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Everything posted by Migebuff

  1. Theres no need for installers or self extracting archives...... I want to be able to choose the files I want to install. I dont want to have 500 readmes and pictures in my addons folder.
  2. Migebuff

    Find that bullet hole

    Bulletholes are also created outside the view distance, as you can see in this video (viewdistance 500 m). And as you can see, the script is very accurate.....
  3. Migebuff

    Find that bullet hole

    Why dont you just use my script? You dont have to create any invisible smokeshells, all you have to do is to copy & paste the script I posted above. It does everything you want. It finds the EXACT position of the bullet hole. And NO, it doesnt lag.
  4. Migebuff

    Find that bullet hole

    This one works also for multiple bullets: player addeventhandler ["fired",{[_this select 4] exec "bullet.sqs"}] _b = _this select 0 _bullet = nearestobject [player, _b] #loop ? alive _bullet: _pos = getpos _bullet; goto "loop" _bullethole = nearestobject [_pos, "Crater"] hint format ["%1", _pos] _bullethole setpos [0,0,0] Exit Im using setpos [0,0,0] because deletevehicle doesnt work with bulletholes... It will remove the hole, but thats the only way to get the exact position. You can still create a fake bullethole, but that shouldnt be a big problem for you...
  5. Migebuff

    Find that bullet hole

    Try this one: _b = _this select 0 _bullet = nearestobject [player, _b] #loop ? alive _bullet: _pos = getpos _bullet; goto "loop" _bullethole = nearestobject [_pos, "crater"]
  6. Migebuff

    Find that bullet hole

    player addeventhandler ["fired",{[_this select 4] exec "bullet.sqs"}] bullet.sqs: _b = _this select 0 _bullet = nearestobject [player, _b] #loop ? alive _bullet: _pos = getpos _bullet; goto "loop"
  7. Migebuff

    Worst virus ever!

  8. Migebuff

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    Thats my first island, I created some years ago... Nice to see that someone is still using it  You can still download it here.
  9. Migebuff

    A tool to make odol explorer....

    I think thats the best solution so far. People would still be able to look at the config / model, but they wont be able to steal and publish it.
  10. Migebuff

    A tool to make odol explorer....

    Releasing it would just destroy the community even more. Addons have to stay open source. I hope nobody will ever create/release another encryption tool. If your work is so valuable that you have to lock, hide, protect and encrypt it, then you shouldnt release it at all.
  11. Migebuff

    WrpTool's ODOL Explorer

    Read carefully, that was a direct quote from the site. It's a converter. No it isn't. Have you used it? Â Lets say, its a viewer that can export the models to O2 for better viewing.
  12. Migebuff

    WrpTool's ODOL Explorer

    If its illegal to open the BIS models, its also illegal to open the BIS islands. Ban WRPedit, Visitor and WRPtool! If its illegal to decompile the models its also illegal to decompile the BIS PBOs. Ban UnPBO 1.5! If you arent allowed to decrypt the models you are also not allowed to decrypt the config.bin. Lets just ban all editing tools and go back to 1.0.
  13. Migebuff

    WrpTool's ODOL Explorer

    The O2 license agreement doesnt really matter. Maybe he doesnt even have O2, so he never had to agree with that license.
  14. Migebuff

    Green screen island

    Nah, you dont have to modify anything. Just create a 1000 x 1000m x 1000m box and put your heli inside.
  15. Migebuff

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    I noticed two bugs: -I cant get the air burst effects to work. The bullets still act like the standart bullets. They keep flying instead of exploding in the air. Am I doing something wrong? -The "dead"-animation on the HMMWV-gunners isnt working.
  16. *.ace can be opened with WinACE, *.pac are texture files, you can open them with TexView 1.1, and you can find an editable config file here.
  17. Migebuff

    Effect pack v0.81 realeased

    I made a config mod for the explosion pack, you can now use it like GMRs Explosion Mod: Download Please tell me if you find any bugs Â
  18. Migebuff

    This allowdammage false

    Nah, It still works: player addeventhandler ["hit",{player setdammage 0}]
  19. Migebuff


    It doesnt matter in how many forums you post, nobody will give it to you. You can ask BAS if you want, but they will just say something like "sorry, we cant give it away, its not our tool", and all the other mods will say the same.
  20. That would be hacking - Deleting someones files without his permission.
  21. Migebuff

    Just noticed this..

  22. Migebuff

    Just noticed this..

    Nah, I think they are Independence Lost screenshots. IL is made in australia, and flashpoint2004.com is registered to someone in australia.
  23. Migebuff

    Just noticed this..

    There are also some screenshots.....ofp2 screens? click me edit: the domain name is registered to someone in australia....seems like these are images from IL.
  24. Migebuff

    I need you!

    "Legen leuchtstäbe" should be "Leuchtstäbe legen". "Flinte" is no good translation for "Shotgun". "Flinte" is something a hunter is using. Its better to not translate it. "Meuchelmördteam" is a bit....strange. Sure, its the correct translation, but nobody would ever use this word. I dont know any good translation for it. "Senfgas-Hochdruckbehältern" means "Mustard gas high pressure container", I think its better to use "Senfgasbehälter". "Aufklärung team" is wrong, you should use "Aufklärungsteam". "Release Yperite gas" can be translated with "Senfgas freisetzen".
  25. a="EmptyDetector" camcreate [0,0,0] a setpos [getpos player select 0, getpos player select 1, 0]; _ASL = a distance player hint format ["%1", _ASL]