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miles teg

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Everything posted by miles teg

  1. miles teg

    Desert Bradley

    Traditionally, that was true, but the new M919 APFSDS-T DU ammunition changes all that. A TOW takes time to fly to its target and has long reload times after the 2nd is fired. The 25mm bushmaster chain gun, is in essence, the main weapon. A commander would be stupid not to use this weapon when from most accounts, it does an excellent job against even the T-72 tank (or at least the older model versions that Iraq had). Now.... in ArmA , the game engine puts certain constraints on reality, and we don't necessarily want the M2A2 to become an uber tank. For the sake of game play we don't want one round of its AP ammo obliterating a T-72. It should have to hammer away at it for a bit before disabling it. To Pauliesss- Yeah that setting sounds good to me. I hope you make sure to lower the fire rate however as it was way too fast. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  2. miles teg

    Desert Bradley

    Yeah I agree, at least on the AP rounds. In real life, the 25mm M919 APFSDS-T DU (depleted uranium) armor piercing rounds used on the M242 are incredibly powerful. Apparently they made short work of Iraqi T-72's although I don't know if they penetrated frontal armor. I haven't also read official reports concerning the estimates of how many T-72's were killed by the 25mm cannons. But from reports from scout commanders and crews that faced off against T-72's, it seems to be quite high. Whatever the case, the M919 APFSDS-T rounds should rip to pieces any enemy light armor. However that would be on the newer M2A2. That ammo, to my knowledge, was not heavily used yet during the first Gulf War and so should not be on the regular M2 Bradleys. But even those have tunsten M791 M791 rounds that should likewise rip to shreads light armor. They are however not likely to do much dammage on MBT's. The M792 HEI-T rounds should do some dammage to light armor but are primarily used against unarmored vehicles and infantry. Good for taking down massed infantry or lobbing into windows of buildings that have snipers inside. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  3. Thanks JoJimbo!!! Â That worked for me! Warning to others: Â MAKE SURE you used a FRESH De-PBO'ed version of the BIN and not the files from an old DePBO'ed BIN folder that was already there. Â I made the mistake of doing that and was about to post here, "AAARG IT DIDN'T WORK!" until I realized what I did wrong. Â lol I still get this error: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Regular/Flags.VonID'. However, the important thing is that it still loads up bulldozer and I can see the model and textures which is all I care about at the moment. Â If I notice something missing I'll post it on here. Â Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  4. miles teg

    1.14 buldozer crashes with rtm

    SOLVED Sadly I have an even worse problem...bulldozer won't even load at all now that I installed 1.14 when before it worked perfectly. Â Here are the errors windows that pop up: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Regular/Flags.VonID'. This is followed by: Shaders not valid (mismatch of exe and data?) Followed by: External Viewer: Attach failed. Â No viewer found. Then I get the happy windows box that says ArmA is not working and it proceeds to shut down its attempt to load buldozer. Â It does not even get to the stage where it loads up the ArmA files on the ArmA CD because I took out the ArmA CD and it still does the same thing. Â I can even change the name of the viewer on the file path under options and it does the same thing. Â It did this even before I updated to the 1.14 tools however not before I updated the entire game to 1.14. Â Â One thing I should note: Â When I reinstalled the updated 1.14 tools I put them in a new folder with the older version still there. Â Could this be the reason for the problem not going away? Did I need to uninstall the old tools first? Â I also didn't have it make a new P folder as I was afraid it could erase all the files I had in my P directory which would have SERIOUSLY pissed me off. Â I'm going to back up all those work files before I try another reinstall doing that. Â I also disabled the Cfg as mentioned earlier. Â That didn't help me any. Â I'm using Windows Vista by the way. Â My last resort is reinstalling ArmA all over again. Â I'm not looking forward to that and I will be massively pissed if I get the same error...as that means I can't work on addons without trial and error checking in the game itself which would quadruple the amount of time it takes for me to work on addons....pretty much putting me out of the business. Â That or I just will not be able to play version 1.14 or do any MP gaming. Â Frustrated.... Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> SOLVED! Â Â Thanks to JoJimbo for the solution on another thread that I didn't see until after posting here. Â His advice was: That there did the job although I still get the error: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficulties/Regular/Flags.VonID'. I have no idea what that is...but the important thing is that the model and textures show up and as far as I can tell nothing is missing. Â So far so good. Â Thanks ya'all![/b] Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  5. Yeah we had the 10/22. We'll bring that back but not in this update. But eventually I'd like to add that. it just wasn't high priority cuz from what I understand the IDF no longer use that weapon. But I'll still eventually convert that. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  6. miles teg

    IAF UH60

    Its not updated as often as I should, but it is: Â http://www.thelostbrothers.com/ Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  7. miles teg

