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[GLT] Legislator

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Everything posted by [GLT] Legislator

  1. I think you should contact sxp2high and me :) I think we've got something in the works which will fit to you. I just started to do 3D modelling, but to have someone who can create advanced objects would be huge benefit. Our mod is going to be called "Survive" and it will be a military survival rpg. I can't give any details in public though. Just contact us :)
  2. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    I can't go into detail at this stage, but I don't think it can be compared with Wasteland or similar mods. You might call it a military survival roleplay game. Detailed information, lots of pictures and trailers will be published, as soon as we can promise that it will be great.
  3. Hi there, I was trying to import a 3D file into Oxygen2 and successfully applied textures to it. In bulldozer everything looks fine: http://minus.com/i/WcIZGPwuDw7B However ingame it looks like a totally different color: http://minus.com/i/JWXh8Vl7eSAT Please ignore the fact that it looks like an apple for giants :D That's another story which I already figured out by now. What could be the reason for the texture issue?
  4. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    Yepp that's perfectly going on :) It also takes me into 3D modelling. Just basic things ... I'm good at putting apples into A3 :p Also, I'm cooperating with TheDog88 (ARP2 mod) so watch out what might be coming!
  5. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    GLT Mod Update to 1.21 GLT Mod 1.21 is upgrading all missions with a new AI skill array. The goal is to optimize the AI to be clever without having instant headshot-kills. This version also includes new content, bugfixes and some improvements. Changelog changed: author of Puma and Leopard 2A6M changed: various priorities in cfgFactionClasses changed: GLT_Item_Map_Assault is now a real inventory item, not a magazine anymore fixed: stringtable issue with LGS Fennek ambulance (Tropentarn) fixed: GLT Mini UAV could not be disassembled when using a tropentarn backpack fixed: Ion Inc. teamleader is equipped with M203 grenades now fixed: US and CSAT Ghillie appear without clothes new: bandit overall new: bandit basecaps new: survivor clothes new: tools inventory items new: GLT Medibox by [GLT]Turrican new: GLT AI Skill Array has been defined in the glt_core.pbo new: Civilian Merlin HC3 ambulance new: hats (brown, brown bandit, black, AAF) new: damaged basecaps (black, blue) new: bandannas (AAF, blue, green, pink, red, yellow) new: basecap (Doctor) new: medical pilot overall new: Infiniti Offroader (Police and Ambulance) new: burning tyre heap new: composition glt_barricade new: Altis Police Units new: Altis Ambulance Units new: GLT Showcase Police new: GLT Showcase Namer reworked: textures of basecaps (GLT, ACE, Major League Infidel) reworked: jerrycan script code by [MAD SIN] BTK aka sxp2high updated: new cfgGroups GLT_A10X2_Squad updated: more objects in the editor have been unlocked updated: IR grenade has been added to GLT_fnc_Crate updated: all Stratis and Altis missions (trigger and AI skill updates, various bugfixes) Known issues: The new GLT Showcases of GLT Mod 1.21 need a small rework Some inventory items have some config errors (already fixed for GLT Mod 1.22) PS: If you want, you can track the progress on this link! https://github.com/Legislator The download link in the 1st post of this thread has been updated!
  6. [GLT] Legislator

    Ingame texture differs from bulldozer preview

    Ok after a long period of try & error I found out that the texture had the wrong resolution. Now the object is fine: http://minus.com/i/gKt53kIP2dcG
  7. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    Hiho, I changed the map names because they are based on the real islands of Lemnos and Agios Efstratios. However you can remove glt_map_names.pbo if you want. The file is not critical for the mod. Well .. that's another thing :D Though I'll use my own stuff for A3 missions there is also a new mod work in progress called "Survive". It'll be a cooperative military survival rpg. I don't think it can be compared to all the things that already released as we wanted to try out something new. Let's hope I can present something soon. By the way ... although it's quite in the realm, I did a lot of work on the GLT Mod in the past few weeks. GLT Mod 1.21 is in the final stages: https://github.com/Legislator/GLT-Mod
  8. [GLT] Legislator

    Interactive Intel Items

    Try this code in the init.sqf // Triggers if (!isDedicated) then { // Your Task [] spawn { waitUntil {"Classname_of_the_inventory_item" in (items player)}; enter your code here what you want to do }; }; The classname above must be part of a CfgWeapon, not CfgVehicle! I got it working this way in SP and MP missions.
  9. Hiho, does anyone know why the GPS is not working anymore when loading AiA? It simply doesn't show up anymore. Could it be a classname conflict? AiA code class ItemGPS: ItemCore { scope = 2; displayName = "$STR_ItemGPS"; simulation = "ItemGPS"; picture = "\ca\ui\data\gear_picture_gps_ca.paa"; descriptionShort = "$STR_ItemGPS"; }; A3 code class ItemGPS: ItemCore { scope = 2; displayName = "$STR_A3_cfgWeapons_ItemGPS0"; descriptionUse = "$STR_A3_cfgWeapons_Default_ItemGPS0"; simulation = "ItemGPS"; picture = "\A3\Weapons_F\Data\UI\gear_item_gps_CA.paa"; model = "\A3\Weapons_F\Items\gps"; descriptionShort = "$STR_A3_cfgWeapons_ItemGPS1"; class ItemInfo { mass = 2; }; };
  10. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Work in Progress

