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Everything posted by JuggernautOfWar

  1. JuggernautOfWar

    How many people own this whole series of games?

    OFP, OFP Dragon Rising, ArmA, ArmA II, ArmA II OA, ArmA II OA BAF
  2. JuggernautOfWar

    AI Still Stubborn

    Yes Psycho that would be a very nice feature. However I think we should stick to the actual problem itself, rather than letting the thread turn into an "AI suggestion thread". I want to make it clear to the developers this is not a mere suggestion; but rather a serious flaw in a central game mechanic which must be resolved.
  3. JuggernautOfWar

    AI Still Stubborn

    Baz I think that is a problem with the mission itself, though unsure.
  4. JuggernautOfWar

    Arma 2 Addon request thread

    I'd love to fly around a Mil Mi-26 helicopter - the largest helicopter ever produced - for a massive troop drop or, even better yet, as a means of transporting light vehicles such as the UAZ. Here's a link to some more information about the aircraft. They aren't exactly rare with 276 being built since '81.
  5. JuggernautOfWar

    AI Still Stubborn

    Yes it's happening with the latest beta build. Has been since one of the more recent ArmA 2 patches, and carried over into Operation Arrowhead. EDIT: You can easily notice the red crosshair in your squad mate's icon. Even if there's no combat for five(!) minutes, if there's any enemy in a pretty huge radius of your squad they will all stay in "combat mode" thus ignoring all orders. Even if you tell them "at ease" they still tout that red crosshair and hunker down. Makes it next to impossible to quickly evac from an area, such as a CASEVAC. What really pisses me off: If there's enemies within that 'danger radius' of your squad it doesn't even matter if they can see them or not. For example; I once had a team who were stuck in this "danger mode" because there were enemies nearby but hadn't been in a engagement for a few minutes. My team lost track of the enemies and were still in danger mode, but there was nothing in the target order menu because my team didn't see the enemies. Basically they thought there were enemies close by and wouldn't follow my orders because of this. In reality there was very little danger because of a lack of gunfire for a prolonged period of time, so they should have got up off their bellies and followed my orders.
  6. JuggernautOfWar

    AI Still Stubborn

    I still don't understand why BIS hasn't introduced a fix for it yet. How long has this been a problem? Since OA came out right?
  7. I second this. I want to download it rather than stream it on that site.
  8. Is anybody still getting the "AI stuck in combat mode" issue found here?
  9. JuggernautOfWar

    AI Still Stubborn

    Seems they thought they fixed it.
  10. So anyway, does anybody have any ideas on either what kylania said or about my issue? Oops I meant to edit, sorry for double post.
  11. Oh my god really!? Yeah but there's no way they're gonna port that to the ArmA 2 version of the engine. :( Look how long it took them to get the heat signature mapping over to ArmA 2 from VBS2. Nevertheless, you have given me hope!
  12. JuggernautOfWar

    J.S.R.S. 1.5

    I'm sure this has been asked a million times already, but a search yielded a lot of undesirable results. How do I get this running in OA running the latest beta patch and ACE2? I have a launcher so I don't need to know exact command line parameters, but launch order and that sorta thing would help. Thanks. EDIT: Oh and does this require Combined Operations? I have CO, but I prefer to just run OA independently.
  13. How do I load a nuclear weapon onto an aircraft? Thank you. Same here.
  14. JuggernautOfWar

    Head Bob...how many use?

    I use the default 50% head bob.
  15. JuggernautOfWar

    Quite The Clusterf***

    Okay so I run Ace2 1.5 with @JTD and @WarFX. How do I run Combined Operations (both games), with all my mods, in the most recent beta patch, through Steam? I've thought about this and got royally confused, maybe because I just woke up. Anyway any help would be much appreciated. Thanks. :rolleyes: Oh and on a side note: When can us Steam users purchase the British forces pack?
  16. JuggernautOfWar

    Six Updater Suite Issues

    I don't know where else to go, so I figured I'd start a new thread about this particular issue I'm having with SUS (not ArmA2 itself). I just got back from vacation and all my mods are out of date, so I start up SUS to update them, and it will not detect the game path even though it's the default install directory. Here are two examples of what I'm talking about:
  17. JuggernautOfWar

    WarFX Particles

    omg looking at some of the vids for this I really can't wait for BC to be released! Keep up the great work OS!
  18. As you can see the SUS doesn't recognize the default game directory, there's nothing there.
  19. I do have the latest version of SUS if that's what you're referring to. EDIT: Hmm well maybe I don't. Here it says there's a version 0.3.1, but when I go here the only version to download is 0.24.2. I have version 0.24.3 according to the GUI when I start it up. EDIT2: I uninstalled and reinstalled SUS and it still cannot find the directory, even though it's in the normal place. This truly has me puzzled.
  20. JuggernautOfWar

    Quite The Clusterf***

    I got it all working using the launcher GROM so generously provided. But now I'm running into this problem when trying to update ACE: http://i329.photobucket.com/albums/l385/JuggernautOfWar/Capture.jpg 142 kb
  21. Yup. The problem appears to be SUS is looking in Libraries for the game, when it should be looking under C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common. It does say the folder is not "set", which makes me think I can manually set the target directory, though I am unsure. SUS used to work flawlessly for me all the time. I come back from vacation and now it doesn't work, haven't changed a thing.
  22. Well ladies and gents... I looked all around the forums and the wiki. I found no reports of a similar issue with a normal Steam installation. I'm totally clueless, what do I do?
  23. It's not a custom installation though.
  24. So how do I manually set the game directory in the Six Updater? When I press "Open ArmAfolder" it takes me to my Libraries folder, not the game directory.
  25. JuggernautOfWar

    Quite The Clusterf***

    Oooh that's amazing! Thank you for that. I can figure everything else out, but I can't actually select my mods to run as the game launches. Double clicking and right clicking wont work, and there doesn't seem to be any buttons around that add the mods to the startup params.