    Extended Voice Addon 1.0.0

    Thanks for the reply! I hope you release that full sound mod soon after you get all the permissions, as it is the best I've heard so far. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  8. miles teg

    US Navy Seals

    Damn, I was all excited at first...until I saw all the addons required and that he took some textures from other addons without even crediting them.... (sigh). Hopefully he will: 1. Get permission to use those textures and anything else he used from others and credit them properly. and 2. USE DEFAULT BIS weapons or just use ONE weapon pack. Another options is getting permission from all the various weapons addon makers to make a special "SEAL weapon pack" with weapons like the M21 SWS/M14, M60 (although SEALs use the latest version), paratrooper variant of the M249 in SOPMOD config, and M4's in SOPMOD config in both standard and desert textures (and whatever pistol the SEALs normally use). A well rounded SEAL pack should also have the team composed of all of the speciality positions normally found within the SEAL teams that these are supposed to simulate. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  9. miles teg

    Desert Bradley

    Aside from that bug, I noticed that the cannon does not aim very low...just barely below the horizon...I think it aims a bit lower in real life although I could be mistaken. Â Aside from the previous bugs mentioned, I noticed that the armor values are not very high for the M2A2. Â They are only slightly greater then the regular M2 with one RPG imobilizing the M2A2 with one shot...the 2nd shot blowing up. Â The new M2A2 indeed is not RPG proof in real life especially without ERA. Â However the spaced extra armor on the outside (much like Israeli Zelda APC's) did help to stop quite a few RPG rounds and it lesses the amount of dammage done during a penetration. Â Â I would at least up it so that one damages, 2 disables, and 3 destroys it. Â This gives the crew a fighting chance to react to a hit from an RPG. Even better however would be a version with the modern ERA boxes as is used currently. Â An antimated TOW-2 launcher would likewise be very cool where it is folded down in "safe" mode and folds up when it comes into contact with an enemy and goes into "combat" mode. Â Another improvement would be to have turret sound when the turret turns. At any rate, excellent work on these Bradleys overall. Â It is good to have these in the game and I hope that further improvements continue on them. Â To Alexduke: Â Â The main differences between these two are armor levels and externally, the big armor plates on the side of the M2A2. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  10. Yup exactly. Vilas is a great guy and has helped us alot. We wanted him to release his stuff first as that wouldn't be right to release our stuff using his addons before he did. But his great new weapon packs and other addons are out so now we are just trying to finalize our pack as thanks to our new members and assistance from others, we have new addons that will be in the upcoming pack. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  11. miles teg

    Desert Bradley

    Hmm.... problem. It doesn't show up in my mission editor. I double checked that the pbo was in my mod/addons folder and went through all the editor listings carefully but no joy. Does this addon conflict with the old Vilas Bradleys? Because those still show up under Vilas Vehicles but are the old woodland versions that were direct conversions of the BIS Bradleys without the extra armor and details. Also... will there be any versions with ERA armor on them? The version normally used now in Iraq has ERA bricks on the side, turret, and I believe on the front as well. That shouldn't be too hard to do. I'm working on doing ERA for my mod's Syrian T-72 at the moment. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  12. miles teg

    IAF UH60

    OH wait...I'm confused...your blacknight? I'm assuming that you made this addon then? Ok... yeah cool, I'll PM you with more info to see if we can get all of this into our release thats about to come out once we finalize what will be in it and what won't be. But this I really want in it as a fully integrated UH-60 in our pack using our heli pilots for crew. But we can always use new texture artists to assist in improving stuff and making our addons better (or skinning other models we have). Any help is good for us right now. Anyho... again I'll PM more info. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  13. miles teg

    Mando Fountain ArmA

    Now that's a an awesome idea EddyD. There are some mountain areas where a waterfall would look awesome...the only thing is that you need it to be at a spot where there is a river,lake, or ocean at the bottom. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  14. miles teg

    Extended Voice Addon 1.0.0

    I also would LOVE to know what sound mod you are using other then your radio voices. The weapon sounds sound better then anything else I've heard do far. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  15. miles teg

    IAF UH60

    The main problem is the roundels are in the wrong spot and I'm not sure if the Israeli navy uses a straight tan version. I'm only aware of the black and 3 color desert cammo paint schemes. Also both should have a large yellow V at the end of the fuselage and beginning of the tail boom. No flags of any type should be on it. Other then that, the cammo version looks very good and is actually something my mod (The Lost Brothers) needs as at the moment we just have a CH-53 which is kinda big for some missions. BLACKKNIGHT63 is welcome to join our team since we are the only mod with Israeli units that can use his helicopters. That way they will have our IAF pilots and we can help with thngs like adding Negev MG's to the door guns and eventually (as we get some help from scripters) add a rappeling script to it. Plus we can always use more texture artists. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  16. miles teg


