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Everything posted by Mr_Tea

  1. If only the people outside of the community would get it, that none of the released promo stuff is pre-renderd. That alone would help.
  2. Mr_Tea

    Pic of Sydney

    Very nice. But i wonder how the AI will navigate in that area. Anyways, keep it up.
  3. Mr_Tea

    UKF Release: Jackal MWMIK

    ACE is known to have problems with multiple guns mounted on one vehicle. They introduced some vehicles with multiple guns, but only the main gun can be used by AI with the latest ACE patch. Before that, none of the guns where used by the AI.
  4. Mr_Tea

    Earth Hour 2009

    I don`t need a special day to save energy, as i do that every day like many of us. Electricity is getting more and more expensive, if that alone is no reason for someone to save energy, i`m afraid the Earth Hour 2009 won`t help much.
  5. Mr_Tea

    UKF Release: Jackal MWMIK

    Great work, nice to see UKF stuff in ArmA.
  6. Mr_Tea

    Vertical takeoffs with the Harrier

    The Harrier in r/l can only take off vertical without anything is mounted on it. Therefore, armed with bombs or rockets, it can only do a short takeoff, but you can land vertical with some training in ArmA.
  7. With A.C.E 1.02 the "performance bug" is gone. Now it`s like fluid on grease again, how it should be with one soldier alone on ACE Rahmadi. I´m very happy with that outcome, as my single core cpu will not be able to run ARMA 2 by any means. A big thank you, guys.
  8. Downloading the update right now, with hope for at least nearly normal performance, when i start ARMA with the A.C.E mod. With the first update it was unplayable.
  9. Mr_Tea


    By doing that on an regular basis you might win an warning level.
  10. Mr_Tea

    Conflict Zone Mindanao

    The infantry man do look really great. The vehicles too. Happy to hear that there will be an beta soon.
  11. A.C.E. 1.01 is unplayable because of the lag i get, before i updated it there was no problem performance wise. So long guys, i´m out of here.
  12. The AI in SF Hummers still can`t use the mounted guns. Now it`s worse than before, because the game lags like hell when driving those vehicles. Edit: ArmA lags like hell with A.C.E. 1.01 when i place only one soldier on Rahmdi. Thats not normal. I tested the same without A.C.E and the problem is gone.
  13. I think we by now we know why BIS did not added something like this to the options menu. It works only for some people, and to others it screws up AA.
  14. For me it makes that AA is not working properly, if at all, when i use this mod on my HD 3650 512MB. Without it AA works perfect.
  15. Mr_Tea

    International Politics Thread

    And because of that they blow each other up with bombs? There is something wrong with your knowledge of friendship me thinks.
  16. Is it possible to get some reaction on the SF HMMV`s that have useless weapons for the AI? I noticed the same on the new Strikers included in A.C.E. They will not shoot, whatever happens.
  17. Mr_Tea

    Tatawin Island

    Tatawin works fine for me, no ctd`s on my side. ACE should not be the problem, as i use it too.
  18. Mr_Tea

    Spanish Army mod pack 3

    Good question. Nice to see this new releases.
  19. Congratulations. That`s an well earned win of an contract.
  20. Mr_Tea

    International Politics Thread

    Hamas rockets where aimed exclusively at civilians, how would you call that? You seem do give a shit on that yourself. Now as Israel reacts, the people around world are protesting against the violence. Where have the protesters been when the Hamas rockets rained down on Israeli cities? Or do all have accepted that as normal: "It`s only Hamas doing their hobby", or what?
  21. Mr_Tea

    International Politics Thread

    Israel has always to be prepared, because it is surrounded by enemy's more or less. And with Hamas in charge over Gaza, what happens now had to come sooner or later. Even an blind man could see that clearly.
  22. Mr_Tea

    International Politics Thread

    Than laugh if you like too. The Hamas as an terrorist organization has absolutely no right at all. Their gaol was to provoke what is happening now, knowing very well, how much the civilians will be affected from it.
  23. Mr_Tea

    Tatawin Island

    Looks good. Downloading started.
  24. Thanks`s will download when mirrors are available. Filefront is terribly slow atm.
  25. Mr_Tea

    International Politics Thread

    And how could they improve their situation by shooting rockets and grenades at Israeli civilians? On the other hand, if they manage to bring thousands of rockets into Gaza, where is the problem to bring food in instead? The problem is that Hamas only interest is to fight Israel. Ever thought on what the market price for those thousands of missiles would be? They get them for free maybe, but only to use them against Israel. With a terrorist group in charge over Gaza, the situation can`t improve.