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King Haggis

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Everything posted by King Haggis

  1. King Haggis

    LOD bug

    Hi folks! Now this may be entirely related to my current hardware setup but I'm experiencing a weird bug with ArmA 2 and especially with Arrowhead. I purchased Arrowhead this week because we sometimes have a hard time finding good warfare servers and decided to take the battle to Takistan this Autumn season. The bug: I'm running the game with every setting maxed out except fillrate (@100%) and AA and Post Processing disabled. There are certain objects that just won't switch to high detail textures. They just remain very low detail. In ArmA 2 I sometimes had that problem but it would be random. Sometimes it would be a jeep that was low detail, sometimes it would be a different vehicle or soldier that would be low detail. But with Arrowhead there are a few models that just won't load into high detail. I haven't checked them all yet but the Merlin, the Wildcat, the KA-137 and the KA-60 all appear in very low detail and I've tried everything but can't get them to show properly. There is also a certain type of tree that won't switch to high detail. The rest of the game looks good, as sharp as ever and the game runs 100% smoothly. It's just a shame I can't enjoy the helicopter models the way they should be. I'm running a fresh, virusfree Windows 7 64-bit installation. I have the latest Nvidia drivers. This bug has been with me since ArmA 2 and I've updated my drivers and reinstalled Windows at least 10x since. In ArmA 2 it was random, with Arrowhead it's a constant bug with certain models so it should be easier to test/fix. I'm experiencing no graphics artifacts in this game and none in other games, just the LOD bug. I've tried adding this to the shortcut: -world=empty -cpucount=4 -winxp -nosplash. I've tried disabling hyperthreading. I've tried running the game from a different HDD (not tried with Arrowhead but last year with ArmA 2). I've tried renaming to crysis.exe. Unless there is a fix for this in some config file, I'm really out of options here. :( I have a 1366 i7 mainboard, 6GB triple channel Kingston memory, run ArmA 2 and Arrowhead off a Kingston SSD, GeForce GTX480 and a 120Hz monitor with 120Hz set to the config file (only change I ever made). I have my CPU overclocked @4GHz. but the bug has always been there with ArmA 2 even when I ran the game with stock CPU settings. With ArmA 2 the bug didn't really bother me because it wasn't always there but now it gets annoying. Any suggestions? :bounce3:
  2. King Haggis

    LOD bug

    I see! Thanks for all the help. Oooowwww I feel so embarrassed now. Please remove this thread before the whole ArmA community comes and laugh. The next time I show up in a warfare match the enemy will shout: look it's the LOD bug guy, now we'll surely win! And my teammates won't sit next to me in a jeep or helicopter. :p
  3. King Haggis

    LOD bug

    I just have Arrowhead. So that may be the issue here? I haven't really checked the new content of Arrowhead, I just bought it, dropped a Merlin chopper in the editor and noticed the extremely low level of detail. Should that be the issue then?? If so, thanks for solving that "problem", it was really giving me headaches :D. All "old" ArmA 2 models look fine and most new models too. So it's normal the models look like crap if you don't own PMC and BAF DLC? Then it's a problem solved. Here is an example of low LOD choppers in Arrowhead without PMC and BAF DLC, is this normal? Apache and most other choppers and tanks look good: THANKS!
  4. King Haggis

    You love Green land or Dessert POLL

    2nd that. I love the woods of Chernarus. Woods and hilly green farmland with bushes and rivers is my favourite terrain :-D Doesn't mean everybody else has to share that opinion of course. What would really be awesome for ArmA 3 is season textures. I always play Chernarus with the Beton and Bushlurker summer vegetation addon. Would be nice to see snow in winter and green leaves in summer/spring. Apart from that, I'm looking forward to ArmA 3 whatever the developers will make of it. I'm sure it'll be the best game ever as were it's predecessors.
  5. King Haggis

