'm having a problem with my muzzleflashes showing up all the time and I cant seem to fix it.
  6. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    New version and pretty much the definitive version unless theres something major we missed. I'm going to update the first post with this and pass it out to a few websites. V2.0 http://www.sendspace.com/file/w09ngb
  7. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    Okay, I've got some stuff I'd like to include so just email it to me. Autozam@Gmail.com or post it here or whatever.
  8. mechastalin

    Random deviance of bullets

    I havnt had much problem with weapon accuracy but I like to use iron sights over the red dots. Even with short rifles like the AKS-74U I'm able to put shots consistantly on a standing or kneeling target at 250-300m while kneeling. Just got to take a second to aim.
  9. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    What is the news on the new stuff? I'd like to get a release or prepared for a release tonight or tommorow. And to everybody whos helped out with this if you wouldn't mind posting what you'd like to be recognized for in the readme so I don't forget anything.
  10. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    Theres a destroyed model for OFP, but that may be a bit too much trouble to get working and it'd probably look strange.
  11. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    I worked with it a bit but didn't have much luck as I don't know much about scripting.
  12. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    I believe the disappearing parts is done via alpha channel. Theres also some damage textures already done but I'm not sure if they'll work with the BMD model as they were designed for a stationary object version of the same thing, but they're worth a shot. If you get damage textures and hatches working and sent to me tommorow I think I'll release it.
  13. mechastalin

    RHS Hind v1.0 for ArmA

    Not really, but we had a bit of trouble getting them to fly pretty accurately although this wont be a problem as they will be wire guided in 1.07.
  14. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    BMD-1 in the armoury.
  15. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    Missile is now wire guided, and thats enough for me. Heading to bed. I'll try and get some finishing touches on it tomorrow like Torni's hatches.
  16. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    Thanks a lot, I managed to get it working to some degree, the text doesn't seem to actually wrap to the box and instead goes outside and you only see one line, but not a major bug at the moment. The main thing I'm concerned with now is improving shadows, at the moment they seem really jaggy and detached and not constant but that may be my PC.
  17. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    Just a quick update on the definitive version, I've cleaned up the textures a bit and removed some of the pixelation, I may or may not do a camo pattern texture. It is now 100% working in 1.07 and works fine in the armoury, I took it for a few runs around the test track and stuff. But does anybody know how to setup the history text for the Armoury?
  18. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    I'm currently waiting on a reskin from Shadow NX at the moment, but I may put the new sounds and stuff I have into a version for now and just call it done for now. Edit: Infact, thats what I'll do. Expect 1.52 in a few hours unless Torni wants to wait for his stuff.
  19. mechastalin

    Idea for new armor system.

    The current armor system allows for a handful of selections and lets us set their armor and some other values, this being the hull, turret, tracks, engines, etc. The current armor system on these parts isn't bad but the problem is with it being limited to these parts. If BI was to make a small adjustment allowing us to define custom selections in the armor section of the config you would have no limit on how detailed the armor of a vehicle could be. This would allow us to set different armor for virtually every polygon of the tank and it would only be limited by how dedicated the addon maker was. You could even have an ERA system with each ERA block being a separate selection with very high armor that is deleted on contact. I think this small adjustment by BIS would improve armor in the game 100 fold and make the game ultimately considerably more realistic.
  20. mechastalin

    Idea for new armor system.

    If you can find this I'll be really appreciative.
  21. mechastalin

    BMD-1 Released!

    sure, throw it up. I didn't think it'd be that simple. But will it work in older versions as well? I kind of don't want to release a new version until it can work in both.
  22. mechastalin

    Idea for new armor system.

    Of course, but it doesnt require as much as say completely redoing the armor system.
  23. mechastalin

    Idea for new armor system.

    Good idea, thanks for posting!
  24. mechastalin

    Idea for new armor system.

    No idea. But I'd hope BIS will put it in either way, the armor needs to be improved a bit over 6 years since OFPs release. I'm not sure if damage resistance actually modifies the damage a unit takes but rather tells the AI what type of weapon to engage it with.
  25. mechastalin


    Cant wait to use this to drop my BMD in some missions.