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[GLT] Legislator

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Everything posted by [GLT] Legislator

  1. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Work in Progress

    And here's something nice before I go to bed ... the Limnos Repair Service!
  2. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    Nice video, especially the part with the flying civilian :D I'm glad that at least one player found a mine (at the end of the video). You took the hard path through the city. I guess many deaths could have been avoided if you cleared the military range at first. Try the mission in the next glt mod update again and choose night time ;) I'll add some chemlights to the scenery.
  3. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Work in Progress

    Not yet, I'm still collecting ideas and I'm waiting for more civilian 3D models. However I'm already thinking about sports teams from Everon, Nogova, Sahrani, Chernarus, Takistan and Limnos in honor of the ArmA series :D I will look into this matter once ArmA 3 reached beta status. By the way ... things are getting dirty in A3 if you take a look at this and this picture.
  4. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Work in Progress

    Now it's getting weird, right?
  5. [GLT] Legislator

    Setting Color of Offroad?

    This is absolutely awesome! And it's also very easy to use! I just wrote a function for an easy offroad setup. Here's a preview ... handle = this spawn {sleep 0.1; [unit1_Offroad, "black", "police", "no_backpack", "bumper2", "construction", []] call GLT_fnc_Offroad;}; Every combination is possible. I will definately include this function into my next mod update.
  6. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Work in Progress

    Aaaaand something else ...
  7. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Work in Progress

    Here are some WIP screens of my Ion Inc. units. I'm expecting Ion Inc. to have the size of at least a militia in the 2030s, financed by powerful clients. The weapons are from the R3F mod. Rifleman Autorifleman Grenadier Helicopter crew and Ka-60 Medic Medic backpack Security Security with Hunter Sniper with Quadbike Engineer
  8. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    Thanks for the feedback ;) Because of the upcomming patch 0.60 I decided to delay the next mod update to next week. In the meantime try the mission with different day and night times! It's a completly different feeling!
  9. [GLT] Legislator

    Private Military Contractors [W.I.P]

    Hi there, that's a good info. I tried HelmetH but I will try itemcore later on. Are you going to equip your units with the default A3 weapons or custom weapons? I'm going to use the R3F mod for my units. I can really recommend it.
  10. [GLT] Legislator

    Private Military Contractors [W.I.P]

    @pomigit: Your units look great! Can't wait to see them in action. I'm creating PMC units myself, but I'll stick to Ion Inc. How did you set up the woolhat? I'm currently trying this with the 3D modell which is included in the ArmA 3 Alpha, but the hat stays invisible ingame.
  11. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    You can alter the viewdistance either by pressing STRG + ALT + V during the mission or via mission parameter. Default = 1500 m.
  12. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    It's a very nice video. I like the style you are leading your troops lol. However I noticed that you've chosen a low viewdistance. Did you have performance issues with the mission? While the VAC settings already allow some weapons from the R3F weapons pack I'm going to use those weapons for the upcomming PMC Ion Sys units and missions.
  13. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    Great! Can you please provide me a link to this video? I mostly include multiple ways on how to solve a mission. In Operation Icarus we prefered a fast insertion with the MH-9. Btw. ... GLT Mission 9 is almost finished and GLT Mission 10 is work in progress :) PMC missions might be introduced in mission 11 upcounting.
  14. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    GLT Mod Update to 1.05 Changelog GLT Core 0.58 compatibility: iran and greece flags and markers added (backward compatibility included) VAC added stringtable changes GLT Missions Stratis 0.58 compatibility established for all missions overview.html removed --> replaced by description.ext setup default revive = 5 VAC script and setup moved to GLT Core Update: GLT 01: Meet the Spartans Update: GLT 02: Take Girna Update: GLT 03: Airstation Mike Update: GLT 04: Operation Delphi Update: GLT 05: Hunter Convoy Update: GLT 06: Operation Triton Update: GLT 07: Operation Icarus Update: GLT 08: Insurrection GLT Units Civ Men 0.58 compatibility: classname arifle_Khaybar_C_Holo_F changed to arifle_Khaybar_C_F new CfgGroups: GLT_Armed_Civilians_Squad2, GLT_Armed_Civilians_Patrol3 GLT Units USA Cars 0.58 compatibility: Hunter Ambulance texture path corrected GLT Units Iran Men double stringtable entries removed / RPT errors of ghillie suits fixed GLT Editor CleanUp cargo container displayname fixes New: GLT Units Civ Cars new vehicles: quad bike with different colors All missions are now benefiting from the new mission preview that had been introduced with the latest ArmA 3 Alpha patch. The VAC configuration is now selectable via mission parameter. You can choose between full access to everything or mission default limitations (recommended). I also re-introduced some textures that been removed with the latest patch - iran flag markers, greece and iran flag, quadbike textures. I applied them with backward compatibility so you don't have to change you previously created missions. - - The download link in the 1st post of this thread has been updated!
  15. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    Well ... lol ... it seems like BIS has synchronized their patching plans with my release plans :D Again there was a new ArmA 3 patch after mod update release which is currently breaking some things. I'll do the bugfixing this weekend so there should be an mod update on monday again.
  16. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    GLT Mod Update to 1.04 Changelog GLT Core stringtable: icarus myth added Ion Sys flag added GLT Missions Stratis Update: GLT 01: Meet the Spartans Update: GLT 02: Take Girna Update: GLT 03: Airstation Mike Update: GLT 04: Operation Delphi Update: GLT 05: Hunter Convoy Update: GLT 06: Operation Triton (SP mode added) New: GLT 07: Operation Icarus New: GLT 08: Insurrection GLT Units Civ Men new units: Mr. Banana, MAD SIN T-Shirt civilian, "The Day you die is the day I smile" civilian, several new armed civilians civilians have been deployed with uniformclasses and are now available on side civilian as well GLT Units USA Men ghilllie suits moved from GLT Units USA Men to GLT Items addon dependency switched to glt_items ghillie inventory reworked medic diver has new backpack now new unit: officer GLT Units Iran Men addon dependency switched to glt_items officer ammo increased ghillie inventory reworked GLT Items new items: basecap (Jurassic Park), hat (Mr. Banana), poloshirt (I'm with stupid), poloshirt (MAD SIN), poloshirt (The Day you die is the Day I smile), basecap (Hawaii) [textures by BIS], black medic backpack, basecap (Major League Infidel), basecap (Cars) uniform classes for the poloshirts ghilllie suits moved from GLT Units USA Men to GLT Items mini pictures of all items for the inventory GLT Editor CleanUp medic and engineer backpack now have own displaynames several military structures, houses and ruins have been unlocked New: GLT Units PMC Cars Hunter for Ion Sys Quadbike for Ion Sys Every mission is now using VAC weaponcrates with a whitelist of allowed items and weapons. They will benefit from the new mini pictures of my poloshirts, helmets and basecaps. - - - - - The download link in the 1st post of this thread has been updated!
  17. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Work in Progress

