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Posts posted by Master85

  1. Try to enter the object itself (and not its position) as destination for BIS_fnc_taskCreate.

    If I remember correctly BIS_fnc_taskCreate is using - depending on the type of the destination argument - setSimpleTaskTarget (object) or setSimpleTaskDestination (position) internally.


    		"Get in the MRAP",
    		"Get in",
    		"GET IN"
    ] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate;

  2. added to a display "MouseMoving" will return delta positions - i.e. the difference to the last position

    when added to a control it will return the position relative to the control - i.e. no delta positions

    so just add the eventhandler with ctrlAddEventHandler to the map control itself:

    openMap [true, false];
    waitUntil {!(isNull (findDisplay 12))};
    _index = ((findDisplay 12) displayCtrl 51) ctrlAddEventHandler
    	_WorldCoord = (_this select 0) ctrlMapScreenToWorld [_this select 1,_this select 2];
    	_WorldCoord = round(_WorldCoord distance player);
    	hintSilent str _WorldCoord;

  3. I am triyng and trying, but nothings helps...but I am experiencing that the Server window always says port 2314 although I didn´t defined it anywhere. Does anybody know why this is?

    happened to me when I accidentally started multiple servers on the same gameport (2302) - the 2nd one started automatically switched its gameport to 2314


    netstat -ab

    or a tool as TCPView (http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897437.aspx) to check what's listening on local port 2302

  4. You mean this needs to be set client side for them to be able to see some servers? My server has been down for 2 weeks until I found this thread :( Linux DS

    no, that's server side, with the server behind a NAT or firewall the inbounding udp traffic on the steamQueryPort has to be forwarded/allowed

    there can be problems on client side, too, but I think mostly the problem is that the servers aren't answering the clients' requests on the steamQueryPort

  5. ...

    the server in your steam api reply has 27016 as steamQueryPort (which is the default one if it wasn't changed in the server.cfg)

    and its gameport is 2314 - not the 2302 you've set in your batch-script

    so it looks like the server.cfg isn't loaded at all by your server and the "-port="-switch isn't recognized (or there was another server running on that port and the 2nd server automatically changed the gameport to 2314)

    if that's not a copy&paste error you're missing a whitespace between -port=2302" and -config=arma3server_Memphis.cfg"

  6. to show up on steam a server has to:

    1. be known to the steam master server

    2. answer requests by all the steam clients


    to check whether your server is known to the steam master you can visit

    (replace EnterYourServerIpHere with the IP of your server)

    (instead of EnterYourServerIpHere you can use EnterYourServerIpHere:steamQueryPort to filter for a specific steamQueryPort on that IP)


    you should get something like:

    "response": {
    	"success": true,
    	"servers": [
    			"addr": "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:2301",
    			"gmsindex": 65534,
    			"appid": 107410,
    			"gamedir": "Arma3",
    			"region": -1,
    			"secure": false,
    			"lan": false,
    			"gameport": 2302,
    			"specport": 0

    with multiple servers on the same ip you should get multiple servers in the response


    make sure that inbounding udp traffic on the steamQueryPort (default is 27016 - or the one you've definded in the server.cfg) can reach your server

    e.g. when sitting behind a NAT forward udp traffic on the steamQueryPort to your server

    when behind a firewall allow in/outbounding udp traffic on the steamQueryPort

  7. haven't tested it myself in arma 3, but my understanding so far:


    gunEnd/gunBeg is used for defining the barrel of the weapon of a turret.

    memorypointgun([]) is for defining different source point(s) for e.g. coaxial mounted weapons

    they use the direction vector of gunBeg - > gunEnd but memorypointgun as source


    with shotFromTurret = 1 in the config of the weapon gunBeg gets used as source

    with shotFromTurret = 0 memorypointgun is the source

  8. ;2670782']you could abuse an existing dialog from BI maybe and adjust the look via the scripting commands

    e.g. class RscDisplayCommon which inherits from class RscGUIEditor

    it has many different controls defined

    createDialog "RscDisplayCommon";
    _ctrl = (findDisplay 999) displayCtrl 1001;
    _ctrlb = (findDisplay 999) displayCtrl 1000;
    _button = (findDisplay 999) displayCtrl 1600;
    _ctrl ctrlSetPosition [0.4,0.4,0.2,0.2];
    _ctrl ctrlSetBackgroundColor [0,1,0,1];
    _ctrl ctrlsetText "test";
    _ctrlb ctrlSetPosition [0,0,1,1];
    _ctrlb ctrlSetBackgroundColor [1,0,0,1];
    _button ctrlSetPosition [0.1,0.8,0.2,0.1];
    _button buttonSetAction "closeDialog 1600";
    _button ctrlsetText "close";
    _ctrl ctrlCommit 0;
    _ctrlb ctrlCommit 0;
    _button ctrlCommit 0;
