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Everything posted by mosh

  1. mosh

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Now you are throwing religion into this... great. Next you'll be quoting Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny. ;) jk Not everyone in the US is as religious as you think. And isn't "You shall not murder" a commandment, not an ammendment? Amyway it's getting silly reading everyone go back and forth. Two (or more) completely different cultures refuse to see middle ground. I respect everyone's right to think what they want and you all have made it perfectly clear how you feel. I'll leave you with a little story... This weekend is the last weekend for youth hunt for Whitetail deer in Missouri. My friend's 9 year old daughter asked me if she could use one of my AR-15s again. She used it a few weeks ago for the first weekend of youth season. She likes how it is small and doesn't have much of a kick, kind of like a .22, she said. I'll remember how scared you all are of AR-15s next time I watch this little 9 year old girl shoot it. She really enjoys it.
  2. mosh

    Happy Holidays!

    +1 wish them and everyone else the best...
  3. mosh

    Hazmat Units (OA)

    Awesome looking units, thanks!
  4. I use JSRS most of the time. When editing though, or when sound mods aren't allowed, vanilla sounds are adequate.
  5. Peasant, can you hear me? Just testing for you... ;)
  6. I don't agree. I don't want lesser quality graphics because YOU can't afford a proper gaming computer... not my problem. I don't mean to be harsh but that's how I feel.
  7. I agree 100%. "P.S. you guys are pussies" - as quoted from recent change log. I would have to agree. Finally a game mode where you have to think and plan a little and so many people already want to dumb it down.
  8. Yes we do. We are very easy to spot.
  9. Nice mod, having fun with it, thanks for sharing! The speed of the zombies and the zig-zagging bothers me a little, but I doubt there's much that can be done about that. I think I would eventually outrun a zombie in a real life situation. Maybe make them only pursue for so long? I know you can't limit the use of global and side chat, but please don't include ACRE as some have suggested. I like in game VON much better. Keep it simple. It changed my play style quick. I went from being nice to everyone I met to wanting to kill everyone I met within a few game sessions. I find that most people play aggressively and are annoying as well. I am OK with that... I can adapt. :) Keep up the good work, this sparked the ARMA fire for me again... thanks!
  10. You are wrong. Try again. No you don't, runs great for me.
  11. mosh


    That was the last game I will ever buy on DVD. I put in disc an it proceeded to download entire install... slowly. It will be all digital download for me from here on out. I miss the boxes and discs too, I still have every manual and map from all my BIS games, but those days are over and it's time to deal with it.
  12. mosh

    BattleField 3

    I bought it around release time and I'm only level 5 or 6. I think I'm finally bored of the Battlefield series...
  13. same here, lack of hardware and more simplified tastes keep my friends away only one person I played with since OFP has stayed through to Arma 2 and has good enough hardware (my good buddy, cave)
  14. lol I only watched the video "Commercial that makes you want to move to Japan"... and yes, that might be true after watching that :p
  15. I have only put a couple hours in but here are my first impressions... this all coming from someone has has never played the original CC nor did I have a clue what to expect. -runs smooth, all options defaulted to max so just kept it -looks great but seems a little blurry and I don't see very far -I was/am pretty much lost, might have to read manual eventually -I enjoy being lost, not a simple game to figure out which is refreshing -still at stage of just flying around\driving tank thing just blowing shit up or getting blown up -haven't messed with supplies and repairs and stuff -neat concept, like I said I had no idea what I was getting into -no crashes but haven't had a carrier battle yet either -great music, no surprise there -didn't like time warp thing, why can't I just enjoy the journey? -wish I could get get 3rd person view or at least scroll out a little to see how cool the vehicles look I really didn't expect to have this much fun from a beta. :)
  16. Thanks IceBreakr. This is going to be a late night... :)
  17. mosh

    EA wins 'Golden Poo' award

    Well deserved award!
  18. Of course, anything to support my favorite company.
  19. mosh

    Wing Commander Saga

    I wasn't aware of this. Thanks for the information and link... downloading now.
  20. mosh

    Project Reality: Arma 2

    Great news! I can't wait to try it out. Thanks!