    You love Green land or Dessert POLL

    I like green hilly farmland with lots of woods or Scandinavian like terrain with rough mountains. Chernarus, Kolgujev and Everon were awesome, more like that please. Snowy terrain would be nice too.
  6. Yeah, I've had the missing apache bug too. All is running good again now so I'm happy. Thanks for the tip, from now on I'll remove the beta folder instead of using the uninstall.
  7. Hi folks, I've just set up a dedicated server for our clan and everything works so far. The only problem I have, and I'm not even sure it's a problem, is that sometimes it seems players aren't able to connect to the server. I can join the server, 3 of my friends can join the server and a couple of other random players sometimes join the server but everytime I play and somebody connects there is a 75% chance you see the player disconnecting after 30 seconds or so. When I check the logfile I can't really tell the reason why those players disconnect. It just says "Player Example connecting" and a few seconds later "Player Example disconnected". I'm having a hard time believing this is a coincedence. It's weird because myself and a few others have no problems connecting at all. Is it possible that those guys have a too high ping and that's why they can't connect? Yesterdayevening I was hosting a warfare game and of the 6 players that connected only 2 stayed and played. Maybe the others decided to press ESCAPE while connecting but I'm afraid my server is blocking them for some reason. Maybe those people are hackers or they use unsigned MODs or something? I can't find any evidence of that in the logfile, just connected, then disconnected. Maybe it's nothing to worry about but I would like to know for sure. We host Warfare BE latest version with no MODs. I only added a bisign key for those who want to connect with Beton and Bushlurkers vegetation addon so Chernarus looks like summer instead of autumn. Works fine when I connect. Two of my friends can join that way too and another friend just uses plain vanilla ArmA 2 with no MODs and he can join too so I guess it's set up allright. Could somebody be so kind to check if my settings are allright? Thank you! :bounce3: // // server.cfg // // comments are written with "//" in front of them. // GLOBAL SETTINGS hostname = "[NL] FREEDOM - Home of the Chosen Clan"; // The name of the server that shall be displayed in the public server list password = ""; // Password for joining, eg connecting to the server passwordAdmin = ";)"; // Password to become server admin. When you're in Arma MP and connected to the server, type '#login xyz' reportingIP = "armedass.master.gamespy.com"; // This is the default setting. If you change this, your server //reportingIP = arma2pc.master.gamespy.com"; // In case of ArmA2 might not turn up in the public list. Leave empty for private servers logFile = "server_console.log"; // Tells ArmA-server where the logfile should go and what it should be called // WELCOME MESSAGE ("message of the day") // It can be several lines, separated by comma // Empty messages "" will not be displayed at all but are only for increasing the interval motd[] = { "", "", "", "Welcome to the Chosen Clan server", "This server is being maintained by GEPO-systems, we use a 60Mbit cable connection", "You're free to play here but cheating and teamkilling will result in permanent ban!", "Try to maintain teambalance, speak only Dutch, English or German", "Last of all, HAVE FUN AND ENJOY YOUR DAY ON THE BATTLEFIELD !" }; motdInterval = 10; // Time interval (in seconds) between each message // JOINING RULES checkfiles[] = {}; // Outdated. maxPlayers = 20; // Maximum amount of players. Civilians and watchers, beholder, bystanders and so on also count as player. kickDuplicate = 0; // Each ArmA version has its own ID. If kickDuplicate is set to 1, a player will be kicked when he joins a server where another player with the same ID is playing. verifySignatures = 1; // Verifies the players files by checking them with the .bisign signatures. Works properly from 1.08 on equalModRequired = 0; // Outdated. If set to 1, player has to use exactly the same -mod= startup parameter as the server. // VOTING voteMissionPlayers = 0; // Tells the server how many people must connect so that it displays the mission selection screen. voteThreshold = 0.50; // 33% or more players need to vote for something, for example an admin or a new map, to become effective // INGAME SETTINGS disableVoN = 0; // If set to 1, Voice over Net will not be available vonCodecQuality = 7; // Quality from 1 to 10 persistent = 1; // If 1, missions still run on even after the last player disconnected. // SCRIPTING ISSUES onUserConnected = ""; // self-explaining onUserDisconnected = ""; doubleIdDetected = ""; regularCheck = ""; // some ArmA specific stuff - signature verification onUnsignedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // unsigned data detected onHackedData = "kick (_this select 0)"; // tampering of the signature detected onDifferentData = "0"; // data with a valid signature, but different version than the one present on server detected BattlEye = 1; //Server to use BattlEye system // MISSIONS CYCLE (see below) class Missions {};
  8. Hey, wanted to tell you all how much of a succes our new server is. Yesterday we had lots of people joining the server. Seems all is fine after all. Thanks for the help! But now I've got a new problem. When I uninstalled a beta patch and installed a new one, the arma2server.exe file got deleted. I did this on the server to show a friend of mine how to install beta files for ArmA 2. At first I didn't think it would be a big problem cause I've also got ArmA 2 on my home computer and can upload the exe to the server with remote login. But now I see I don't have the arma2server.exe on my home pc either. I always play with beta's. Seems these betapatches just delete the arma2server.exe when you uninstall them :) Now, when I want to get the arma2server.exe file back I have to reinstall the 1.05 patch but it tells me it won't install cause the arma2server.exe file is missing. And since I can't find a downloadable arma2server.exe v1.05 anywhere on the internet, I'm now forced to uninstall the game, install it again and reinstall the 1.05 patch to get my precious server file back. Noooooo!!!! Stupid betas! Did anyone else using the betas have this problem? I know I'll copy my arma2server.exe to a safe place as soon as I get it back again :-) It would be nice if BIS made the file officially available for download on their site instead of just including it in the patch.
  9. Yesterday evening we had a very nice warfare match. Smooth performance and no problems with players connecting and disconnecting. I think everything works allright. Thanks for the help guys!
  10. Thanks, yeah, I did that a few times the first day I ran the server but I forgot what it said. I'll try again tomorrow, maybe this evening.
  11. Well, so far no response I see. Yesterdayevening we were playing Warfare again and this time we had a record of 6 players playing at once in the server. But still I saw people connecting and disconnecting after a few seconds. After a few hours one person with a high ping got kicked and he couldn't reconnect again. Each time he tried to reconnect we got a signature timeout error or something. I went back to the desktop and restarted ArmA 2 to check if I could get in but I too was getting kicked with a signature timout error even though my ping was only 16 at that moment. I logged in remotely to restart the server and all was well again. Now I have added "{}" behind the recularcheck command and will see how this goes. I hope we'll all get a stable connection, cause so far, once you're connected to our server every goes supersmooth. I have a ping of 24 and my friends 16 and 30 and there's absolutely no noticable lag for us and I can set graphics to full with a 4000 viewrange so apart from the random kicks and reconnectionproblems I'm quite happy. I'll let you guys know if the regularcheck command has worked.
  12. King Haggis


