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Everything posted by kingnl

  1. Nice mission! Could you make helo taxi cost 0 cp? It's really boring when you have to travel for 10 to 15 minuts to reach the AO. Do other people also get an extreme amount of fog in the mission? I can hardly see further than 200 meters.
  2. I hope you guys can find some solutions, because besides the abysmal walrus pathfinding, the game itself is great and a blast to play :)
  3. kingnl

    Destroying Ports?

    Destroying ports will stop the island from contributing to the supply chain. So as long the port is destroyed, e.g. a mining island will not give resources. You can do this if you don't want to conquer an island. Destroying a radar installation will lower the telemetry range of the enemy's ai units. This means they will still attack you, but they cannot chase you very far off. Patrols also won't be ably to travel as far as before.
  4. kingnl

    Suppy Barque Location

    The supply barque leaves from the stockpile island. The stockpile status also gives the island a production factory. So if you set a defense island as the stockpile, it will also count to production! Don't forget to read the manual. You can find it in the root folder of the game.
  5. Beta installer was around 1.3 GB
  6. The BIS Store still says you can pre-order, while the game should be already released! Do they have problems again, like with the beta3 release? Do we have to wait until next week?
  7. kingnl


    You cant use it in the beta. You'll have to wait until the full game has been released.
  8. kingnl

    Beta 3 bug reports

    That's because you have to register for the bug tracker. Just make a new account and start reporting bugs! The bug tracker is the only place the devs will look for bug reports. The two bugs I have reported during beta1 and 2, are both fixed in this beta3.
  9. kingnl

    Beta 3 bug reports

    I'm glad they added the tooltips and freelook. It's now also possible to produce items when you don't have the full amount of credits yet. For the pathfinding, let's hope they will figure something out for that. The idea of using tracks instead of wheels sounds like an intriguing idea. Timewarp. Timewarp is better for performance. I haven't an option yet to activate timewarp when you want to wait for something to build, but with the continuous production even when you don't have enough resources, production goes way quicker now. So I don't know if I still want a timewarp for skipping time.
  10. kingnl

    Beta 3 Now?

    I hope the game itself will be released in time. If they cannot even make an installer for a beta in 2 weeks time, I fear for the worst.
  11. Monday it is then. It's good to get more information. Now we aren't in the dark about the delay and can look forward to Monday. I'm still glad we'll get a beta3, even when the game will be released at the end of this month!
  12. The store is working again.
  13. Nice! I look forward to the new beta. Can't wait to try it out!
  14. If an editor version would be released in the future, what would that editor version entail?
  15. Thank you for the info, finally word from the dev team. When the new beta is released, I will sure report bugs again. At least if I can find any at all :) It might be wise to make a new sticky in this forum with the message a new beta is coming. When the new beta is out, I would also make a sticky announcement in this forum that the new beta is out.
  16. I didn't see this on the first page. Can we finally tell the ai in a plane or helicopter to land? And tell the helicopter ai where to land? It would be really nice to see this basic feature in arma3.
  17. Yeah, it's really sucks there is no official resposne or whatsoever from BIS. Not even a sticky with a response telling us what's going on with CC:GM or a BIS response within a topic. It's like BIS employees working on CC:GM are forbidden to talk with us. A single message from BIS could make things much more clearer for everybody. Although, I have enjoyed playing the current state of CC:GM released to us.
  18. kingnl

    User mission requests!

    I'm looking for missions or campaigns for island Lingor. It's a great island, but there aren't any missions/campaings made for it. Only a couple. Preferably a dynamic mission, so I can replay it, since the lack of love for this island will probably continue :(
  19. kingnl

    Does jogging and running seem odd?

    This. Also people seem to forget that arma is configurable! So They probably have set floating zone and headblob to zero, to make presenting easier. Just like the recruit difficulty third person crosshair. This is also a WIP in alpha state. Everything Will be fine tuned and alpha Will give us the chance to even fine tune it further.
  20. Did anyone try the new adaptive vsync yet? It's a god's blessing for me. I normally have around 45 to 50 fps, but it doesn't feel fluently. This is because the frame rate can go between 30 and 80 fps for me, making the game feel choppy. With adaptive vsync you have the option to lock it to half fps. So vsync with 30 fps. This means no frame rate continuously changing between 30 and 80 fps making the game feel choppy, but constantly a smooth 30 fps.
  21. kingnl

    Operation E3

    CAM2 guy just said he is searching for ARMA 3. http://e3.gamespot.com/live-cam-tour-2/live-cam-day-1/
  22. kingnl

    Ps3 Eye Camera for Arma 2

    1) That picture on amazon is a genuine Ps3Eye. 2) Yes it can deliver 120fps but only on a resolution of 320x240. I would advise you to use the 640x480 resolution on 60 fps. That's fast enough. 3) The program has no noticeable impact for me, but I use a intel core i7 processor (Quad Core). So that is to be expected. I also happen to use a ps3eye with facetracking :P It works really well, but it is a pain to correctly configure the software. But it can properly track my face and the inbuilt microphone is also of a SUPERIOR quality. Seriously! You also want to check out the facetracknoir Arma topic. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?100530-Update-FaceTrackNoIR&highlight=ps3eye+facetrack If you used the search button, you had found that topic.
  23. kingnl

    Aiming Accuracy in Arma 3

    I hop BIS will implement VBS2 style of aiming. It's a perfect system. Long distance shots will take a couple seconds longer, because you have to hold your breath and line up your shot. And close quarters will still be the same. since the weapon sway is not noticable at that range. This should also stop the 300 meter laser shots with iron sights.
  24. kingnl

    What's the point of playing Vanilla Style?

    Then you'll also like the new trees BIS are copying from BF3. (check from 0:30 in the video)I don't think BIS is copying from BF3. They are just implementing new additions that are standard for the industry now. Every game has ragdolls nowadays. The floating camera is probably just a toned down setting of headblob. It's still WIP and i'm sure we can choose our own sensitivity for headblob again. The lightning system is much better then in BF3. You dont even have a sun in BF3. It's just part of the skybox, just like the clouds are part of the skybox. BIS lightning is nothing like BF3 lightning. BIS lightning is much better. I think the new lightning system in arma3 is amazing. How the light really changes depending on the weather condition or whether the sun is hiding behind an actual volumetric cloud. OT: I still enjoy playing ARMA2CO vanilla. You read that correctly, vanilla. The game is good enough for me in vanilla and I'm sure that with all the additions A3 will get, A3 vanilla will be enjoyable to. It feels authentic, it is fun to play and I don't really miss something. They have added enough for ARMA2CO to be fun to play.
  25. kingnl

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    Thank you for making this great mod Jarhead! The game is so immersive with this sound mod! Especially when playing online. Actually hearing the rest having fire fights. Those fire fights sound so much better now. I can just sit still and listen to the great sounds.