    Altis policeman and police car
  11. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    Thanks ;) The only difference to the BW mod Leopard 2A6 is the crew (different uniform, different weapons, different helmet). The rest remains untouched. Thank you for the report. That doesn't sound good. I will fix this in the next mod update.
  12. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    GLT Mod Update to 1.20 GLT Mod 1.20 includes a lot of bugfixes and introduces the compatibility to All in Arma! I also took advantage on the BW Mod update and included the new content in my missions. This update includes one new showcase featuring the GLT Paratroopers! Changelog changed: cfgMagazines of food and mechanical items has been removed changed: jerrycans are now available in cfgVehicles and cfgWeapons as well changed: medic items have been moved from TransportMagazines to TransportItems on the medic backpacks changed: composition versions in missions will be loaded according to All in Arma being loaded or not changed: CSAT Ghilie soldiers now use their own ghilie suit fixed: rvmat path issue with GLT_Vest_Light1_Tropentarn fixed: GLT Karakal 1A5 Tropentarn displayname fixed: A3 and All in Arma compatible compositions have been created fixed: issue with random GLT Overall texture fixed: wrong signature file for glt_items_backpacks_glt_ksk.pbo new: many new inventory items new: edited Leopard of BWA3 (only crew changes) new: GLT Showcase Paratroopers removed: all Arma 2 object ports (glt_objects_a2.pbo and ca.pbo) update: BTK First Aid small script changes update: new BW mod weapons are available in GLT_fnc_Crate; update: new civilians have been added to Nicolas BOITEUX civilian spawn script update: GLT 04: Operation Delphi update: GLT 12: Kill Farm update: GLT 18: Men in Fleck update: GLT 19: Fog of War update: GLT 20: Winter is coming update: GLT 21: Back in Fleck update: GLT Showcase A-10X2 update: GLT Showcase Leopard 2A8 update: many new vehicles have been added to BTKs cargo loadout script Known issues: weapon selection in the briefing is not working because BIS disabled the feature again PS: If you want, you can track the progress on this link! https://github.com/Legislator The download link in the 1st post of this thread has been updated!
  13. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    Haven't heard anything about such a file. What's it for? I can still put in GLT Mod 1.20 if necessary.
  14. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    Hiho, oh that's strange. But the good news is, that it might be fixed very soon as I'm preparing GLT Mod 1.20 today :) I wonder how this could happen though. I'm signing all my files together before I upload an update. Edit: I found it .. that line was in my batch file ... omg ... of course this can't work! DSSignFile.exe glt.biprivatekey glt_items_backpacks.glt_ksk.pbo
  15. [GLT] Legislator

    The new ARMA 3 DLC system - debate

    Confirmed, I would do it that way. However this would make a DLC pointless.
  16. [GLT] Legislator

    The new ARMA 3 DLC system - debate

    I liked the lite versions for non-owners of the A2 DLC. I was satisfied with content, so I bought all DLCs. But I won't buy the A3 DLC until I see how things will play out on the community. I have no desire to insert bohemian trouble into my mod and my missions.
  17. [GLT] Legislator


    Thank you for the release. It's great as always!
  18. Just my made 1000 hours of Arma 3 :) http://minus.com/i/KBVjCZhlL19Q
  19. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    Sure :p - In order to win, you have to survive. No more intel until it is ensured the thing will work ;)
  20. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    Hiho, never say never :) However the focus for this summer will be GLT Mod Extended, new showcases for the already created content and a new top secret project.
  21. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    GLT Mod Update to 1.19 GLT Mod 1.19 includes some bugfixes. In a radical move I changed a lot of file paths and splitted things into different PBO files. Anyone who used GLT stuff before has to adapt the previously created missions for it now. This update also includes some new units, two new showcases and a lot of new inventory items. Changelog changed: reworked inventory items of glt_items.pbo changed: complete change of content handling with changes in file paths and cfgPatches classnames changed: most config.cpp have been binarized changed: special weapon boxes can now contain more weapons and ammunition fixed: RPT errors with missing sounds / reworked config of BTKs first aid script new: Nea Dimokratia MH-9 new: Nea Dimokratia flag marker new: GLT Showcase: Nea Dimokratia new: GLT Showcase: KSK new: unlocked ArmA 3 poor clothes new: CSAT scientist new: LGS Fennek ambulance new: lots of new inventory items new: survivor and bandit civilians new: civilian backpacks updated: various new stringtable entries updated: GLT Showcase A-10X2 updated: GLT Editor Cleanup: a few vehicle class changes updated: lots of new vehicles have been added to BTKs cargo script updated: AK-47 and AKM have been added to "ndk_weapons" of GLT_fnc_Crate Known issues: weapon selection in the briefing is not working because BIS disabled the feature again there might be a conflict when using AiA with GLT Mod Now I'm reworking my composition files in order to address to trouble with AiA. Basicly I will put my A2 ports on the scrap heap and introduce the optional GLT Mod Extended which will focus on content from AiA as a requirement. The download link in the 1st post of this thread has been updated!
  22. [GLT] Legislator


    That's my favourite cat in action! Good job, guys! :)
  23. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    To anyone who faced issues concerning All in ArmA and GLT Mod, please let me know! I finally managed to download and install everything. I plan to depend some content of the upcoming optional GLT Mod Extended on AiA. For GLT Mod 1.19 I changed a lot of file paths and splitted the stuff into smaller files. So expect a lot of cfgPatches classname and path changes in the configs.
  24. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Work in Progress

    The GLT Mod is currently under heavy reconstruction. Everything will be splitted into smaller files. There's only one new picture :p Speculate by yourself
  25. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Work in Progress

    How about some ArmA-themed Game of Thrones shirts?