    Well there are baskett ball fields on Stratis. I'm sure on Limnos as well. I'll consider as an option depending on which modells will be available at beta and full version stages. Just imagine custom lady clothes in A3 :D
  18. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Work in Progress

    I hope to release the next mod update this week - if I can't find issues and if I don't have any ideas for new content :D Soon! T-Shirt: The Day you die is the day I smile
  19. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Work in Progress

    Here's something new: (texture by Bohemia Interactive) All of my items will now have mini pictures!
  20. [GLT] Legislator

    German Armed Forces Mod

    This is so great! Thank you for starting your work in ArmA 3 as well! I always loved your addons. It's a must-have. :D
  21. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Work in Progress

    Is there anyone who would like to start a Jurassic Park mod? :D
  22. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Work in Progress

  23. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    Thank you for your feedback. I decided to use VAC as it is currently the option way to change uniforms and backpacks without to use of the buggy gear menu. Not sure about the mine-task bug. There were issues before the release but they had been fixed. Yesterday we could disarm the mines without any problem. Though we couldn't secure Xiros as we were not able to find the last enemy on it. Have to do a minor rework anyway as I want to include two further tasks: steal mission map from the officer and secure Kill Farm. We used the RPG for the Ifrit :) Maybe the rework of the tasks will solve the usage of RPGs.
  24. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    Nope ;) But I will include some of the funny items as easter eggs in future updates. Also I will integrate the virtual ammobox so the player can choose at least parts of the custom layout. Edit: I just noticed that with the AH-9 air support in GLT 01: Meet the Spartans is not working anymore. Most likely because setVehicleInit has been removed with patch 0.58.
  25. [GLT] Legislator

    GLT Mod for ArmA 3 - Release Thread

    GLT Mod Update to 1.03 Changelog GLT Core stringtable: triton myth added GLT Missions Stratis Update: GLT 01: Meet the Spartans Update: GLT 02: Take Girna Update: GLT 03: Airstation Mike Update: GLT 04: Operation Delphi Update: GLT 05: Hunter Convoy New: GLT 06: Operation Triton GLT Units Civ Men new helmet rebel-alliance weapon classname fixes for armed civilians introduced with ArmA 3 Alpha 0.54 backpacks, headgears and uniforms have been moved from GLT Units Civ Men to GLT items new units: dead civilian, Chief Pornography Identification Officer, civilian with No'Maan shirt, Ka-60 for armed civilians GLT Units USA Men weapon classname fixes for armed civilians introduced with ArmA 3 Alpha 0.54 ghillie suit containerclass changed to Supply100 new unit: diver medic GLT Units Iran Men cfgGroups has been fixed new units: officer, diver medic GLT Items backpacks, headgears and uniforms have been moved from GLT Units Civ Men to GLT items Dora backpack maximumLoad increased to 240 new items: Ion Sys Cap, Greek Police Cap new items added to headgear box New: GLT Heads new face: dead man's face New: GLT Units PMC Men new units: security specialist, security specialist with vest, pilot New: GLT Units PMC Air AH-9, MH-9, Ka-60 with PMC pilot The missions have been made compatible with ArmA 3 Alpha 0.54 (weapon classname changes). Additionally there is one new mission and some new units and items. - - - - The download link in the 1st post of this thread has been updated!