    Yeah, I was talking about the summervegetation for Chernarus. Looks so nice :-) I already thought about what you said. I think I'll send the admins of the server an e-mail. After all, this is not a cheat, just summer instead of autumn.
  13. King Haggis


    I hope this addon will become a bit more popular. It seems a lot of people aren't aware of your efforts. I already liked the Chernarus landscape but now it feels a whole lot better. I hope this addon will soon get some real attention so we can all enjoy ArmA 2 with nice green summertime scenery. It's so incredibly awesome! Like I said before, I wish my favourite Warfare servers wouldn't kick me for using this mod.
  14. King Haggis


    Guys, thanks for making my day! I've been waiting for a summer texture pack for ArmA 2 a long time and now that it's here it's great! Today I've had the best ArmA 2 experience ever. No more brown trees but nice sunny weather and green forests. Best addon ever!!! THANKS! Now it would be nice if warfare servers wouldn't kick me for using this addon.
  15. King Haggis

    Patch 1.05 Satisfaction Survey

    Great news, I've been looking forward to the new official patch ever since I heard the Apache and the new Warfare game mode would be included. I always play with the latest beta so I'm already used to the performace increase. I'm at work now and ready to go home, can't wait to try out the Apache campaign. In the beta patches I noticed a huge performance increase regarding stuttering while in towns and while flying. Somebody in this thread complained about the 1.05 patch performing worse than the beta. I can hardly believe it and hope it's not true. I was already very happy about the accomplishments in the beta patches and although I haven't tested the 1.05 patch yet, I'm sure it'll be a very successful release if it includes all the fixes from the beta. Thanks for the patch BIS and have a very merry Christmas, you've deserved it!
  16. King Haggis