    Its not that hard to make simple missions... just screw around with the mission editor. If you installed the addons into an addons folder (or preferably a mod folder if you know how to set up a mod folder) then you'll find them in the mission editor. It really is pretty easy to make simple missions. Once you get the hang of the basics its only a little harder to make more more sophisticated missions. But you learn my dePBO'ing other people's missions and seeing what they did. But to simply play an addon to see what they look like is extremely basic. As I said, just play around with the mission editor. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  17. One more pic of the Recon Humvee for long range missions where speed and range is more important. Â The cammo bag will be made olive green. Also on the other side it carries two water/fuel 5 gallon containers. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  18. miles teg

    M1114 Uparmored

    Super sweet! That blows away my mod's uparmored IDF humvee that we just finished up. So far your completed sections look identical to the heavily uparmored humvees in Iraq. I'm especially impressed with the gunshields. Keep up the awesome work!!! Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  19. One last minute addition to the pack. Â It's my quick and dirty conversion of our IDF up-armored humvee from our OFP mod. Â Above pic of IDF up-armored humvees in a mounted raid on a village suspecting of harboring insurgents. These humvees are designed to withstand smaller roadside bombs and small arms fire. Later I will probably edit the textures to make them prettier and adjust the model a bit here and there. Â We are also just finishing up last bits of fixes on our F-16I Sufa. Â The A-4 may or may not make it into this pack. Â We'll see. Â So be patient...we're almost there. Â Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  20. Hi Uzi! Yeah we're gonna make some Orthodox civililians and maybe some as soldiers as well later on. To Raafatah64: Yes we will make IDF soldiers in the PASGT vest as part of our historic units from the 80's and early 90's. However priority will be making troops without body armor to simulate those from the 6 Day War and Yom Kippur War. We just will need help from an addon maker in order to make the ammo harnesses used for that period or we need to find something someone else made that looks fairly close and then get permission to use that one item. Helmets will need to be changed as well although I still need to do research to identify the types used in the early 70's. I know in the late 60's they were using a combo of US M1 steel pots and British paratrooper helmets. The british helmet design is what the modern kevlar designs of both British and Israeli kevlar helmets are based off of. Thats why IDF and British helmets today look fairly similar. We might just modify our current helmet a bit and add some cammo net textures to it or something. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  21. miles teg

    Vilas' addons

    Yes More German weapons! Â You might ask Vipersheart if you can use the old LoBo HK pack that he made a long time ago. Â He's still floating around in different mods...last he was working on the OFP starwars mod, but I believe he's doing some ArmA stuff now as well. Â He had a beautiful range of HK weapons in his packs that would just need some slight updating for ArmA. I also love the BW Mod by the way. They are an awesome mod, but maybe this will give them a friendly kick in the butt to get them going. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  22. We have to first test our mod with the Vilas packs to make sure they are still compatible and if not making adjustments accordingly. Â Furthermore, we are finishing up some de-bugging and adding in an A-4 skyhawk which is just about ready. Â I also have a TON of realworld stuff to do and my day job (and a new job I'm trying to prepare for) along with my Masters Thesis I'm trying to finish, so I'm sorry if I can't jump and get everything done immediately. Â But as usual...it'll be released when it'll be released. Â Our mod is noted for actually releasing stuff, so no worries. Â The pack is just about ready so it won't be long. Â Not sure about the missions though...I have a few that are unfinished and probably won't make it. Â Maybe next release or inbetween I'll release a mission pack. But there will be at least one mission in the pack. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  23. miles teg

    Mateck's M1A1 (HA)

    I would check out mapfact's AH-64 Apache to see how they did it. Their FLIR works beautifully and only works at night. Their scripting might give you some ideas on how to add a similar feature to your M1A1. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  24. miles teg

    Hawk C 130

    Just attach a pilot to the plane as "cargo" and he'll go first into the "bitch seat." Â As for the actual drop, that's hard to describe in a post. Â It's better to download a tutorial on that (at ofpeditingcenter) or download someone else's airborne mission and dePBO it to see how it was done. Â That is the best way to learn how (learning from other people's missions). Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>
  25. miles teg

    how to sign a addon?

    I tried running the program under vista and just get a black box for a second before it disappears. I tried going under preferences and selecting "run as admin" but my Vista system doesn't seem to let me select that option. I tried right clicking and selecting "run as admin" but get the same problem. In short.... this sucks nuts. If worse comes to worse I can beg around for someone who got it working to write me a signature file, but I'd rather not have to do that. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD>