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Everything posted by Mr_Tea

  1. Mr_Tea

    SLX MOD public release

    That happened to me with other units than the commander, and vanilla ArmA on the "warfare map". So it must not be related to any mod.
  2. Mr_Tea

    Patch 1.14 Troubleshooting

    My idea is: If you only have one copy of ArmA, than you are not allowed to install it on a second rig, not for "inhouse lan gaming" and not for something else. Even if you get it to work on the second PC, you will activate the copy protection as soon you start the lan session. Edit: Not that it should make any problems, until two PC´s with one copy ArmA are active in an lan-network or the i-net.
  3. Mr_Tea

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    The 8400 GS is a low end card, you won`t be happy with that card. If you have 100€ at hand, look out for an GeForce 9600 GT with 512MB.
  4. Mr_Tea

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Has someone successfully updated a few rigs with an new motherboard without an fresh Windows installation, and can confirm that it really works if you uninstall the mobo drivers only?
  5. Mr_Tea


    Fine, but is there any info if it will include only infantry, or the heavy stuff from that era too?
  6. Mr_Tea


    I`m really awaiting Projekt`85, but unfortunately the units that did combat training in my area will not be included by any chance. I was on the other side of the iron curtain, and Chieftain MBT`s roared through the nights in this area. Sure there where some BW units, but mainly British troops and some from the Netherlands. They did very large scale combat trainings every fall for a few weeks, and we kids where out in the field every day in that time.
  7. Mr_Tea

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    With an new (different) mainboard you have to reinstall Windows to make sure it works fine. I`m no fan of re-installing the OS, my current OS was installed at the 22.01.2006, and still works perfect. When i update computers with new mobo`s for friends, or for me, a fresh install of Windows has to be done.
  8. Mr_Tea

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    An re-installation will "kill" the current Windows installation, but will not do anything to other partitions than drive C:. For the graphics card you should have a look at the GPU and Ram clocking, cards with cheaper Ram modules can`t run at full speed and will be clocked lower than the standard, same goes to the GPU.
  9. Mr_Tea

    AI in Warfare?

    I tested Warfare offline, created and Lan-Server and started the session will all slots used by AI and everything worked good. Besides that, the support trucks tend to kill you and your team when you are not really careful near roads, and AI-controlled Teammates get stuck in towns, Warfare works perfect even when you play it offline.
  10. On new Microsoft OS´s, the first SP is a must have asap. If any game would run that great under Vista Home Premium than ArmA, i would not need Win2K Prof. any longer.
  11. Mr_Tea

    Warfare Full Sahrani and others soon

    Great news. An interesting challenge, for modders and players would be Warfare with the full set of the OFP islands. (If naval stuff can be implemented)
  12. Mr_Tea

    PC Discussion Thread - All PC related in here.

    Can you set your system back to an earlier restore point? Before you run a re-installation of the OS, try the system repair function from the WinXP install disk. Dunno if that works properly, but it`s worth a try.
  13. Mr_Tea

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    I have tested the new warfare mode offline, with and against AI over the whole night without ctd`s. One problem was, that the supply trucks are more dangerous to infantryman's than the enemy, the other that tanks really like to lay on their back. Another show stopper was, that 2 man out of 7 man team get stuck in town, and where not able to go anywhere, no matter what orders i gave them. I´ll test EVO-SP later this day, and hope that the bugs are more or less warfare-exclusive. Besides those problems i`m very happy with this patch, and the improvements performance and graphics-quality wise.
  14. Mr_Tea

    Arma feedback thread - based on 1.14

    I´m happy with that Patch, but with a very little effort BIS could have supplied us with a full set of woodland units and groups. It has been done for USMC units, why not for the woodland units.
  15. Mr_Tea

    IC ISLAND: Isla Barbuda

    Thanks for that island. It`s great to have some varieties at playgrounds.
  16. Mr_Tea

    Rocket MAN!

    The military use stuff like that already, as an glider of course and not that version with rockets. You can "go" very far with that things, only depends on drop altitude.
  17. Mr_Tea

    ArmA Gold Edition question

    I´m not sure about this, as i only play offline, but isn`t the DVD required and checked when you try to play online?
  18. Mr_Tea

    RKSL Studios

    I`m really sorry to hear of such problems, but it could have been prevented by not do gaming on the rig you need for your work. Also complete backups, that would include registry files too, should be made on a regular basis. Don`t cut your spendings on the wrong end.
  19. Mr_Tea

    ArmA brightness / light system

    Once i set the HDR precision to 16 AA get`s disabled, so it`s not an option to fiddle with that setting. The last thing i want to do is play a game, any game, without AA.
  20. Mr_Tea

    Evolution - Single Player

    The ammo boxes reload every time you reach an higher rank, if that is not enough don`t forget the FARP`s. The problem with an protection force at the airport is, that it comes under fire from enemy aircrafts and than the airport is in ruins.
  21. Mr_Tea

    Spanish Army mod pack 3

    Tested it, and it works for me. As long you did not try to enter a vehicle, that has an enemy sitting in it, you should be able to use any unlocked vehicle.
  22. Mr_Tea

    ArmA brightness / light system

    The only ones that can recode this "junk", without breaking laws, are the guys and girls of BIS. So it would be up to them to fix it.
  23. Mr_Tea

    Spanish Army mod pack 3

    Use a download manager like FDM, to make sure you get error free downloads.
  24. Mr_Tea

    My currently Version

    I had to play 1.00 long enough over here in germany, before the first patch was even in sight. 1.12 might be a Beta but it works very good, so there is no reason to not use it.
  25. Mr_Tea

    System Requirements

    If that would be impossible, i would not post it. I use Win2K Prof. SP4, other specs: AthlonXP 3200+ (Barton)@ 2,2Ghz (not overclocked) 2GB PC3200 (DDR 400) RAM in Dual-Channel Mode MSI GeForce 7600GS 512MB AGP Card, AGP aperture size set to 512MB Creative Audigy2 It`s an self build system and the Bigtower case alone, without an PSU, has cost me 75€. The use of an sound card instead of onboard sound alone can make a big difference. I´m only an MCP, but i build my rigs by my self for ~17 years, and i know what parts should be bought and what should better stay in the shop.