    Patch 1.05 "Announced". Includes AH-64

    It amazes me that there aren't a lot of members who are actually discussing the new Warfare mode. It's what I'm looking forward to most. Can't wait to see what it is exactly and how it works out in multiplayer. Thanks BIS! Not only did you make the 3 best games ever but you continue to amaze me with your "free goodies". You did that a lot in the past with your previous games and now again with ArmA 2. You guys rule! *fanboymode off*
  17. Note that bad overclocks can cause your game to stutter. I once had my CPU set to 3.8 GHz. and the game flew like sh** off a shovel. In other words, it was awesome. Next day, I raised my clockspeed to 4.0GHz. and tried an as low as possible CPU voltage for that clockspeed. The system was running stable and Fraps monitored a higher framerate within ArmA 2 than with my 3.8 clock but I found the game to run very sluggish. Upping the voltage made the game smooth again. Maybe more people have that problem, trying to keep their voltages as low as possible and their clocks as high as possible may give weird results in ArmA 2. My game runs ultrasmooth now that my system is correctly overclocked. And agreed about the USB HDD's. They suck. Better buy E-SATA HDD's or decent internal SSD's or regular SATA's. USB is made to connect printers and webcams :-) Just my 2 cents...
  18. King Haggis

    I suck what am I doing wrong?

    I usually drive to a town in an ambulance so I can respawn. First thing I do is try and take a little camp outside the village so you can respawn even when your ambulance is destroyed. Watch out for the machinegun nests. You can take those out from a distance with the Javelin or the Metis if you're russian. Or you can sneak around them and shoot the machinegunner with a silenced pistol, then take the camp, buy new Javelins there and destroy all heavy armor with it. If you have a camp, you have access to an arsenal and then it gets easier. Take out as much infantry and armor as you can, try to keep your camp and if things get safer, move to the main bunker and capture the town. Also, paratroopers can come in handy if you need to keep the enemy occupied when they're too much for you to handle on your own. A paratroop drop can cost lots of money though and your commander needs to upgrade the base to make them available. Paratroopers are expensive but can sometimes be well worth it. You can also buy AI at the main base to accompany you. It's cheaper that way but it's harder to place them in positions you want them to when a town is heavily defended. A paratroop drop can be performed on every spot of the map. Move to the next town and leave the paratroops to defend the town you just occupied. If you don't leave a town defended, chances are the town will be recaptured by enemy AI after about 5 minutes and you'll have to keep getting back to retake the town. After a while, you get the hang of it and the real surprises come from enemy human players. These tactics always work quite well for me. Good luck! ---------- Post added at 11:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 PM ---------- And like brit~XR, I mainly use the DMR when I'm playing with Blufor. I think it's the best rifle on the blue side by far. A bit less accurate than the Dragunov i.m.o but just as fast and with a bigger magazine. My Opfor weapon of choice is the Dragunov. Fast rate of fire and highly accurate at close and medium distances. The bigger sniperrifles have a too low rate of fire for close encounters and the "standard" assault rifles are only useful for close encounters. Also, get good hardware. Use a widescreen monitor with a widescreen resolution, high framerates help enormously, find low ping servers and use a good mouse. Use freelook often! I have my freelook enabled when I click my scrollwheel. It's very handy when you have a good position in which you don't want to move your body so you're not to be noticed but you do want to look around. I LOVE freelook in games! Also, the commandview is VERY handy but I actually think of it as a bit of cheating. But as long as anybody can use it, why shouldn't you?
  19. King Haggis

    Snow.... Winter... Snowfall?

    I was about to make a request in the addon/request topic when I noticed this. With Christmas coming, I'd love to play some ArmA 2 multiplayer with friends on a big winter version of Chernarus, or any map for that matter as long as it has lots of snow. My friends and I absolutely loved the Winter Everon addon for Operation Flashpoint. I don't remember who made it but it was awesome. We had a good time on that map for lots of winter months but now that ArmA 2 is here, it would be even better to have a new winter map with the ArmA 2 engine. A winter Chernarus makeover would definitely suffice. If any modder is bored or doesn't know what to do with his talents a winter map would be thankfully appreciated. Ah... the memories.... Chris Rea's "driving home for Christmas" on the background with lots of shooting on a snowmap. Yeah, I'm pretty nuts :-)
  20. I have no problems with soldiers with rolled up sleeves. I hope BIS focusses more on important things like more realism for weapons & vehicles and better flightmodels with working MFD's and countermeasures, better performance, better AI, better damagemodel, etc. (ArmA 2 is already great, lets make it even better!) But of course you can wish for soldiers with rolled down sleeves :-)
  21. King Haggis

    Bayonet/knife poll

    It would be nice to have a knife or bayonet but I think out of 1000 AI kills I make in ArmA 2, there would only be 1 or 2 bayonet kills. It's usually hard enough to kill AI's even with a decent rifle when their skill level is set to high but I have stumbled upon very incompetent players during my many Warfare sessions. Would be nice to kill them in an original way, so yes please!
  22. King Haggis

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    Hi, thanks for your answer. I didn't know the Little Bird was featured in the expansion pack, so thanks for letting me know. I don't really like to download addons cause they most likely won't be used in the warfare servers anyway and that's what I play most. And I know this topic is a request for what to add in the coming patch and I really didn't expect BIS to add a Little Bird in their next patch, maybe 5 patches later. But I do know sometimes extra content like aircraft gets added with a patch. They've done that before with Flashpoint and ArmA so it's not entirely useless to request the Little Bird i.m.o. :). But since the Little Bird is already coming for the expansion pack (what I didn't know), I'm sure it won't get added to ArmA 2 in a patch. The rest of what I mentioned however, I do see as bugs and I do hope those issues get fixed.
  23. King Haggis

    Patch 1.05 suggestions

    I keep having the text from the actionmenu in front of my view. When I scroll up or down once and click the right mouse button, it's gone. But it'll pop up very soon after a while and I have to repeat the same steps again. I.E.: The text also always shows up when I enter a vehicle and go driving. Then I'll have something like "lock" or "options" in front of me and it won't go away until I repeat the above step. Note that I'm not sure if this happens in singleplayer mode cause I never play singleplayer but it happens every time I play warfare. Also, I think the new quick command menu is very annoying. Normally, you would get a commandlist with all options, now you'll get a shorter command list with the most used options and you can get the full list by pressing the backspace key first and then selecting your units. I think I'd rather have the old ArmA 1 command menu back. The most annoying thing however, is that I always get the command menu when viewing the map. It overlays the map screen so I can't use it. I have to follow weird steps to get the command menu gone so I can start moving and zooming the map again. ArmA 2 is the best game ever but it would be even better if the annoying commandscreen would start acting like it should and the text in the middle of your screen should go away after 2 seconds or so without having to use the scrollkey + mouseclick or pressing backspace. Maybe I'm doing something wrong and it isn't ArmA 2's fault. In that case, please help me get rid of the annoying pop up text from the action menu. Also, fix performance. I have a fast rig and get decent framerates somewhere around 30fps in Warfare but ArmA 1 was much smoother and I feel sorry for the people who don't have a fast PC. Also, please bring back the Little Bird or another agile chopper. The airunits that come with ArmA 2 are all very nice but very sluggish. I'd love to see the quick and responsive Little Bird back (not having the LB isn't a bug of course). I hope one day we'll get countermeasures for aircraft. Nothing is more annoying than buying an expensive Kamov in warfare, lifting off with it and getting a missile up your a** without knowing you were locked and without having the ability to do something about it. Makes aircraft a bit useless, i.m.o. Apart from these little annoyances, I just love ArmA 2, so don't get me wrong :-)
  24. King Haggis

    Namalsk island, v1.10

    Wow, it's not often that I'm impressed with a fan made island for Flashpoint, ArmA or ArmA 2 but this and Dreide Island are my favourites. This island is good enough to become "official" ArmA 2 stuff, when the small problems are worked out. I hope there'll be warfare versions hosted in the future. I would LOVE to play multiplayer warfare on this great map!!! I'm afraid now it'll just sit on my harddrive waiting to be explored once a year. Great job, absolutely fantastic map!
  25. King Haggis

    Dragon Rising has been released

    "looks thru mirror at himself while trying to hypnotize himself" Sounds like a good idea. You really need brain reprogramming if you say ArmA 2 terrain sucks.