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Everything posted by maruk

  1. I am unable to reproduce this. What are the exact steps in order to see the problem?
  2. There is also nice new feature enabled : you can order your AI subordinates to move to specific cover, just select them and point by your commanding cursor somewhere to corner or other suitable a sign looking like L will be shown and AI will really try to find cover in the specific location shown.
  3. Unfortunately, we have found two significant bugs in the Eagle Wing bonus campaign. You can fix it by manually downloading and installing an improved version from http://www.arma2.com/downloads/update/EW_hotfix.zip (65.5 MB). Mirrors: Torrent http://kamran.cc/ARMA2/EW_hotfix.zip
  4. maruk

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 77159

    Any observations concerning infantry AI? They should work much better now, not finding "cover" in the middle of crossroads etc. so I am curious if it really works as desired now.
  5. maruk

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 77159

    I am afraid we will be too busy (or lazy :rolleyes: to register on the forums so at least for me the videos are no go... All I get is: The following errors have occurred: As a guest you can only view the top 10 featured files, to browse the video archive you need to sign up / login !
  6. maruk

    Mrazík iPhone / iPad

    Android is also interesting and we are looking into it. It has few problems... like Czech entity can not even sell there content :) First will be an English version. btw: Mrazík HD is No. 2 grossing game on the Czech appstore atm Small achievement but it matters.
  7. maruk

    Mrazík iPhone / iPad

    Mrazík is one of the most popular fairy tales in the Czech republic of all times (especially as movie) and it is really nice story. Mrazík game is also cool and my kids love it on iPhone (and PC). English version will be out for iPhone probably in January, btw.
  8. Back to the topic: BI has plans to release DLC as physical DVD addon release (despite some difficulties with it these days) as well in near future.
  9. Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead - Linux Standalone Server 1.56 BETA is available now. Note that it requires Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead to be updated to version 1.56 first in order to run properly. Please provide us with feedback to this topic.
  10. I uploaded the most recent comand reference to http://www.arma2.com/comref/comref.html until we have it on the Biki It is automatically generated so may not be perfect but I hope it will be useful already.
  11. Yes, it is a bug (and it will be fixed). ---------- Post added at 07:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:58 PM ---------- I tried to gather more details about the mp related changes: * Patch: Fixed: Locality issues of objects in MP (mainly updates from nonowner errors). Version raised to 1.57 due to MP incompability. Please note that the mp change is fairly low level.
  12. Please note that some fixes seems not be listed in the changelog (we are currently investigating why and will fix it). There are two important areas this beta patch should address: * fixed: Stuttering of the PMC campaign videos on some systems * improved: New implementation of MP ChangeOwner. Previous owner of object must confirm the change before the new server is chosen.
  13. Patch 1.56 updates everything. Any version of A2OA (and/or A2, BAF) is updated as well to the latest version.
  14. Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead - Linux Standalone Server 1.55 BETA is available now for testing. Please provide us with feedback to this topic.
  15. Could be corrupt product.bin file or other problem with the file.
  16. Until proper system to handle its multiplayer effects is in place, the only way to use it is to "downgrade" to the last beta that had it.
  17. * wrong signature for file BAF\Addons\dubbing_baf.pbo I just would like to re-iterate: * this is client side problem for users of full BAF DLC only. * client with BAF suffering with this problem should download and install this 3 MB small file http://www.arma2.com/index.php?option=com_rokdownloads&view=file&task=download&id=430%3Aarma-2-british-armed-forces-update-1-00-to-1&Itemid=20〈= in order to fix it
  18. maruk

    Patch 1.55 Issues

    Please could anyone suffering this issue specify: * the last exact beta (build number) that did not have this problem * and the first exact beta (build number) where this problem was introduced based on this list from http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php It would help us significantly to be able to address this issue as quickly as possible. Thank you
  19. maruk

    can't join MP

    Yes, exactly. The problem is not server side but client side for BAF Full only. Fix is simple: re-download BAF Patch 1.01 (3 MB) and apply it again.
  20. Only BAF patch was fixed / updated. So BAF users need to install BAF update after they install OA update.
  21. maruk

    Linux 1.55?

    I hide it here this time http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=109880
  22. maruk

    can't join MP

    Please refer to this post for missing baf signature problem: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1787012&postcount=2
  23. Please check this: http://forums.bistudio.com/showpost.php?p=1787012&postcount=2
  24. maruk

    Linux 1.55?

    Well, you still can install one of the older betas and have 1.54 and 1.55 side by side without any real problem as quick work around until Linux server is out for 1.55.