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Everything posted by Mr_Tea

  1. Mr_Tea

    International Politics Thread

    Israel had to react, hamas new before exactly what will happen if they only shoot enough rockets over a long period. They hide behind civilians, knowing that every civilian killed in that conflict will play in their hands. It was foreseeable how the world, especially the muslim world, would react once Israel strikes back hard. How long would any other country tolerate, to get shot with rockets and grenades on a regular basis? Every country would use force to stop that, whatever it takes. You can`t negotiate with a "party" that has the goal to destroy your land. "Oh yeah, lets make a ceasefire. But after that we`ll kill you all".
  2. Mr_Tea

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    That`s not sure, and in my case false. I run ArmA on an AthlonXP 3200+ which has 1 Core, so i can run ArmA but off course not, by any means, ArmA 2. Looks like i have to use ArmA for some time longer, even if ArmA 2 is out in a few month, as i run on a very tight budget.
  3. Mr_Tea

    Current Gaming Machine

    That`s not sure, and in my case false. I run ArmA on an AthlonXP 3200+ which has 1 Core, so i can run ArmA but off course not, by any means, ArmA 2. Looks like i have to use ArmA for some time longer, even if ArmA 2 is out in a few month, as i run on a very tight budget.
  4. Mr_Tea

    Hardware and settings for ArmA

    ArmA worked without crashes for me on my GeForce 7600GS 512MB AGP, never crashed so you are proved to be wrong. Don`t call me an Nvidia fanboy because of that. Yesterday i put an HD 3650 AGP card in my PC, now ArmA works slightly faster than before. Because of ArmA i don`t needed to switch to ATI, it`s only that you get newer GPU`s for the AGP Port from them. ATI should hire Nvidia to build their drivers, take years to install them.
  5. You brought my beloved OFP-Islands back to me. Thank you
  6. For me they only report enemy's, but did not engage them, even if they come under fire and get killed one after the other. I placed the SF Hummer on the map as an empty vehicle, than ordered my men to board the vehicle, and they did not engage. When i place the vehicle as an normal AI operated vehicle with me as an observer on the scene (civilian) the same happens. They don`t fire one single shot from any of their mounted weapons. When i board the vehicle after the slaughter, all guns are working fine and have full ammo.
  7. Mr_Tea

    Joystick and some questions

    You should not activate "gear up" before you are airborne. For the sensitivity of the stick, did it came with software to configure it? If so, use that to alter the sensitivity.
  8. Is it somehow possible to make the AI use the weapons of the SF Hummer? None of the guns, not even the main gun, get used by AI.
  9. Make sure that the server you try to play on use patch 1.15 too, else it could only lead into problems.
  10. ArmA runs great on my rig: AthlonXP 3200+ @2.2Ghz 2GB DDR (PC3200) RAM in Dual-Channel mode MSI GeForce 7600GS 512MB RAM AGP Card Creative Audigy 2 WinXP Prof. SP2 32 bit / Vista Home Premium SP1 32 bit ArmA worked great before this patch too.
  11. Make sure you have the latest 64bit drivers installed for all of your hardware, that is the first thing to look after once problems occur.
  12. Great work guys, i love this mod. The sounds are great, the stuff included is fantastic and the new features are priceless. This stuff will keep me busy for some time.
  13. The extra performance with patch 1.15 is a nice xmas present, alongside with the ACE Mod ArmA feels like an new game now.
  14. Oooops, dammit there was really still the old beta-folder in place. Now the update worked flawless, thank`s guys.
  15. When i try to update my German DVD version of ArmA from 1.14 to 1.15b the patch reports it can not install because my game is version 1.12 and 1.14 needed. I don`t get it. My game is off course patched to 1.14, and that is displayed correctly when i run ArmA. Edit: I run ArmA version 1.14.5256 on WinXP Prof. 32bit SP2.
  16. Mr_Tea

    Valve made $1 = €1 on Steam

    That still don`t judge the price, as you get 1,39 Euros per 1,00 Dollar. So it`s 15% for the taxes plus 24% extra price for us Europeans. They can keep their stuff for them self. Fist they try to sell HL2 again and again bundled to every expansion, and now this foul trick.
  17. I`m on the safe side, that much is sure. But this kind of "posts" are nothing but Spam, probably made by bots, nothing that has to be shown up on the forums.
  18. Mr_Tea

    Valve made $1 = €1 on Steam

    That`s why i don`t buy anything on Steam, that`s fraud.
  19. I get still only spam threads when i search for new posts. Now with correct links so the *mods can look after it. 1: Spam Thread 1 2: Spam Thread 2 edit: *Moderators
  20. Mr_Tea

    FDF Mod 1.0 for ArmA

    Once i saw this thread, i knew that i will have a new favorite island from now on. The other stuff is great too, but i`m as always in love with FDF Islands. Thanks for this beauty.
  21. No other way around? I don`t like the idea of loosing detail only to get rid of the reflections, shine or whatever you call it. Vilas seems to have the right idea to archive the goal, without loosing all the little details.
  22. Mr_Tea

    Mod Support

    Because 3d Party stuff (mods, addons) could decrease the performance and lead to instability it is forbidden to use 3d Party stuff on the Xbox 360 i think. Read your papers that come with the console to see if 3d Party software is allowed at all. They fear bad press when worse things happen i assume. Anyways, i`ll stuck to the PC-Platform so i don`t have to worry about Mod Support.
  23. I made a screenshot that a can upload later that day if needed. All results are from the czech section of the board, like nobody posted anywhere else over there. Edit: Links removed. Working link to Spam Threads added to newer post.
  24. Every time i start the search for new posts over there, all that comes up are spam threads that are ignored by the mods. I have no idea why that is the only stuff that gets shown. Does nobody post there at all, besides some people (spambots?) that post spam?